
  1. 自6月初审以来,刘尧妻子就从未见过丈夫。

    Ms Lai had not seen her husband since his first trial in June .

  2. 刘尧被控煽动,获4年有期徒刑,而他同案被告的刑期分别为9至10个月。

    As the alleged instigator the lawyer re-ceived a four-year sentence , while his co-defendants got terms of nine to 10 months .

  3. 河源法院原打算仅接受刘尧律师的书面陈述,但全国范围的抗议迫使其改变决定。

    Nationwide outcry forced Heyuan judicial officials , who had intended only to accept a written submission by Mr Liu 's lawyers , to relent .

  4. 尽管法官与辩护团队之间发生争执辩护律师对用来指控刘尧的证据有效性表示质疑审判庭仅在几天后做出的裁定对刘尧有利。

    Despite the friction between the judges and defence team , who challenged the validity of the evidence against Mr Liu , the tribunal ruled only days later in his favour .