
  • 网络innovation economics;Innovation Economic;economics of innovation
  1. 本文结合中国签署的各项与IT产业相关的WTO协议研究以及创新经济学理论,试图对我国IT产业的创新政策的四方面问题进行探讨。

    Combining researches of the agreements about IT industry China has subscribed and the theory of innovation economics , this paper tries to discuss on some four issues of innovation policy of Chinese IT industry .

  2. 从创新经济学的观点来看,创新又是产业发展的决定性因素。

    From the viewpoint of innovation economics , innovation is the decisive factor of the development of industry .

  3. 西方创新经济学给我们的启示

    Inspiration from Western Innovative Economics

  4. 用技术创新经济学的专业术语来讲,本文的创新属于渐进式创新。

    The innovation of this research paper is " incremental innovation " in the term of " technical innovation economics " .

  5. 本文将分别从经济学、创新经济学、信息经济学和社会学的角度对知识经济予以深入的理论探讨。

    This paper gives a deepening theoretical approach to the knowledge based economy from the angle of economics , innovative economics , information economics and sociology .

  6. 为论证低碳经济是一种可持续的发展模式,文章先从技术创新经济学方面论证了发展低碳经济的技术支持,以资源经济学和环境经济学理论为基础论证发展低碳经济的必要性。

    In order to demonstrate low-carbon economy is a sustainable development model , technological innovation is used as a technical support to low-carbon economy , while resource economics and environmental economics theory formed basis for the need of low-carbon economy development .

  7. 本文涉及产业经济学、创新经济学、演化经济学以及技术经济学等理论知识,主要采用演绎分析与归纳分析相结合,并运用相关的学习模型。

    The dissertation is related to theories , such as economics of industry , economics of innovation , economics of evolutionary and economics of technology . The method is mainly related to induction analyses with deduction analyses , as well as learning model .

  8. 本文综合运用系统科学、创新经济学和区域经济学的理论和方法,分析了区域创新系统在促进区域经济增长、促进区域产业升级、形成区域竞争力等方面的功能;

    This paper applies the system science , the innovation economic and the region economic to analyzing the regional innovation system including its function in improving the regional economy , upgrading the regional industrial structures and forming regional competitive advantage , its components , its operation mechanism and its construction .

  9. 我国国库制度创新的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of System Innovation of national Treasury of our Country

  10. 对企业虚拟技术创新的经济学分析

    On the Economical Analysis of the Virtual Technology Innovation Of Enterprises

  11. 技术创新的经济学理论分析研究综述

    Overview of analysis on technological innovation by economics methods

  12. 农地经营制度创新的经济学思考&基于荆州市农地经营现状的调查

    Economic Thought on System Innovation of Farm Land Management

  13. 企业技术创新的经济学特征

    The Economic Characters of the Enterprise Technological Innovation

  14. 两次制度创新的经济学分析

    The Economics Analysis on the Twice System Innovation

  15. 何种市场结构最有利于创新是经济学领域长期争论的一个话题。

    The topic which market structure will more benefit innovation has argued for many years .

  16. 对创新西方经济学教学的若干思考

    Thoughts about Innovating West Economics Teaching

  17. 这一现实带来的结果就是所谓的“创新政治经济学”。

    This reality results in what might be called the ' political economy of innovation ' .

  18. 教育创新的经济学内涵

    The Economical Connotation of Education Innovation

  19. 合作创新的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis on Cooperative Innovation

  20. 中国国有企业发展前景&创新政治经济学视角

    Perspective of Chinese state-owned enterprises

  21. 将创新的经济学涵义引入室内设计创新历史的周期性研究中,进一步挖掘了室内设计创新历史的现代价值。

    Bring the innovation meaning in economic into the research of the historic cycle of the interior design innovation .

  22. 强调了技术创新的经济学涵义及创造与创效的基本特征。

    The emphasis is put on the economic conception of technical innovation and the basic characteristics of creation and benefit making .

  23. 农业产业组织创新的经济学思考&公司+基地+农户生产经营模式初探

    Economic Thought on Innovation of the Agricultural Industrial Organization & A Preliminary Probe into the Producing Managing Pattern of " Corporation + Base + Peasant Households "

  24. 首先通过对我国国库管理制度创新的经济学分析,指出了国库管理制度的改革目的。

    First by analyzing the economics of creating the system of the national treasury management , I point out the purpose of reforming the system of national treasury management .

  25. 本章界定了创新的经济学含义,提出了西部民族地区新型工业化创新机制的主要内容是结构创新、技术创新和制度创新。

    It defines the meaning of innovation in economy , and puts forward that the main contents of innovation mechanism of the west ethnic regions ' new-type industrialization is structure innovation , technological innovation and system innovation .

  26. 该算法的算法复杂度为O(K4+K2Nlog2N),低于同类算法的复杂度。最后,本文创新的将经济学中的等候线拍卖理论引入到无线资源分配算法设计中。

    Its complexity is O ( K4 + K2 N log2N ), which is lower than other algorithms with similar performance . Finally , this paper creatively introduces the waiting-line auction theory to algorithms design for wireless networks .

  27. 技术创新与政治经济学研究对象的拓展

    Technical Innovation and the Object of Investigation for Marxist Economics

  28. 企业家技术创新力的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Entrepreneur 's Technological Innovation Power

  29. 我国农业产业组织创新的制度经济学分析

    An Institutional Economics Analysis on the Innovation of Industrial Organization of China 's Agriculture

  30. 创新:从经济学到哲学

    Innovation : From Economics to Philosophy