
  • 网络Levy;levi;Levi's;Livi;Steven Levy
  1. 利维原来说的是一种比喻。

    It turns out Levy is talking in metaphorical terms

  2. 贝克和利维似乎都不愿谈及更为敏感的话题而破坏了友好的氛围。

    Neither Baker nor Levy seemed eager to disturb the cordial atmosphere by discussing more sensitive issues

  3. 圣克拉拉大学托马斯e利维活动中心哈罗德j托索馆,美国。

    Thomos e.leovey activities center and Harold j.toso Pavilion University of Santa clara , USA.

  4. 伊利诺伊大学(UniversityofIllinois)学生、应用程序One的联合创始人科里•利维就曾在2010年亲身体会过这种人生地不熟的窘境。

    Cory levy , a University of Illinois student and co-founder of one , found that out for himself in 2010 .

  5. 利维爱治疗增加Turner综合征患者身高的初步研究

    Preliminary study of Livial treatment in increasing height of Turner patients

  6. 对其中少数患者加用利维爱(HRT)治疗以减少用药并发症。

    To some patients , additional Lival ( HRT treatment ) was applied to reduce drug complications .

  7. 去年,圣克拉拉大学(SantaClaraUniversity)利维商学院(LeaveySchoolofBusiness)的一项研究发现,随着时间流逝,与无子女人士相比,为人父母者的幸福感会慢慢增加。

    A study last year from the Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business found that parents ' happiness increases over time relative to non-parents .

  8. 结论:小剂量利维爱能有效提高BMD,是防治绝经后骨质疏松症的安全有效药物。

    Conclusion The results suggest Livial could increase BMD , and it is a safe drug in prevention and cure of osteoporosis after menostasis .

  9. 为了研究利维爱防治动脉粥样硬化发展的部分机理,采用荧光定量RT-PCR技术,对与AS发生密切相关的ERa和LDLRmRNA在心脏和肝脏内的表达进行定量分析。

    In order to investigate the anti-atherosclerotic mechanism of Livial , the expression of ERa and LDLR mRNA in heart and liver were analyzed by real-time quantitive RT-PCR .

  10. 云服务提供商Box的首席执行官阿龙•利维(AaronLevie)表示,Box在考虑依托欧洲的数据中心提供定制服务。

    Aaron Levie , chief executive of Box , said his cloud enterprise company was looking at creating bespoke services built on data centres in Europe .

  11. 麦康纳:从本能出发,我拍这部片子最大的原因就是为了儿子利维(Levi)。

    McCONAUGHEY My largest reason , instinctually , for why I wanted to do this was for my son Levi .

  12. 利维爱(Livial)对去势雌兔动脉粥样硬化影响的病理学观察

    The Effect of Livial on Atherosclerosis in Ovariectomized Rabbits

  13. 在药物治疗方面,降钙素、激素替代疗法(利维爱等)、双磷酸盐(福善美等)、维生素D2、维生素D3及钙剂都是适用的。

    In drug treatment , calcitonin , bisphosphonate ( alendronate ), HRT ( Livial ), vitamins D2 and D3 , and calcium are indicated .

  14. 方法:将56例绝经后女性灼口综合征患者随机分为两组,治疗组26例给予利维爱治疗,对照组30例给予谷维素及维生素E治疗。

    Methods Fifty six postmenopause women with burning mouth syndrome were randomly divided into two groups , 26 patients were treated with livial as the treatment group , 30 patients were treated with oryzanol and vitamin E as the control .

  15. 利维爱(Livial)对动脉粥样硬化兔组织内雌激素受体和低密度脂蛋白受体的影响

    The Effect of Livial on Estrogen Receptor and Low-density Lipoprotein Receptor in Tissues of Atherosclerotic Rabbit

  16. 1872年,斯特劳斯的一位顾客、一个名叫雅可布·戴维斯(JacobDavis)的裁缝提出一个建议,这个建议将彻底改变利维的命运以及美国人的着装方式。

    Then in 1872 , one of Strauss 's customers , a tailor named Jacob Davis , made him the offer that would change his fortunes and the way Americans dressed forever .

  17. 非营利组织营销的思想最早出现在1969至1973年科特勒(Kotler)和利维(Levy)等学者所撰写的一系列文章。

    The concept of nonprofit marketing appeared first in some paper written by Kotler and Levy between 1969 and 1973 . Kotler and Levy think marketing is a very universal social activity .

  18. 对LDLRmRNA在心脏和肝脏内的表达分析表明,利维爱和倍美力均使该基因表达上调,新伐他汀对LDLRmRNA的表达没有显著影响。

    The analysis for the expression of LDLR mRNA in heart and liver showed : Livial and premarin increased the expression of LDLR mRNA , simvastatin has no significant effect on the the expression of LDLR mRNA in heart and liver .

  19. Dropbox的竞争对手Box的首席执行官阿龙•利维(AaronLevie)表示,通常而言,公司不得不在简单而别致的消费者服务和笨重难用但安全的企业工具之间做出抉择。

    Typically , companies have had to choose between consumer services that are simple and elegant , or enterprise tools that are cumbersome and difficult to use but secure , says Aaron Levie , chief executive of Box , a rival provider .

  20. 主要观察指标:单纯性肥胖并发更年期综合征患者针灸治疗与口服利维爱治疗前后症状、体征、肥胖指标、自主神经功能和Kupperman指数的对比结果。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : The symptoms , physical signs , obesity indices , autonomic nerve functions and Kupperman indices before and after therapy in both therapy group and control group were compared .

  21. 利维爱治疗自然绝经后妇女泌尿系感染的临床观察

    Clinical observation of Livial treatment for urinary infection of postmenopause female

  22. 利维爱对绝经后妇女血管内皮功能的影响

    Effects of hormone replace therapy on vascular endothelial function in postmenopausal women

  23. 2002年,利维的骸骨在一个城市公园里被发现。

    Levy 's skeletal remains were found in a city park in2002 .

  24. 消费者和特易购却认为利维公司貌似有理实则不然。

    Consumer groups and Tesco say that Levi 's case is specious .

  25. 苏梅克&利维9号彗星与木星相撞的天文观测

    Astronomical Observation of the Strike between Shoemaker-Levy Comet and Jupiter

  26. 利维的意思是应该为了长期利润而放弃短期好处。

    He meant that it should forego quick gains for enduring profits .

  27. 当地人生活的改观是利维所不能想象的。

    Locals'lives have improved far beyond what Levi could ever have imagined .

  28. 利维表示,这使陪审团的工作相对简单了些。

    Levy says it 's making the jury 's job somewhat easier .

  29. 苏梅克-利维9号彗星撞击木星事件的光学观测

    The Optical Observations of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impacts with Jupiter

  30. 利维生于英国,父母都是牙买加人。

    Levy was born in England to Jamaican parents .