
chuānɡ tònɡ
  • pain from a wound
创痛 [chuāng tòng]
  • (1) [feel pain from wound]∶受创伤而感到的疼痛

  • (2) [pain]∶痛苦

  1. 很多孩子深受溃烂创痛的折磨。

    Many of the children are afflicted by festering sores .

  2. 面对伤害过自己的人,我们难以真正忘记有过的创痛。

    No one truly forgets injuries in the presence of him who caused the injury .

  3. 位于加德满都的香格里拉尼泊尔徒步公司(Shangri-LaNepalTrek)为登山队提供支持。公司执行董事吉班·吉米雷(JibanGhimire)表示,当关于今年的创痛的记忆退却之时,登山迷们还是会带着同样的热情重返珠峰。

    When memories of this year 's trauma subside , mountain enthusiasts will return to Everest with the same zeal as before , according to Jiban Ghimire , the managing director of Shangri-La Nepal Trek , a company in Katmandu that provides support to mountaineering teams .

  4. 战争的创痛,让人们倍感和平的可贵。

    The trauma of war makes peace all the more precious .

  5. 孩子希望妈妈能治愈他的创痛。

    The child looks to his mother to cure his hurts .

  6. 无创痛艾灸缓解和抗运动性疲劳作用的实验研究

    Study on Functions of Painless Moxibustion Therapy and Anti-motor Fatigue

  7. 战争带给人们的不仅是生命的牺牲和肉体的创伤,更是精神上的创痛。

    Wars bring people death and pain not only physically but also spiritually .

  8. 为了加深她的创痛,他开始嘲笑她。

    To rub salt into her wounds , he began to laugh at her .

  9. 我也想要治愈创痛。

    I too wish to heal these wounds .

  10. 不知道这巨大的创痛,能否刺激中国的知识分子?

    I do not know the tremendous pain that can stimulate China 's intellectuals ?

  11. 无创痛穴疗学&未来的针灸医学

    Non-Wound-Pain Acupoint Therapeutics & Future Acupuncture-Moxibustion Medicine

  12. 有些煎熬是比一般人深但所以的创痛都会影响我们。

    Some hurts we suffer are deeper than others , but every wound affects us .

  13. 有时,是因为经历无比的创痛,又或落在忧郁的深谷中;

    Sometimes there 's too much pain , or a person 's depression is too deep .

  14. ①创痛使我形销骨立,再加上长期的辗转劳顿,使我更加虚弱不堪。

    The wound made me worn with pain and the prolonged hardships made me more frail .

  15. 创痛远未完结。

    The pain did not end .

  16. 时间能治愈一切创痛。

    Times cures all things .

  17. 是不是有一块好了伤疤忘了痛的石头,正在遭受着新的创痛;

    Is there a good scars forget the pain of the stones , is suffering from a new pain ;

  18. 此法是集点穴、压穴、按摩等为一体的综合疗法,其无创痛,安全可靠。

    Acu-pressure is a comprehensive therapy in which digital point pressure and massage are also included , being safe without pain .

  19. 首先论述了无创痛穴疗学的定义内涵以及发展这门医学的目的意义。

    Definition and intension of non wound pain acupoint therapeutics and purpose and significance of development of this medicine are described firstly .

  20. 咬牙强忍不说,创痛迟早会溃烂于埋藏之处。牛溃疡性乳头炎病毒

    Pushing them below the surface only means they will erupt in another place , at another time . bovine ulcerative mammillitis virus

  21. 离别的创痛笼罩了整个世界,无边的天宇变得姿态万千。

    It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout the world and gives birth to shapes innumerable in the infinite sky .

  22. 辉煌的成就和切肤的创痛是20世纪以来人类社会发展的真实写照。

    The brilliant achievements and cutting traumatic pain of the skin is the true portrayal of the human social development since the 20th century .

  23. 导致我们与他人争论的情绪,可能和你现在所处的形式无关,而是意味着一个创痛的发现。

    The emotional trigger that begins an argument may have little to do with your present situation , but has dug up a wound .

  24. 在伊拉克的硝烟未尽之时,在9·11的创痛未愈之际,此次美国总统大选的结果所将产生的影响也将是深远的。

    When American is still at war in Iraq , when the wound from 911 still remains unhealed , the influence coming from the result of the election will be significant .

  25. 哈代的悲剧小说着意表现现代文明给人的心灵带来的巨大创痛,具有浓重的危机意识,与现代主义文学颇为相似。

    Hardy 's tragic novels focuses on the representation of the psychic ache that modern civilization brings onto man . They have a grave sense of crisis and bears strong affinity with the modernist literature .

  26. 他的时间诗大多反映时间给人们的生活带来的变化以及这些变化给人们带来的心理创痛。

    Most of his temporal poems are concerned with the changes in life brought about by the passage of time and the resultant psychological ache of people . Hardy is an idealist , hankering for beauty in life .

  27. 有一天,天使把海豚从天上高高抛起,海豚重重的摔在了人间,浑身创痛的海豚甚至于来不及去审视自己的伤势,便消沉在爱的伤里。

    One day , the angel from the sky high Toss dolphins , the dolphins lost in the heavy human , every traumatic dolphins and even too late to look at their condition , they love the depression , injuries .