
  • 网络Creative Destruction;destructive creation;creativedestruction
  1. 正如熊彼特所指出的:资本主义依赖于永恒的不稳定所引发的创造性破坏(creativedestruction)。

    As Schumpeter pointed out , capitalism depends on the creative destruction of perpetual instability .

  2. 事实可能是,北欧国家的平等发挥了帮助创造性破坏(creativedestruction)的作用。

    Paradoxically , equality in the Nordic countries has functioned as the handmaiden of creative destruction .

  3. 提出“创造性破坏”(creativedestruction)理论的著名经济学家约瑟夫·熊彼特(JosephSchumpeter)将为此感到自豪。

    Joseph Schumpeter , the economist who coined the term " creative destruction ," would be proud .

  4. 打字机变得过时这是约瑟夫熊彼特(josephschumpeter)众所周知的“创造性破坏”之说的一个例子。

    The typewriter became obsolete an example of what Joseph Schumpeter famously called " creative destruction " .

  5. 根据奥地利经济学家约瑟夫熊彼特(josephschumpeter)的观点,“创造性破坏过程是资本主义的本质性事实”。

    According to the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter , the " process of creative destruction is the essential fact about capitalism " .

  6. 老公司的灭亡和新公司的诞生,不是经济和社会通过约瑟夫訠籱祟(JosephSchumpeter)所称的“创造性破坏”进步的方式吗?

    Is not the death of companies and the birth of new ones the way economies and societies progress - through what Joseph Schumpeter called " creative destruction " ?

  7. 一个长期关注科技行业的观察人士表示,硅谷的创造性破坏将让美欧许多无法适应的“一次性公民”(throw-awaycitizen)面对一个残酷世界。

    One long-time tech observer says Silicon Valley 's creative destruction will lead to a cruel world for many " throw-away citizens " in the US and Europe who cannot adapt .

  8. 熊彼特(Schumpeter)创造性破坏理论的实际运用令美国在20世纪最后20年丧失了4400万个就业岗位,但同时也在私营部门创造了7300万就业岗位。

    In an application of Schumpeter 's notion of creative destruction , the US lost 44m jobs in the last two decades of the 20th century , but simultaneously created 73m private sector jobs .

  9. 事实上,人们不希望将任何机构归入规模太大,因此不能倒闭的类别,因为如果没有偶尔发生哈佛大学经济学家约瑟夫•熊彼特(JosephSchumpeter)所说的创造性破坏,进化过程将遇到阻碍。

    It is , in fact , undesirable to have any institutions in the category of too big to fail , because without occasional bouts of what Joseph Schumpeter , the Harvard economist , termed creative destruction , the evolutionary process will be thwarted .

  10. 另一种创新形式创造性破坏也至关重要。

    Creative destruction , the other form of innovation , is also vital .

  11. 每一家公司都不一样,对重大创造性破坏的反应也不一样。

    Each company is different , as are its reactions to major disruptive innovations .

  12. 不过,创造性破坏熊彼得学说中资本主义的本性将解决这个问题。

    However , the creative-destructive , Schumpeterian , nature of capitalism would solve this problem .

  13. 由此带来的创造性破坏,构成了有关企业多变命运的精彩故事。

    The resulting creative destruction makes for interesting stories about the changing fortunes of companies .

  14. 为了能让资本主义继续前进,是时候进行一些有序的创造性破坏了。

    For capitalism to move forward , it is time for a little orderly creative destruction .

  15. 创造性破坏与经济增长

    Creative Destruction and Economic Growth

  16. 当前,资本主义体系内部空前的创造性破坏将创建出新的秩序。

    The current unprecedented creative destruction going on within the capitalist system will create a new order .

  17. 技术创新是构成创新集群成长动力的核心要素,而技术创新是创造性破坏过程。

    Technical innovation is a creative destroy-process which is one of critical factor for development of innovation cluster .

  18. 得益于廉价电脑的进步,类似这样的“创造性破坏”正在电影行业的各个角落里发生。

    Thanks to cheap computers , a similar sort of creative destruction is happening everywhere in the industry .

  19. 毫无疑问,这种“创造性破坏”会继续下去,整个地区化经济也会继续进行资本再次分配。

    " Creative destruction " will undoubtedly continue as the entire domestic economy undergoes a major repositioning . Yes , St.

  20. 美国更善于有创造性破坏,但在帮助失业人士再就业方面投入过少。

    America is better at creative destruction , but it invests too little in ways to help the unemployed back to work .

  21. 有些人认为,经济衰退可以加快经济结构的调整进程——约瑟夫熊彼特称这为“创造性破坏”。

    Some argue that recessions speed up the process of productive economic churn - what Joseph Schumpeter called " creative destruction . "

  22. 为了促进创造性破坏,我们需要让替换失灵的管理层并重新配置劳动力和资本这一过程变得更为容易。

    In order to foster creative destruction we need to make it easier to replace failing management and to reallocate labour and capital .

  23. 企业家是人力资本、物质资本和社会资本相结合从事创造性破坏的创新者。

    Enterprisers are innovators , by whom manpower capitals , material capitals , and social capitals are combined to be engaged in " Creative destruction " .

  24. 摘要论文以熊彼特的创造性破坏思路为基础,将宏观经济中的长期经济增长和短期经济波动统一为周期性经济增长过程。

    This paper unites long run economic growth and short run fluctuation into unique cyclical economic growth process based on the idea of creative destruction by Joseph schumpeter .

  25. 熊彼特更多地是从扼杀创新的角度看待这一问题,因为大企业变得过于占支配地位,既得利益阻碍了创造性破坏的过程。

    Schumpeter saw the problem more in terms of the stifling of innovation , as large companies became too dominant and vested interests prevented the process of creative destruction .

  26. 有些文章说的是新技术和新应用的诞生,另一些故事则讲的是这些创新在其身后留下的创造性破坏。

    Some of the articles are about the creation of innovative new technologies and applications , while others are about the creative destruction such innovations leave in their wake .

  27. 创造性破坏,实质上就是奖励创新的初创企业,同时奖励那些愿意重构商业模式并朝前走的成熟企业。

    This is what creative destruction is all about - rewarding innovative startups , as well as those established companies that are willing to reinvent their business models and move forward .

  28. 数万亿美元被投入这个体系,只是为了我们能避免创造性破坏的自然过程这一过程将击垮金融机构的债权人。

    Trillions of dollars have been thrown at the system , just so that we can avoid the natural process of creative destruction that would take down these institutions ' creditors .

  29. 面临这种创造性破坏,他指出,标准普尔(S&P)指数成分股公司的平均寿命已经从约60年降至18年。

    In the face of such creative destruction , he notes , the average lifespan of a corporation listed on the S & P index has already dropped from about 60 years to 18 .

  30. 这样的财政政策路线,是对资本进行政治分配、影响创造性破坏过程的一种配方。创造性破坏是私营部门市场竞争的过程,对提升生活水准十分必要。

    Such a course for fiscal policy is a recipe for the political allocation of capital and an undermining of the process of creative destruction the private sector market competition that is essential to rising standards of living .