
bō duó
  • deprivation;deprive;denial;strip;rob of;dispossess;expropriate;oust;take away from;snatch from
剥夺 [bō duó]
  • (1) [expropriate;strip;rob of;snatch from;take away from]

  • (2) 盘剥掠夺

  • (3) 强制夺去;依法取消

  • 剥夺选举权

剥夺[bō duó]
  1. 这条法律将剥夺我们最基本的权利。

    This law will deprive us of our most basic rights .

  2. 我们没有权利去剥夺它们的生命。

    We have no right to deprive their life .

  3. 他们遭到监禁并被剥夺了基本权利。

    They were imprisoned and deprived of their basic rights .

  4. 他威胁说如果她拒绝服从就剥夺她的继承权。

    He threatened to disinherit her if she refused to obey .

  5. 我不想剥夺他们这点无伤大雅的乐趣。

    I would not want to deny them a harmless pleasure .

  6. 统治阶层剥夺了我们使用土地的权利。

    We are denied use of the land by the ruling classes

  7. 连年内战剥夺了我们所有人的人性。

    The years of civil war have dehumanized all of us .

  8. 赶时髦的教师正在剥夺孩子学习经典课本的机会。

    Trendy teachers are denying children the opportunity to study classic texts .

  9. 她认为在历史的长河中女性一直是被剥夺了权利的。

    She feels that women have been disempowered throughout history .

  10. 他说共和国现在拥有不可剥夺的自决权。

    He said the republic now had an inalienable right to self-determination .

  11. 对于自己在父亲的遗嘱中被剥夺继承权这件事,菲利浦感到非常生气。

    Philip was pretty miffed at being cut out of his father 's will .

  12. 他们被剥夺了行使最基本的工人权利的资格。

    They are deprived of the ability to exercise the most rudimentary workers ' rights .

  13. 一名高管由于公然批评其老板而被剥夺了所有特权。

    A senior official was stripped of all his privileges for publicly criticising his employer .

  14. 要是他被剥夺了这一意义重大的第三个欧洲冠军头衔,那对他简直是太不公平了。

    It would have been rough justice had he been deprived of this important third European win .

  15. 他们剥夺了大批华侨劳动人民的生活资料,然后将他们扫地出门。

    They deprived a large number of the overseas Chinese of their means of livelihood and drove them out of their residences in dire poverty .

  16. 古老的帝国主义剥夺外国的利益将不包括在我们的计划之内。

    The old imperialism exploitation for foreign profit has no place in our plans .

  17. 从收集到的数据来看,体育赛事、时间变化和假期最常剥夺我们的睡眠。

    From data collected , it seems the things that cause us to lose the most sleep , on average , are sporting events , time changes , and holidays .

  18. 在她即将刑满释放之际,一位著名专栏作家写道,她正在"偿还她的债务","任何人都没有理由试图剥夺她重新开始的权利"

    As she neared the end of her prison sentence , a well-known columnist wrote that she was " paying her dues , " and that " there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew . "

  19. 他们剥夺那罪犯的终身政治权利。

    They deprived the criminal of political rights for all his life .

  20. 白人至上论者想出新的方法以剥夺黑人的公民权

    White supremacists devise new Methods : To disenfranchise Negroes .

  21. 奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私(权)不可剥夺。

    The striver contrives to derive that privacy can 't be deprived .

  22. 电子游戏剥夺了孩子宝贵的童年时光。

    You 're robbing the precious time of children to be children .

  23. 我们被剥夺了作为一个民族治理自己国家的历史权利

    Our historical right to rule ourselves as a people had been negated .

  24. 它肆意地摧毁神话并剥夺了宇宙的神奇和神秘

    It destroys myths and robs the universe of its magic and mystery .

  25. 它骄傲并狡猾,非常喜欢囚禁敌人并剥夺他们的智力

    Proud and intelligent , it takes great pleasure and imprisoning enemies through psionic exploitation .

  26. 抹杀了一个人的独特个性,你其实就是在剥夺他的创造的能力。

    This is , in effect , depriving people of their right to be creative .

  27. 目前我国的资格刑种类简单并且针对性不强,剥夺政治权利的内容不尽合理。

    China 's qualification penalty types of pertinency , simple and contents of deprivation of political rights .

  28. 通过捕杀海鸟,老鼠剥夺了珊瑚礁依靠营养丰富的海鸟粪便作为肥料使其生长的自由。

    By killing4 seabirds , the rats deprive a reef of nutrient-rich seabird droppings that naturally fertilise it .

  29. 根据剥夺法律保护条令,查尔斯-埃佛瑞蒙德,又名达尔内,依法当处以死刑,绝无宽贷

    Charles Evr é monde , called Darnay , in right of such proscription , absolutely Dead in Law .

  30. 这个表达的基本意思就是,一下子就把某人的身份或地位完全剥夺。

    Basically , the word describes any situation in which someone 's position or status is completely stripped away from them in one fell swoop .