
  • 网络Ningshan;Tamborine Mountain;Fort Canning;Pennines
  1. 埃米利亚罗曼尼亚地区的首府;意大利北部城市,在亚平宁山以东。马来西亚东西散布著平原、郁的坡丘与山脉。

    The capital of Emilia-Romagna ; located in northern Italy east of the Apennines . Malaysia is dotted with plains , forested hills and mountains that cover both East and West Malaysia .

  2. 宁芜向山地区火山热水沉积黄铁矿矿床地质概念模型

    Theoretical model for hot-water sedimentary pyrite deposits , Xiangshan district , nanjing Wuhu region

  3. 1822年,斯丹福·莱佛士爵士在新加坡福康宁的政府山上建立了第一个新加坡“植物学实验园”。1859年,这个建筑区迁到现在的地址。

    In 1822 , Sir Stamford Raffles had built up Botanic Gardens at the base of Government Hill and the gathering was moved to its present site at 1859 .

  4. 始宁庄园的山居建筑不注重建筑形式,而是注重建筑与环境之间的关系,建筑之美,美在建筑与环境的关系。

    So the buildings were interspersed with mountains and rivers . Xie Lingyun did not pay attention to the architectural forms in Shining Manor , but payed attention to the relationship between architecture and environment . He thought architectural beauty come from the relationship between the building and environment .

  5. 宁芜北段姑山组火山岩系的时代讨论

    A Discussion on the Time of Volcanic Rock System for Gushan Fm . , North Section of Ning-Wu

  6. 谢灵运在经营始宁庄园时,山居建筑大多选址在山峰处。

    It is noteworthy that the mountain buildings which Xie Lingyun constructed in Shining Manor were mostly located at mountain peak .