
  • 网络Liu
  1. 另一位刘姓的工作人员表示,这栋宿舍楼是今年才开始投入使用的。

    Another employee surnamed Liu disclosed that the building was put into use this year .

  2. 北京市公安局新闻办表示,《新快报》一名刘姓记者因涉嫌制造传播谣言已被警方拘留。

    The press office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau says a journalist surnamed Liu with the Xin Kuai Bao newspaper has been held by police as he is suspected of fabricating and spreading rumors .

  3. 一方面,民族意识及民族自豪感增强,将冒姓汉朝宗室的刘姓改为胡族特征非常明显的赫连氏,刻意强调和凸显其民族特征;

    On the one hand , their national sense and pride picked up , deliberately emphasizing and projecting their national characteristics .

  4. 槠山刘姓,作为中华民族大家庭中的一部分,保持着自古承袭下来的淳朴民风、民俗。

    Liu phratry of Zhushan , as a part of the Chinese nation , still keep the honest custom and culture descending from ancient times .

  5. 刘姓女主人上个月初发现长了尾巴的水桶而感到怪异,她不敢碰触。

    At the beginning of last month , the owner of the house , a woman surnamed Liu , thought it was strange that the bucket had a tail , but she was afraid to touch it .

  6. 至于墙体上的深色“绷带”,这位刘姓工作人员表示,那是起黏合作用的物质,刷白只是为了美观,这两步都是正常工序。

    As for the dark " bandages , " Liu said the materials are to help the repairs stick , and the whitewashing is solely for beautification . Both are normal and necessary , according to Liu .

  7. 据陕西省当地媒体报道,妻子的家人--刘姓一族在和新郎一方的人的交谈中起了疑心,因为那些人说他们“仅仅是朋友”,而且说不清楚他们是怎么认识新郎的。

    According to local media in Shaanxi province , the family of the wife , surnamed Liu , became suspicious during the conversations they were having with people from the groom 's side who said they were " just friends " and not making clear how they knew him .