首页 / 词典 / good

  • Diao;tricky;artful;sly
  • 狡猾,无赖:~棍。~滑。

  • 〔~斗(dǒu)〕古代军中用具,白天用来烧饭,夜间击以巡更。


(狡猾) tricky; artful; sly:

  • 放刁

    make difficulties for sb.; act in a rascally manner


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 刁融

    Diao Rong

  1. 这个问题有点刁但需要老实回答。

    This question is tricky yet needs to be answered with full honesty .

  2. 她发给我的球很刁,没有希望接住。

    That was a tricky ball she served to me , there was no hope of returning it .

  3. 这个人可真够刁的。

    What a sly one !

  4. 将保留下来的刁草叶剁碎,以备装饰

    Finely chop the reserved dill andthe rest for garnishing .

  5. 经等级相关分祈示mdr刁和冲的表达与耐药性密切相关。

    Expression level of mdr-1 and Irp were significantly correlated with clinical resistance through rank correlation analysis .

  6. ChinaMagicFilm刁亦男说,希望为观众呈现一部与众不同、富有新意的电影。刁亦男在北京接受了《华尔街日报》的专访,谈到自己如何为了吸引投资而修改剧本、在国际上拿奖对中国观众的影响以及他对阅读的热爱。

    Mr. Diao sat down with the Journal in Beijing to talk about reworking his script in order to secure investment , the impact of international awards on Chinese audiences and his love of reading .

  7. 大约克猪和二花脸猪脾脏中IGF-1受体帆NA水平在出生时均相对较高,随后呈平稳变化趋势,总体上与脾脏IL刁水平发育变化相似。

    IGF-1R mRNA abundance hi spleens was higher at birth , subsequently , remained relatively stable levels in both EHL and LW pigs .

  8. 完成mIL刁融合基因的构伎完成肿瘤特异性增殖型腺病毒载体的构建。

    Constructions of Tumor-specific replication-competent adenovirus-mediated transfer of Interleukin-12 gene .

  9. 菠萝蛋白酶力入B-1稳定齐后,酶失活速率常数变刁,半衰期延长,活化能增加,从而使酶的稳定性提高。

    By adding of B-1 , the inactivation rate constant of Bromelain becomes small , the half-life is prolonged and the activation energy increases , indicating that the stability of Bromelain can be improved by B-1 .

  10. (还可表示小,例如chicken小鸡;最常用到的是动词后缀lengthen,worsen)雌狐;泼妇,刁妇;唠叨的女人;坏心眼的女人欺骗;使困惑或迷惑狐狸;

    It was formed using the suffix - en , denoting ' female " A female fox A woman regarded as quarrelsome , shrewish , or malicious n.

  11. 有机磷农药不能诱导MCF刁细胞增殖;

    All the pyrethroid pesticides could induce MCF-7 cell proliferation to some extent while the organophosphorus pesticides did not .

  12. 结果表明:1、夹闭颈总动脉13刁秒时,先RSNA增加后血压和心率紧随之升高;

    The results were as follow : 1 , Grip the common carotid artery for 13-15 seconds , RSNA increased then I he blood pressure ( BP ) and HR ;

  13. Protocadherin-PC(PCDH-PC或PCDHY)是一个在抗刁亡、雄性激素非依赖性前列腺癌细胞中特异表达的基因。

    Protocadherin-PC ( PCDH-PC or PCDHY ) is a gene product that is selectively expressed in apoptosis - and hormone-resistant human prostate cancer cells .

  14. 现友刁量官于第一次世界大战蹬文献。

    There now extensive literature dealing with the First World War .

  15. 肌电图检查显示治疗前存在肛I刁矛盾运动的患者在治疗后矛盾运动均有不同程度的改善。

    Electromyography check show that contradiction motion improved after therapy .

  16. 他的第一次成功来自于《蛇形刁手》。

    his first success was snake in Eagle 's Shadow .

  17. 从那时候开始,刁再也没吃过肉。

    From then on , Diao never ate another piece of meat .

  18. 北归士族在北朝发展的几种模式初探&以太原晋阳王氏、渤海刁氏、琅琊王氏北归后的发展为例

    The Development Models of the Aristocratic Families Which Moved Back to the North

  19. 大牛,刁羊比赛要开始了。

    Daniel , sheep snatching is about to begin .

  20. 刁;管是高是矮,它总是长得笔直。

    Tall or short , it will be straight .

  21. 刁亦男:第一个版本很文艺。

    The first version was a very artistic story .

  22. 刁斗是一位富有思想、智慧和哲思的杰出小说家。

    Diao Dou is a distinguished novelist with rich thoughts , wisdom and thinking .

  23. 警方拘捕了这些聚众闹事的刁棍。

    The police have arrested these artful rascals who gathered together to make trouble .

  24. 就是哪一队把刁羊最先放到指定的地点哪一队就赢了。

    Whichever team places the sheep at the designated point first will be the winner .

  25. 严重的水环境污染破坏了河流水生生态系统,曾造成刁江中上游河段鱼虾绝迹。

    Severe water pollution has spoiled the ecosystem of the river , causing a fish kill .

  26. 在刁龙咀西北的浅滩区目前正发育最新的沙咀。

    At present , the latest sand spit is developing on the shoal northwest of Diaolongzui .

  27. 主菜。鳕鱼拼大虾及带子伴刁草酱汁配马铃薯、胡萝卜及番茄。

    King prawn , scallop and cod with dill sauce , crushed potatoes , carrots and tomato .

  28. 刁羊放在谁家的门口,就会给谁带来好运。

    The fleece will bring luck to the owner of the doorstep where the fleece is laid .

  29. 为了供着他那刁泼的妻子齐拉,他改行做了沥青房顶生意。

    He had gone into the tar-roofing business in order to support his shrewish wife , Zilla .

  30. 大家都知道老板娘嘴刁,谁都不敢惹她。

    Everyone knows that the boss 's wife is sharp-tongued , and no one dares provoke her .