
  1. 1925年,约翰•罗杰•贝尔德(JohnLogieBaird)想让人们相信,他最新发明的东西将大获成功。遗憾的是,当他跑去《每日快报》(DailyExpress)伦敦办公室推销,却很快就被打发了。

    In 1925 , John Logie Baird wanted toconvince the public that his latest invention would be a great success.Unfortunately , when he arrived at the London offices of the Daily Express , hissales pitch was quickly dismissed .

  2. 呵呵。这花是要送给一位打来我办公室推销的好姑娘。

    These are actually for a nice woman who makes sales calls to my office .

  3. 前一阵子,一位小贩到我的办公室推销现场培训课程,临走的时候,送我一个泡沫塑料足球。

    A while back , a vendor came to my desk for on-site training and left me with a promotional foam football .

  4. 他喜欢推销,不喜欢坐办公室,因为推销可以使他到处走动。

    He likes selling rather than office work because it keeps him on the move .