
  • 网络Innovation Subject
  1. 当代中国马克思主义理论创新主体及其相互关系

    The Theory Innovation Subject and Its Relationship of Contemporary Chinese Marxism

  2. 林业技术创新主体构建及运行机制的研究

    Study on Operating Mechanism and Structure by Forestry Technological Innovation Subject

  3. 由此,本文根据科普产业的产业特征,结合媒体、非政府组织和公众对科学传播的重要影响,对科普产业协同创新主体进行拓展,提出媒体NGO公众构成的新三螺旋创新模式。

    Thus , the paper developed the innovation subjects and proposed new triple-helix model of " media-NGO-public ", according to the characteristics of popular science industry and the important influence on science communication come from the media , non-governmental organizations and public .

  4. 我国农业技术创新主体的培育与发展

    Cultivation and Development of Innovation Main-body of Agricultural Technology in China

  5. 广西区域创新主体比较研究

    A Study on Comparison of the regional Innovation Subjects of Guangxi

  6. 论企业创新主体与创新文化建设

    Discussion on innovation entities of enterprises and construction of innovation culture

  7. 高等教育创新主体激励机制研究

    Study on the Stimulus Mechanism of the Higher Education 's Innovation Subjects

  8. 农业科技型企业技术创新主体的培育与成长

    Development of the Main Body of Technological Innovation in Agriculture Technology Companies

  9. 企业内技术创新主体效用分析

    Research on Subjects ' Utility in Enterprises ' Technology Innovation

  10. 创新主体与区域创新体系的关联机制研究

    Research on the Correlation Mechanism of Innovation Subjects and Regional Innovation System

  11. 领导创新主体客体论

    On the Subject - object Relation of Creative Leadership

  12. 基于创新主体集成的企业员工激励策略

    Based on the Integrated Innovation Strategy for Employee Incentive

  13. 论绿色技术创新主体系统

    Study on the subject system of green technology Innovation

  14. 从网络视角探讨了技术创新主体问题。

    The technology innovation subject is approached by the view of relation network .

  15. 技术创新主体的演化史刍议

    On an Initial Analysis on the Evolvement of Subjectivity in the Technological Innovation

  16. 除了三者之间已经产生的联系外,每种创新主体也开始交叉扮演彼此的角色。

    Besides those existed relationships , those innovation subjects begin to switch roles .

  17. 自主创新主体地位的实现与企业生态系统构建

    Realization of Main Body Status of Independent Invention and Design of Enterprise Ecosystem

  18. 论我国古代技术创新主体

    On the Subjects of Technological Innovation in Ancient China

  19. 日本以企业为创新主体的产学研制度研究

    Study on Japanese Enterprise-Academy Collaborative Research System Using Enterprises as Innovation Main Body

  20. 中国汽车产业自主创新主体关系研究

    Research of China automobile industry self innovation main relation

  21. 军事技术创新主体的创新特征及其历史性分析

    Analysis about Characters and Historic significance of the Subject of Military Technological Innovation

  22. 技术创新主体的阶段性研究

    Research on the Stages of Technology Innovation Body

  23. 青海省培育企业创新主体的对策研究

    Study on the Countermeasures for Qinghai Province to Cultivate the Subjects of Technological Innovation

  24. 如何提高、激发科技创新主体的创新能力,成为关注的焦点。

    How to promote and inspire the creative ability of talents is the focus .

  25. 创新主体必须在一定的环境和条件下才能从事创新活动。

    The creative subjects must under certain circumstance be engaged in the creative activity .

  26. 第二部分主要从微观的层面对创新主体的基本构成进行了阐述。

    The second part mainly expounds the elements of the innovators from the microcosmic angle .

  27. 企业应成为技术创新主体

    Enterprise the Main Body for Technology Innovation

  28. 论技术创新主体间的协同

    On the Synergy of Technovation Subjects

  29. 企业成长为技术创新主体与经济的持续增长

    The Growth of Enterprise , the Mainstay of Technology Innovation and the Sustainable Growth of Economy

  30. 论创新主体的历史变迁

    On Historical Changes of Creative Subjects