
  • 网络distributed transaction;JTA
  1. 值得注意的是,传统的分布式事务模型一般不适用于松散耦合的Web服务。

    It is important to note that the classic distributed transaction model is generally not appropriate for loosely coupled Web services .

  2. 在分布式事务(DistributedTransaction)中进行操作时,总是要使用这个xid。

    This xid is always used when operating within the Distributed Transaction .

  3. 移动Agent环境中的简单分布式事务问题的研究

    Research on Distributed Transaction of the Mobile Agent Environment

  4. 基于移动Agent的分布式事务模型研究

    The Research of Distributed Transaction based on Mobile Agent

  5. 在十二月,Mark发表了博文“大规模分布式事务”。

    In December , Mark blogged on " Large-Scale Distributed Transactions " .

  6. 对于分布式事务和绑定事务,拥有请求的会话id可能不同。

    The owning session ID can change for distributed and bound transactions .

  7. J2EE平台中分布式事务互操作的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Distributed Transaction Interoperability in J2EE Platform

  8. 第一个参数是formatID,它描述在什么格式中构建分布式事务(DistributedTransaction)。

    The first argument is the format ID that describes in what format the Distributed Transaction is built .

  9. 借助这种支持,WebSphereProcessServer(下面称为ProcessServer)中运行的业务流程应用程序就能够参与分布式事务。

    With this support , business process applications running in WebSphere Process Server ( hereafter called Process Server ) can participate in distributed transactions .

  10. 尤其适合作为以SOA为架构的应用系统中分布式事务处理的框架。

    As a distribute transaction management framework , it suits for application which based on SOA .

  11. 基于J2EE分布式事务的应用技术研究

    Application Technology Study based on J2EE Distributed Transaction

  12. 事务处理(Transactionhandling)接口负责管理跨支持两阶段提交协议的各种后端的分布式事务。

    Transaction handling interfaces deal with managing distributed transactions across various back ends that support a two-phase commit protocol .

  13. IBM的研究小组提出了实现分布式事务的另一种途径。

    An alternative approach to implementing distributed transactions has been proposed by a team of IBM researchers .

  14. 在异构环境中,您通常会发现一个事务管理器(TransactionManager),负责处理分布式事务。

    In a heterogeneous environment you will usually find a Transaction Manager that is responsible for the handling of Distributed Transactions .

  15. Suspendactivitysession-活动会话能够对可能不支持分布式事务的资源进行更高级的协调。

    Suspend activity session-Activity sessions enable a higher level of coordination for resources that may not support distributed transactions .

  16. 如果消息队列无法连接到microsoft分布式事务处理协调器,则消息队列返回此错误。

    Message Queuing returns this error if it is unable to connect to the Microsoft distributed transaction coordinator .

  17. 基于J2EE的分布式事务研究

    Research on J2EE-based Distributed Transaction

  18. 当前,为了保证分布式事务的ACID特性,最广泛采用的提交协议是两阶段提交协议以及衍生出的三阶段提交协议等。

    To ensure the ACID properties of distributed transactions , currently the most widely used commit protocol is the two-phase commit protocol and the extened three-phase commit protocol .

  19. 本文作者在分析了Agent技术的基础上,将Agent技术用于分布式事务模型的建立,提出了基于Agent技术的分布式事务模型,在该模型中,事务是用Agent实现的。

    The concurrency and the scale of these models is limited . The agent technology is analyzed and used in the distributed transaction model in this paper .

  20. 对事务协议框架技术相关的理论进行了研究,并通过TIP协议,实现了对分布式事务操作的有效协调;

    Studied the relevant theory of the Web Transaction Protocol and realized the regulating of distributed transaction operations with TIP protocol .

  21. 本例没有使用两阶段提交(Two-Phase-Commit)协议,因此,它不是一个分布式事务(DistributedTransaction)。

    This example is not using the Two-Phase-Commit protocol and therefore it is not a Distributed Transaction .

  22. 基于以P2P网络模式构建的分布式事务数据库,对Apriori算法进行了推广。

    Based on distributed transactional database system constructed by P2P , the paper extends the most classical algorithm Apriori .

  23. 其次,研究了基于Web服务的工作流的互操作问题和分布式事务管理问题,在分析传统方法的基础上,给出了合理的解决方法。

    Second , analyze the problems of workflow interoperation and the distributed transaction management which based on Web Services . After analyzing the traditional way , we propose some ways to solve these problems .

  24. 我能在分布式事务中使用非XA驱动吗?

    Can I use a non-XA driver in distributed transactions ?

  25. 为了进行应用程序监控,首先要创建一个PortableRequestInterceptor,然后在分布式事务运行期间它与correlator脱离。

    For application monitoring , a Portable Request Interceptor is created to marshal and then disengage with the correlator during distributed transactions .

  26. 难题在于以单个分布式事务怎样在ERP和CRM数据库中完成两个帐户的创建。

    The challenge is on how to complete the creation of the two accounts in the ERP and the CRM databases as a single distributed transaction .

  27. 在电子政务系统数据集成的问题上,本文研究了关系型数据的XML表示、XML数据模式变换和基于WebServices的分布式事务处理问题。

    We also studied many problems on data integration for E-Government applications , such as , relational data model based on XML , XML data schema transforming , distributed transaction processing based on web services .

  28. 不过,此解决方案实现前一部分中声明的需求的关键是使用WebSphere中的分布式事务功能。

    However , the key for this solution to implement the requirements as stated in the previous section is to use the distributed transactional capabilities in WebSphere .

  29. X/OpenDTP参考模型是业界公认的分布式事务处理的标准,此模型提出了一个支持分布式事务应用的软件体系框架。

    X / Open DTP Reference Model is a de facto industrial standard in distributed transaction processing , which provides the software architecture for distributed transaction applications .

  30. 本文利用Web服务的应用程序组件特性,配合分布式事务处理的两阶段提交机制,建立了一个Web服务与事务处理协调操作的应用模型。

    This paper builds an application model which coordinates Web services and transaction processing , by making use of the application component characteristics of Web services and coordinating with the 2-Phase Commit protocol mechanism of distributed transaction processing .