
  • 网络Viet Tri
  1. 不轻易越,池一步,注惫保护自己,是预防妇科疾病的关键。

    Jumps over not easily , the pond one step , pours exhausted protects itself , prevents the gynecology department disease 's key .

  2. 随着国家对沉淀效率的要求越来越高,沉淀池的改良优化势在必行。

    With the increasingly demanding of the state to the sedimentation efficiency , the improvement and optimization of the sedimentation tank is necessary and imperative .

  3. 总部位于亚洲(尤其是香港)的机构投资者,正越来越受到暗资金池推动者的吸引:他们宣称,在暗资金池内交易可以降低成本,同时减轻对市场的影响。

    Institutional investors based in Asia , in particular Hong Kong , are increasingly attracted by promoters ' claims that they can trade more cheaply within dark pools while moving the market less .

  4. 盒子周围是越变越大的岩浆池,任何距离50~100米之间的物体都燃起了熊熊大火。

    It sits in the middle of a growing pool of lava . Anything within 50-100 meters bursts into flame . A column of heat and smoke rise high into the air .