
  • 网络Long Term Business Visa
  1. 创业移民签证持有人可以在英国创办企业,并通过快速通道获得英国公民身份。

    The visas allow holders to start a UK business and earn fast-track citizenship .

  2. 持有英国创业移民签证的外国公民获得英国公民身份的条件是,他们的企业在资金、创造就业或其他成功衡量标准上达标。

    Entrepreneur visas allow foreign nationals to gain UK citizenship if their business fulfils criteria on access to funding , job creation or other measures of success .

  3. 英国证明对中国企业投资者的吸引力越来越大,去年该国向中国公民发放的创业移民签证增长一倍多,至116份。

    Britain proved to be a growing attraction for business investors from China last year , with the number of entrepreneur visas issued to Chinese nationals more than doubling to 116 .

  4. 移民是经过自我选择的少数族裔,通常较为年轻、也更富进取心。我们应该继续努力,增强英国对于全球创业移民的吸引力。

    Migrants are a self-selecting minority and tend to be young and enterprising . We should continue to make our country attractive to arrivals from all over the world who want to start a business .

  5. 其他观察人士表示,创业移民签证数量增加的一个原因是,去年英国终止了允许国际学生在完成学业后留在英国工作的签证项目。

    Other observers said one reason for the increase was last year 's closure of a visa scheme that allowed international students to stay on and work in the UK after their course had finished .

  6. 特纳表示,创业移民签证之所以受到欢迎,是因为英国是增长最为快速的经济体之一,年化增长率超过3%,这使得英国成为一个极具吸引力的创业地点。

    Ms Turner said the visas were popular because Britain was one of the fastest-growing economies , with an annualised growth rate of more than 3 per cent , making it an attractive place to start a business .

  7. 在澳大利亚移民初期,一些有创业精神的移民不明智地把欧洲兔子引进了澳大利亚。

    In the early days of the settlement of Australia , enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the European rabbit .