
lì zuò
  • masterpiece;best work
  • work hard;toil
力作 [lì zuò]
  • (1) [engage in farming, writing,etc.]∶努力劳作

  • 耕田力作

  • (2) [masterpiece]∶精心完成的作品

  • 这个剧本是他晚年的力作

  1. 物理学史名著《内界》是阿伯拉罕·派斯(AbrahamPais)撰写的一部力作。

    The famous book 《 Inward Bound 》 written by Abraham Pais is a masterpiece in physical history .

  2. 在一次预映中他让我看了他最近的一部力作。

    He showed me his latest masterpiece in a sneak preview .

  3. 这本书是继她的优秀电视系列片之后的又一力作。

    The book is a follow-up to her excellent television series .

  4. 文中用ANSYS软件结构静力分析方法,对岩体应力作了分析研究,划分了构造应力区。

    The rock mass stress and tectonic stress zones are analyzed with ANSYS Program .

  5. 两位美国学者史蒂芬·霍姆斯和卡什·R·孙斯坦撰写的《权利的成本》一书则是力图改变上述缺憾的一部力作。

    The Cost of Rights by Stephen Holmes and Cass R.Sunstein is an effort trying to make up for this regret .

  6. 该片是《X战警:未来昔日》的续集,也是《X战警》系列电影的最新力作。我们将在片中看到“X战警”大战恶棍“天启”(Apocalypse)。

    A sequel to X Men : Days of Future Past , the latest instalment in the X Men series will see them fight the villain Apocalypse .

  7. 并基于改进的TFD模型,对任意膜厚下由界面电子转移引起的膜内应力作了理论估算。

    Internal stresses caused by interfacial electron transfer are also calculated using the modified TFD model .

  8. 8岁的加拿大流行歌手比伯在演唱“boyfriend”,以及他和饶舌歌手BigSean合作的最新力作“AsLongAsYouLoveMe”时,引发全场高潮。

    Canadian pop star Bieber , 18 , received a loud welcome as he performed his song " Boyfriend " and latest single , " As Long As You Love Me " with rapper Big Sean on a futuristic set .

  9. 他10年磨一剑的力作《阿凡达》(Avatar)于本周上映,被誉为现代电影业的一次变革性事件,因为它是第一部使用3D技术进行真人实拍的大片。

    The release this weekend of Avatar , his first film in a decade , has been hailed as a transformative event in modern cinema because it is the first live-action blockbuster to be filmed using 3-D technology .

  10. •今年三月隆重推出的GalaxyS4被标榜为三星创新典范,一款有望超越iPhone5的力作。

    • the galaxy S4 , which the company released in March to such fanfare , was pitched as a showcase of Samsung innovation and its best shot at overtaking the iPhone 5 .

  11. 上周日在记者云集的巴赛罗纳2015年世界移动通信大会上,三星发布了Galaxy系列手机的最新力作:galaxys6和S6Edge。

    On Sunday , in a room filled with technology journalists in Barcelona , Samsung used the 2015 installment of Mobile World Congress to announce the latest models of its Galaxy line of smartphones : the S6 and S6 Edge .

  12. 真正的重磅力作可能是讴歌NSX,这是一款将少量投产并销售的油电混合超级汽车。

    The cherry on top may be Acura NSX , a gas-electric hybrid supercar that will be built and sold in low volume .

  13. 2008年7月11日作者:MaggieLee摘自:《好莱坞报道》作为重现公元208年赤壁之战——中国历史上最有名的军事壮举——的首部力作,吴宇森拍摄的电影《赤壁》是一个泛亚工程项目,足以用“丰碑”一词加以形容。

    July 11 , 2008 By Maggie Lee HONG KONG -- As the first film to re-create the 208 A.D. Battle of Chibi , the most famous military feat in Chinese history , John Woo 's " Red Cliff " is a Pan-Asian project with the word " monumental " written all over it .

  14. 这款名为雪佛兰FNR的车型,可能是雪佛兰迄今为止最不同寻常的概念车,也是其母公司通用汽车真正掷地有声的力作。这款全自动(即自动驾驶)电动车,是泛亚汽车技术中心研发的成果之一。

    Meet the Chevrolet-FNR , perhaps Chevy 's most unusual concept car to date , and a stake-in-the-ground statement from Chevy 's parent , General Motors.The FNR is a fully autonomous - that is , self-driving - electric vehicle , developed as part of PATAC , a joint venture of GM and Chinese automaker SAIC Motors .

  15. 人门习惯于在与自然力作斗争中求生存。

    Men was accustomed to struggling for survial against the elements .

  16. 长期以来,人类一直在同无情的自然力作斗争。

    Man has struggled long against the brute forces of nature .

  17. 变力作功的研究

    A study on the work done by a variable force

  18. 《蝇王》是一部批判人性恶的力作。

    Lord of the Flies is a masterpiece condemning the evilness of humanity .

  19. 文献采访学研究的力作

    The Masterpiece on the Research of Document Acquisition Science

  20. 两个摄影师将会呈献李刚和周军的最新力作。

    Two Photographers will showcase the recent works of Li Gang and Zhou Jun.

  21. 新型高效电磁驱动反力作动器的设计及特性研究

    Design and Performance Research of New-Style and High-Powered Counter-Force Actuator of Electromagnetic Drive

  22. 梅尔威尔的《白鲸》是一部力作。

    Status Offline Herman Melville 's Moby Dick was a tour de force .

  23. 地方史研究的力作&《大连近百年史》评介

    A Masterpiece on Local Historical Research & Comment on A century history of Dalian

  24. 《小世界》是一部后现代主义力作

    Small World Is a Typical Text of Postmodernism

  25. 除了某特别情况之外,所有动作应以一个向后的反作用力作开始。

    All movements must begin with a backward motion with a very few exceptions .

  26. 《向南》是一部力作。

    Up South is a tour de force .

  27. 她的力作《金色笔记》获得了2007年的诺贝尔文学奖。

    Her masterpiece The Golden Notebook won her Nobel Prize in literature in 2007 .

  28. 关于安培力作功的讨论

    Discussion on work done by ampere - force

  29. 一本深邃明达、启人心智的力作&《语言学和语言的应用》读后

    A review of Application of linguistics and Language

  30. 语言与文化研究的又一力作&《文化语义学》

    Cultural Semantics : Another Great Work on the Study of Language and Culture ;