
  • 网络publication delay;publication lag
  1. 平均出版时滞为195d。

    Average publication time lag is 195d .

  2. 科技期刊出版时滞的数学描述

    Quantitative Analysis of time Delay in Publication of Scientific Journals

  3. 对职技高师学报论文出版时滞的分析

    The analysis of detaining to publish paper in the Journal of vocation-technical teachers college

  4. 出版时滞的内涵研究

    On connotation of time lag of paper publishing

  5. 加快编辑流程,尽快缩短出版时滞;

    Accelerating edit flow and shortening publication cycle ;

  6. 对《河北职业技术师范学院学报》等5份学报的论文出版时滞、离散度进行了统计与分析。

    This paper counts and analyses 5 papers being detained and scattering in the JOURNAL OF VOCATION-TECHNICAL TEACHERS COLLEGE .

  7. 出版时滞能从时间上揭示期刊运行机制的好坏。

    The time lag of paper publishing can reveal through time whether the running mechanism of an academic journal is efficient or not .

  8. 结果表明,5份职技高师学报平均刊发的论文出版时滞低于全国科技期刊的平均时滞、但离散度大,不适合当代科学技术发展的需要。

    That shows the papers in the JOURNAL don 't fit the demands of the development of present science and technology because of detaining to publish and scattering .

  9. 一方面是知识爆炸的信息社会,另一方面又是出版时滞过长,被国际大型检索系统引证率低。

    Being in an information explosion times , the slow circle of the publications and the low quotation rate by the large international index system are the actual conditions of China ′ s publications .

  10. 方法用文献计量学方法,统计分析该刊1-10卷刊载的论文、作者、作者地域分布、论文合著率,论著的引文率、引文语种和引文类型,普赖斯指数,引文半衰期以及出版时滞等。

    Methods A bibliometric survey was done to analyze articles , authors , districts distribution of authors , cooperation rate , citation rate , language of the citations , publication type of citation , Price 's Index .

  11. 《学报》信息密度优良,出版时滞较短,但文章的学科特色和理论深度不足,未能充分体现专业特色和行业特色。

    The info-density of the Journal is good and its postponement of publishing relatively short , but the articles , still somewhat lack of disciplinary characteristics and theoretical depth , cannot reflect the professional and vocational characteristics .

  12. 统计和分析了2001&2004年期间《情报理论与实践》的载文量、作者、引文、论文出版时滞等资料,总结了该刊的载文特点。

    This paper makes statistical analysis on the published papers quantities , authors , quotations , paper publishing time lag and other materials of Journal of Information Theory and Practice in period of 2001-2004 , and sums up the features of the papers published in this journal .

  13. 探讨了出版速度对科技期刊质量的影响,指出过长的出版周期和论文出版时滞给科技创新带来的负面影响;

    This paper approaches the effects of publication speed on the quality of academic periodicals by analysing its two basic parameters of publication cycle and publishing detainment of articles .

  14. 简要回顾了《数据采集与处理》杂志创刊15年来编辑出版情况,着重就1996~2000年期间刊载论文进行统计与分析,主要包括审稿、论文质量、作者队伍、引文及出版时滞等方面。

    The statistics and analysis for published paper in Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing in 1996 ~ 2000 are carried out .