
jiǎn cǎi yí shì
  • ribbon-cutting ceremony
  1. 在剪彩仪式结束一小时后,店里就空旷无人。

    An hour after a ribbon-cutting ceremony it was deserted .

  2. 市长被邀请参加新商业街的剪彩仪式。

    The mayor was invited to the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new business arcade .

  3. 我们的任务包括每天前往施工现场,参加剪彩仪式,出席饭局。

    Our responsibilities would include making daily trips to the construction site , attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony , and hobnobbing .

  4. 皇室成员参加剪彩仪式可能会戴的细羊毛手套(最高155英镑)。

    and fine wool pairs of the type a royal might wear to a ribbon-cutting event ( up to £ 155 ) .

  5. 为了庆祝中心的成立,他们在台上举行了剪彩仪式,并用泡沫拼出了欧盟旗帜和美国国旗。

    To celebrate , they snipped a ribbon unfurled across the stage and assembled a foam puzzle showing the European Union and US flags .

  6. 现在租个白人就省事多了,也便宜多了。你可以让他们参加各种会议、剪彩仪式、新闻发布会等等。

    It 's a lot cheaper to rent white dudes and tote them around at your conferences , ribbon-cutting ceremonies , press conferences , etc.

  7. 若是这样,今后将会有更多的剪彩仪式,而中国企业在英国的合作伙伴将会受益良多&包括花商。

    If so , there will be plenty more ribbon-cutting ceremonies and British partners of Chinese companies , including florists , should do very nicely .

  8. 两周前举办的那场剪彩仪式,是为了庆祝这个前哨的正式成立。长安汽车希望该研究中心能够帮助它吸收西方技术,提升自己在价值链上的位置。

    The ribbon-cutting ceremony a fortnight ago celebrated the opening of an outpost that Chang'an hopes will help it move up the value chain by assimilating western technology .

  9. 上周四,麦克格雷迪访问了该小学,为他的另一援助项目筹集资金,并参加了他本人筹建的一个机构的剪彩仪式。

    McGrady visited the school Thursday to begin raising money for his next project and to attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new facility that he helped build .

  10. 跳远前倾式离板和摆动腿的摆动对起跳的作用把剪彩仪式搞得这么隆重,纯粹是摆花架子。

    The function of forward-leaning leaving board and swinging of the swinging leg on takeoffs in long jump ; Such a ceremonious opening , but it had nothing practical in it .

  11. 当天,布莱尔在伦敦出席了时装零售培训学院新校址的剪彩仪式,这位平日里总是西装革履的首相先生首次向外界透露了自己在时尚方面的失败经历。

    Blair , normally a man for a sober suit-and-tie combination , lifted the lid on his fashion hell as he attended the opening of the Fashion Retail Academy 's new home in London .