
  1. 包括刘强东以及老虎环球基金(TigerGlobalManagement)在内的献售股东将获得约四分之一的上市收益。

    Selling shareholders , including Mr Liu and Tiger Global Management , will receive about a quarter of the proceeds .

  2. 在JapanLife工作了两年,又做了几份编程方面的工作,刘强东终于还清了债务,觉得自己可以再次尝试创业了。

    After two years at Japan Life and a few more programming jobs , Mr Liu had repaid his debts and felt ready to try his hand at founding another company .

  3. 京东总部位于北京,其CEO刘强东称,此项目可以帮助企业取得更好的销售绩效,同时带给消费者更好的购物体验。

    Liu Qiangdong , chief executive officer of Beijing-based JD.com , said the project will help companies achieve better sales performance as well as bring a better shopping experience for customers .

  4. 5月10日发刊的富豪榜上,章泽天的丈夫、京东创始人兼CEO刘强东也榜上有名,身价388.2亿元。

    Also on the list , which was published May 10 , was Zhang 's husband , JD.com founder and CEO Liu Qiangdong , worth 38.82 billion RMB ( about US $ 5.6 billion ) .

  5. 在这场会议上,京东CEO刘强东表示,该公司90%的员工来自于农村,而他自己也是在江苏的一个小村子里长大的。

    Addressing the conference , Liu Qiangdong , CEO of JD.com , said that some 90 percent of his employees come from rural China , and he himself grew up in a small village in Jiangsu province .

  6. 鉴于京东的快递系统如此有效,刘强东打算在今年年底前将它打造成一个开放系统,允许任何其他公司付费使用此系统&包括京东在电子商务领域的主要竞争对手当当网(Dangdang)。

    The 360buy delivery system is so effective that by the end of the year , Liu is going to farm it out , allowing any company to use it for a fee & including e-commerce archrivals like Dangdang .

  7. 谈话中,刘强东还经常提到公司管理。

    During this meeting , Mr Liu also speaks often about management .

  8. 刘强东否认京东正急于上市。

    Mr Liu denied that the company was in a hurry to list .

  9. 投资商相信刘强东对提供全面服务的网络零售商的展望。

    Investors bought into Mr. Liu 's vision for a full-service online retailer .

  10. 有了这笔钱以后,刘强东打算自己创业。

    With that , he intended to start his career as a businessman .

  11. 刘强东还通过其他途径向公司员工灌输他的观点。

    Mr Liu uses several other channels to instil his views on his employees .

  12. 因为刘强东深知,灵感有的时候会来自最意想不到的地方。

    As Liu knows all too well , inspiration can come from the most unexpected sources .

  13. 刘强东回忆道,人是善还是恶?

    Is man good or evil ?

  14. 刘强东表示,京东还开发了多种电子金融产品来促进农民创业。

    Liu added that the company has also invented multiple e-finance products to boost entrepreneurship among farmers .

  15. 就在十年前,刘强东还是一个小小的电子产品店的店主,做梦也没想过能与中国最大的电子产品零售企业&苏宁电器展开竞争。

    A decade ago he would never have dreamed of competing with the country 's leading electronics retailer .

  16. 但与阿里巴巴、亚马逊不同,刘强东称他对开设电影或娱乐部门没有多大兴趣。

    But unlike Alibaba and Amazon , he says he has little interest in developing film or entertainment divisions .

  17. 刘强东的家族从事煤炭运输生意,将煤炭从中国北方运送到工业化程度更高的南方。

    The Liu family is in the business of shipping coal from northern China to the more heavily industrialised south .

  18. 刘强东之所以会这样想,原因之一在于,尝过当企业家的味道之后,他想再试一次。

    One reason was that having had a taste of being an entrepreneur , he wanted to have another go .

  19. 去年早些时候,刘强东带领公司在纳斯达克挂牌上市,筹集到17.8亿美元。

    He led the company 's public stock offering on the Nasdaq early last year , which raised $ 1.78 billion .

  20. 刘强东坚称,这些消息都不是真的。他说,最初的失败教会了自己如何谨慎地经营一家企业。

    He insists the stories are false , crediting his initial failure for teaching him how to run a company prudently .

  21. 2006年,由于资金不足,刘强东准备从一家香港风险投资公司获取200万美元(约合1250万元人民币)的资金。

    With money running low in 2006 , Mr. Liu sought $ 2 million from a Hong Kong venture capital firm .

  22. 刘强东还将带领京东涉足网购生鲜及金融方面的业务,像阿里巴巴一样为商家提供贷款。

    Mr. Liu is also pushing JD into online groceries and finance , and lending to his vendors the way Alibaba does .

  23. 截至2018年1月,因京东股价飙升,刘强东的净资产上升到127亿美元(约合813亿元人民币)。

    As of January 2018 , Liu 's net worth had risen to US $ 12.7 billion with JD.com surging in its stock price .

  24. 这是京东董事局主席兼首席执行官、41岁的亿万富翁刘强东的公共宣传活动的部分内容。

    It is in part a publicity stunt for Mr. Liu , the 41-year-old billionaire who is the company 's chairman and chief executive .

  25. 刘强东说:我们明天就能实现盈利,但这本身没有任何意义。我们现在必须投资。

    We could become profitable tomorrow , but there is no value in that itself . We have to invest now , said Mr Liu .

  26. 大学毕业后,刘强东在创业前曾在一家日企工作。

    After college , Mr. Liu , whose Chinese name is Liu Qiangdong , worked briefly for a Japanese company before going into business for himself .

  27. “刘强东说:”我们明天就能实现盈利,但这本身没有任何意义。我们现在必须投资。“

    We could become profitable tomorrow , but there is no value in that itself . We have to invest now , " said Mr Liu .

  28. 刘强东说,京东将扩大这一业务,会将其在总收入中所占的比重由目前的不到20%提高至50%。

    Mr Liu said the company would expand this business so that it would account for half its revenues , from less than 20 per cent currently .

  29. 中国互联网企业家刘强东是国内最大电子商务公司之一京东商城的创始人。

    Richard Liu is a Chinese Internet entrepreneur . He is the founder of JD.com or Jingdong Mall , one of the leading e-commerce firms in China .

  30. 不过刘强东还是批准了这个主意。到2005年,他的网上生意已经颇见规模,销售额逼近1200万美元。

    Liu , 38 , nonetheless approved the idea , and by2005 his little electronics distribution business was on pace to do $ 12 million in Internet sales .