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  1. 改良Kromer氏法治疗腓侧副韧带体部严重撕裂伤

    Treatment of Severe Splited Injury in the Body of Fibular Collaterale lig . by the Reforming Kromer 's Technique

  2. 半腱肌移位静力性重建修复膝内侧副韧带体部损伤

    Semitendinosus displacement static reconstruction for recovery of injury of caudomedial part medial collateral ligament of knee

  3. 本文讨论了复合材料汽车副簧两端部的磨损机理,防磨设计,耐磨材料的选择及硬度的优化和厚度的计算式。

    The wearing mechanism , wear-resisting design of automobile composite ends of auxiliary spring , the selection , hardness optimization and thickness calculation of wear-resisting material were discussed here .

  4. 静脉血管造影最常见的副作用是手部烧灼感。

    The most common side & effect of venography is burning sensation in the hand .

  5. 国土资源部副部长李元代表部党组对2005年国土资源工作做出部署全面贯彻科学发展观开创国土资源工作新局面

    Implementing the Scientific Concept of Development to Create A New Situation in All Fields of Land and Resources Work

  6. 水汽的源地可以追朔到相当远,主要来自西太平洋副热带高压南部低纬热带地区和印度洋洋面。

    The water source comes from the low latitude south of the subtropical high over the west Pacific and the Indian Ocean .

  7. 后交叉韧带于股骨内侧髁起点处撕脱同时伴内侧副韧带股骨附着部撕脱性骨折1例;

    Posterior cruciate ligament avulsed from its attachment on medial condyle of femur accompanied by medial collateral ligament avulsed from its attachment on femur in one case ;

  8. 中华人民共和国成立后,李四光任中国科学院副院长、地质部部长。

    After the People 's Republic of China was established , Li held the positions of deputy president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and minister of geology .

  9. 北京的基金公司,在市场的副总裁负责银行部的中国基金业将继续增长走出去是一个必要组成部分。

    Beijing Department of fund companies , a bank vice president in charge of the market that China 's fund industry should continue to grow going out is a necessary element .

  10. 这些报告,以及其他由日本驻中国的外交官收集的关于日军在南京罪行的信息,都由广田弘毅送到了梅津美治郎任副大臣的战争部。

    These reports , as well as many others giving information of the atrocities committed at nanking , which were forwarded by members of the Japanese diplomatic officials in china , were forwarded by Hirota to the War Ministry of which Umezu was vice-minister .

  11. 但与企业相比,杂志社的销售部门比较薄弱,主编、副主编、发行部的职能都应该根据市场的需要进行调整和加强,这样才能在社会主义市场经济中求生存、图发展。

    But compared with enterprise , sales department of magazine office is weak . In order to seek survival , pursue to develop in socialist market economy , the function of the edit , associate editor and the distribution department should adjust and strengthen according to the needs of market .

  12. 结果:肘关节外侧副韧带由前束、尺骨外侧副韧带远端部以及尺骨外侧副韧带后端部组成,后端部未出现率为55%,有4种类型。

    Results : The radial collateral ligament of the elbow was composed of an anterior bundle , a proximal bundle , a distal bundle and a posterior bundle , and there were four types .