
  • 网络creative psychology;creation psychology
  1. 作者创作心理的差异。

    And the differences of the authors ' creation psychology .

  2. 宋明遗民诗歌创作心理比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Poetry Creation Psychology of Adherents of Song and Ming Dynasty

  3. 自卑与超越&沈从文创作心理浅探

    Inferiority and Overcome & On Shen Cong-wen 's Psychology of Writing

  4. 梦的心理过程与文学创作心理过程比较

    Comparison between Psychological Process of Dreams and That of Literature Writing

  5. 金圣叹与弗洛伊德的文学创作心理论之比较

    A Comparative Study in Literary Psychology : JIN Sheng-tan and Sigmund Freud

  6. 1924至1926年鲁迅的创作心理构成

    The Creation Psychological structure of LuXun from 1924 to 1926

  7. 本文结合夏洛蒂·勃朗特的生平和创作心理,从夏洛蒂的性格特征、心理世界以及自我人格入手,着重探讨了她的小说作品中的女性形象及她的女性自我意识。

    The essay is based on Charlotte Bronte 's life and mentality .

  8. 感物·会心·畅所&中国古代山水诗主体创作心理透视

    Appreciation of Ancient Landscape Poetry from the Perspective of Subject Creative Psychology

  9. 北朝后期诗歌创作心理的本土认同

    Tendency to Localization of Artistic Mentality in Poetry of Late North Dynasty

  10. 梁陈边塞诗创作心理浅解

    Tentative Psychological Analysis of Frontier Poetry in the Liang and Chen Dynasties

  11. 他的审美趣味随着其创作心理与欣赏心态的转变而发生相应的变化。

    His aesthetic interest changed with his creating psychology and appreciation mentality .

  12. “用心”问题即文学创作心理问题。

    Using brain to write is a problem of literary writing psychology .

  13. 第一章是作家创作心理研究。

    The first chapter is writer writing psychology research .

  14. 曹禺《雷雨》创作心理简论

    On Cao Yu 's Mentality in Creating The Thunderstorm

  15. 茅盾的创作心理初探十九世纪法国现实主义文学对茅盾创作的影响

    The Impact of the 19th-century French Realist Literature on Mao Dun 's Literary Creation

  16. 爱伦坡与孟郊创作心理定势之比较

    A Comparison of the Psychological Tendencies Between Allan Poe and Meng Jiao in Creation

  17. 柴科夫斯基音乐创作心理研究

    The Psychology Research of Tchaikovsky 's Music Composition

  18. 卡夫卡的生存方式与创作心理

    Kafka 's Existence Way and Creative Psychology

  19. 用“神与物游”来具体描述文学创作心理过程;

    Thirdly ," mind act with object " is the process of literature creation in psychology .

  20. 演讲的创作心理分析

    Analysis of Creating a Speech

  21. 这种侵凌性直接关涉到作家、作家创作心理而且影响到文本的接受。

    This humiliation will affect the writer in his wring will bear upon how the text is accepted .

  22. 为运用潜意识理论分析艺术家的创作心理提供一种方法。

    As well as the use of the subconscious to provide a theoretical analysis method of the artist .

  23. 独特人格独特文体&鲁迅《伤逝》创作心理初探

    Unique personality , unique style of writting & A probe into the artistic mentality of Lu Xun 's Shangshi

  24. 可以说,这正是在特定时期小说家多种创作心理综合作用下的结果。

    It can be said that it is the result of the combination of the writers ' creative psychology .

  25. 本文试图从创作心理的角度对这一问题作出进一步的梳理和阐发。

    This text tried to make this problem a further comb and statement from the angle of the creative mentality .

  26. 感物、会心、畅神构成了古代山水诗主体创作心理的三个重要环节。感物是审美创造的肇端,会心是审美心理的超越,畅神是审美活动的结果。

    Being touched by things , knowing , and creating the soul are three important links of the subject creative psychology .

  27. 主体的审美创作心理结构和艺术表现能力,是文学创作的调控机制。

    The aesthetic and creative psychological structure of subjects and the artistic performing abilities are the regulating mechanism of literary writing .

  28. 创伤体验作为中国古代作家普遍存在的创作心理背景,对其文学创作活动产生着直接而又积极的作用。

    The trauma experience was the creative mental setting ancient Chinese writers and it exerted direct and positive influence on them .

  29. 这些专业化人格特质的确立,又使其创作心理过程具有了显见的专业活动色彩。

    The establishment of the specialized personality traits enables their psychological process of creation to be typical of the remarkable professional hues .

  30. 事实上,叶芝作品中的女性形象以其丰富多彩和反映作者创作心理而变得尤为可圈可点。

    Actually , Yeats'female images are worth of exploration for their colorfulness and richness and these images reflect poet 's creative psychology .