
We will explore ways to set up venture capital guidance funds for high-tech industries .
However , with the development of venture capital guiding funds , more and more problems should be settled urgently .
Bases on this , an achievements evaluating indicator system was built from both investment benefits and policy benefits , and takes advantages of analytic hierarchy process to calculate the weight of indicators .
There are mainly two modes of Venture Capital Leading Fund overseas : joint stock and guaranteed financing . And in China , the vast majority of Venture Capital Leading Funds adopts the joint stock mode .
Currently , Shanghai Development and Reform Commission has been formulating Interim Administrative Measures for Venture Capital Guiding Fund of Shanghai ( Comments to be received ) . Jing ' an district has also been engaged actively in the process of establishing a government guiding fund .
The Study on Policy Introduced Fund of Venture Investment
As a kind of private equity investment ( PE ), the Venture capital ( VC ) has significant role in economic development , especially the high technology industry , so the VC Get the country and all levels of government support , and it makes competitive .
Some local governments , for supporting local venture enterprises , or supporting hi-tech enterprises , establish the leading fund for the venture capital .