
qián yán lǐ lùn
  • frontier theory
  1. 进化博弈理论把博弈论分析和动态进化过程结合起来,是目前经济学领域的前沿理论。

    Evolutionary game theroy that links game theory with dynamic evolution is the frontier theory in the economic field .

  2. 在客户资源的应用方面,本文研究CRM发展的前沿理论&分析型CRM对客户资源进一步的理解和运用。

    In customer application respect of resource , this literary grace spend CRM front theory of development-Understanding and application that analyzing type CRM is further to customer resources .

  3. 产业组织经济学的前沿理论:新SCP结构主义是全面理解和分析产业阶段发展和战略演进轨迹这一逻辑问题的一个理论平台;

    Advanced the theory of industrial organization : SCP Model is the theoretical platform to research on industry development and strategy evolution path .

  4. 金融创新、金融中介与金融市场:前沿理论综述

    The Relationship Among Financial Innovation , Financial Intermediary and Financial Market

  5. 社会建设的前沿理论研究&社会建设问题的社会学思考

    Latest theories in social construction : Sociological reflections on social construction

  6. 信任与企业战略:前沿理论与实证研究

    Trust and Firm Strategy : A Theoretical Frontier and Empirical Study Review

  7. 品牌权益是关于品牌研究的前沿理论。

    Brand equity is a forward theory in brand research .

  8. 国外对金融道德风险研究的前沿理论及防范经验

    World Experience of Combating Financial Moral Hazard and Its Implication for China

  9. 创业研究前沿理论探讨:理论流派与发展趋势

    Entrepreneurship research : Theoretical perspectives and the new trend

  10. 第3章介绍了投资决策的传统理论和前沿理论(实物期权理论和期权博弈理论);

    Chapter 3 introduced the traditional theory of the investment decision and front theory ;

  11. 江苏道路的文明难题与伦理学前沿理论研究

    The Civilized Thorny Problem Of Jiangsu Road ? And Study On Advanced Ethical Theories

  12. 企业家是稀缺性资源。现代企业家理论是经济学研究的前沿理论之一。

    The modern enterpriser theory is one of the forward theories of the economics research .

  13. 要加强对金融基础理论和前沿理论的研究与探索;

    Research on and probe into financial fundamental and forward position theories should be intensified ;

  14. 物流前沿理论与应用刍议

    The Application of Advanced Logistics Theory

  15. 并在此基础上对其研究动态进行总结,指出该领域研究的方向、特点和前沿理论。

    Besides , the research directions , characteristics and advanced theory in the realm are pointed out .

  16. 在这种背景下,治理和善治理论成为国际学术界的前沿理论。

    In this context , governance and good governance theory become the forefront of international academic theory .

  17. 一种前沿理论认为,水使皮肤发生膨胀,从而形成褶皱效果。

    A leading theory had been that water caused the skin to swell , leading to the wrinkling effect .

  18. 鞅论是随机过程的一个前沿理论,近年来,它作为一个强有力的研究工具逐渐向各个学科渗透。

    Martingale is a front theory in stochastic process , recently , it was gradually applied to various discipline .

  19. 这些要素也包含在科学发展的前沿理论中,如混沌理论和耗散结构理论。

    It also contained the leading theory , such as " chaos theory " and " dissipative structure theory " .

  20. 首先,本文运用区域经济学的有关前沿理论,构建了国际间区域经济合作研究的理论框架。

    Firstly , based on related Regional Economics theories , this paper formulates the theory framework of international region economic cooperation .

  21. 类型逻辑语法是当代语言研究的前沿理论,它把范畴语法和类型逻辑语义学接起口来。

    Researches conducted with the type-logical grammar are a frontier area in the syntactically and semantically integrated study of natural languages .

  22. 本文的主要工作、创新如下:①对现代经济增长理论的主要历史演化轨迹作了简要的回顾,对经济增长的前沿理论&内生增长理论进行了详细的阐述。

    This dissertation provides a brief review of modern economic growth theory , and a detailed review of endogenous economic growth theory .

  23. 主要应用当代科学的前沿理论&自组织理论对传统的历史唯物主义关于社会发展动力、条件的原理进行浅析,并对其赋予新的内容,给予哲学自组织理论上的重新解释。

    Self-organization theory was applied to analyse the basic principles of historical materialism about the development of society , and explained in philosophy .

  24. 最后,展望了资本市场羊群行为研究未来的发展并对这一前沿理论予以简要评述。

    Finally , prospect of future research development of herd behavior in capital markets and brief comment are made on this front theory .

  25. 经过分析,本文决定采用现代经济学前沿理论&演化博弈理论作为基础工具建立模型对营销渠道合作关系展开研究。

    After analysis , this article decides to establish a model of channel cooperation relations based on the foreland economic theory & evolutionary games theory .

  26. 本文在借鉴前沿理论的基础上,试图将投入产出表的更新技术&双边比较算法转为结构变化的分析工具。

    In this paper , we apply the biproportional approaches method to decompose the changes in Input-Output Structural into column-specific , row-specific , and cell-specific changes .

  27. 动态能力理论是企业战略管理理论的前沿理论,是核心竞争力理论的进一步发展。

    The theory of dynamic capabilities is not only the frontier of enterprise strategic management theory , but also the further development of the core-competitiveness theory .

  28. 因此本文引入人机交互领域的前沿理论&普适计算作为信息产品概念设计的指导理论。

    Therefore , this paper cited the forefront theory in human-computer interaction ( HCI ) field & Pervasive Computing as the theory guidance for the information products .

  29. 引用专业论文与前沿理论对当下公共管理理论及其背后的管理思想和价值观提出了批判与反思。

    Based on papers and latest theories , the author put forward the criticism and reflections about the theory of modern public administration and the values behind it .

  30. 学习场理论作为高层次综合的前沿理论,是全文进行开发区技术学习通道研究的重要理论基础。

    As the forefront of high-level synthetical theory , learning field theory is the most important theoretical basis of the full text on technological learning channels of development zones .