
fēn ɡé fú
  • Separator;delimiter;separation character
  1. 不能插入节分隔符,因为节中包含您无法编辑的区域。

    You cannot insert a section break here because this section contains regions that you are not allowed to edit .

  2. 在LOADDATA语句中可以修改列值分隔符的缺省值。

    The column value separators can be changed from the defaults in the LOAD DATA statement .

  3. 为了支持这个结构,只需在author后面使用另一个-分隔符,然后添加元素名。

    To support this , we simply add the element after the author using another-delimiter .

  4. 可以指定Group选项,比如记录的每个字段之间的分隔符、每条记录的结束符等。

    You can specify Group options such as the delimiter between each field of the record , and the terminator for each record .

  5. 第一个字符是分隔符,所以WORD找到的第一项是一个空字符串。

    The first character is a delimiter , so the first item WORD finds is a blank string .

  6. 为street、city和state输入“,”(逗号和空格,无引号)作为分隔符。

    Enter ","( comma and space , without the quotes ) as the delimiter for street , city , and state .

  7. 例如,用户可以在URLMappingFile中更改参数分隔符或外部请求标识符。

    For example , a user can change the parameter separator or external request identifier in the URL_Mapping_File .

  8. 建议在基于Linux和UNIX的系统中使用双引号分隔符。

    Use of double quotation mark delimiters on Linux and UNIX-based systems is recommended .

  9. 将JoinTable分隔符更改为一个下划线(“”)并更改数据库模式(schema)的名称。

    Change the Join Table separator to an underline (" _ ") and change the name of the database schema .

  10. Java拆分函数用于通过一个逗号分隔符来拆分行内容,从而得到各个值。

    The Java split function is used to split the row contents based on a comma separator to derive individual values .

  11. split方法每当找到分隔符参数时就将一个字符串分割成一系列子字符串。

    The split method splits a string into an array of substrings wherever the separator argument is found .

  12. 尽管Windows通常使用反斜杠作为路径分隔符,为保持统一,本文使用正斜杠作为路径分隔符。

    Although Windows traditionally uses a backslash as a path separator , I will use forward slashes in this article for consistency .

  13. 分隔符是Linux用户名中分隔域名和用户名的一个字符。

    Actually , the separator is a character that separates the domain name from the username in the Linux username .

  14. 由于这种分隔符适用于Windows和Unix,它使任务文件看起来似乎是平台通用的。

    Since it is compatible for both Windows and Unix , it keeps the task file somewhat platform generic .

  15. 此外,所有这些单词链接之间都有一个小的bullet分隔符。

    Additionally , all the one-word links had a small bullet separator between them .

  16. 发生404错误时,目录树中(至少第一级目录)极有可能会出现目录分隔符(用于表示Web页面)。

    When a404 comes in , it 's highly likely that the presence of directory delimiters indicate a Web page is desired at least one level down the directory tree .

  17. 在这里,分隔符作为bucket名和密匙名的分隔点。

    The separator character comes into play here as the splitting point between bucket name and key name .

  18. 注意-F是由预先定义的FS变量所定义的输入域分隔符。

    Note that-F is the input field separator defined by the predefined variable FS .

  19. 对于对目录分隔符的所有引用,我们使用Unix样式的目录分隔符“/”。

    For all the references to a directory separator , the Unix style directory separator / is used .

  20. 准备好XML文件和带分隔符的ASCII文件后,您现在就可以开始使用DB2IMPORT了。

    With your XML files and delimited ASCII files available , you 're now ready to use DB2 IMPORT .

  21. 如果没有任何MQ标头,还可以将数据视为带分隔符的数据。

    If there is no MQ Header , then the data would also be treated as delimited .

  22. 更好的是,编辑器是上下文敏感的,可以自动补全PHP控制结构、关键字和字符串分隔符。

    Better yet , the editor is context-sensitive and can automatically complete PHP control structures , keywords , and string delimiters .

  23. 可以将分隔符设置为DOS或UNIX行结束符,或自定义分隔符(十六进制)

    The delimiter can be set to either DOS or UNIX Line End , or Custom Delimiter ( Hexadecimal )

  24. 本例中的FormatType是Delimited格式,数据文件中的字段由分隔符“”(管道)分开。

    Format Type in this example is Delimited , as the fields in the data file are separated by a delimiter " | "( pipe ) .

  25. 可以在DELIMITER表选项中指定分隔符。

    A delimiter character can be specified in the DELIMITER table option .

  26. 当将分隔符设置为DOS或Unix行结束符时,节点将行结束符识别为分隔符。

    When the delimiter is set to DOS or Unix Line End , the node recognises a line end as the delimiter .

  27. 要使用分隔符“”创建与customer表具有相同表模式的外部表“etcustomer”,可以使用以下DDL语句

    To create an external table " et_customer " with the same schema as customer table with a delimiter " | ", you can use the following DDL statement

  28. 本软件支持对大部分结构化和半结构化数据的析取,包括各种关系数据库,Excel表格,有分隔符的文本文件,XML文件。

    This software can extract data from a majority of structurized or semi-structurized data source , such as relational database , Excel file , formatted text file and XML document .

  29. 如果它在分隔符之间找到INCLUDEmember-name,则会将该成员复制到程序中。

    If it finds an INCLUDE member-name between the delimiters , it copies the member into your program .

  30. 将“.”分隔符和对象的名称属性添加到当前Package的全限定名来构造新对象的全限定名。

    The fully qualified name of the new object is constructed by adding the " . " separator and the object 's name attribute to the fully qualified name of the current Package .