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qī kǔ
  • miserable and sad;suffering tragically
凄苦 [qī kǔ]
  • [miserable and bleak] 凄惨悲苦

  • 凄苦的生活

  1. 他经此一役变成了一个凄苦而忧伤的人。

    The experience has turned him into a sad and embittered man .

  2. 优美的抒情与凄苦的咏叹构成了永远的“交响”。

    Elegant emotional expression and miserable chants constitute " everlasting symphony " .

  3. 我的儿女凄苦,因为仇敌已经得胜。

    My children have become desolate , Because the enemy has prevailed .

  4. 罗宾逊的诗歌事业开始的时候,他也过着清贫凄苦和默默无闻的生活。

    His poetry career also began in poverty and obscurity .

  5. 媚兰抬起头,遇到了嘉菱的凄苦的眼睛。

    Melanie looked up and met Cathleen 's hard eyes .

  6. 那是你老年生活凄苦的原因。

    That 's why you 're living like that in your old age .

  7. 一只丑小鸭经历了种种凄苦的遭遇,最后变成一只美丽的天鹅!

    An unhappy duckling grows into a beautiful swan in this magical fairytale .

  8. 他在雨中看上去寒冷而凄苦。

    He looked cold and miserable in the rain .

  9. 鉴于自己经历过动荡不安、凄苦的童年,他决意不结婚。

    He was determined not to marry after his own unhappy , disturbed childhood .

  10. 心情凄苦的女主人,受不了欢娱的宾客;

    A woeful hostess brooks not merry guests .

  11. 你可能会觉得我们生活得很凄苦,因为我们住的是茅草搭建的泥屋

    I expect you think we live miserable because we are in a sod house .

  12. 她就这样一年一年地坐在那里,感受着世间的凄苦与不幸。

    Thus she sat year after year , and felt the pain and the misery of the world .

  13. 三是洋溢着哀伤凄苦的悲剧意味。这种现代意识是时代的产物,也是庐隐创作的审美选择。

    Such modern sense was the product of the times and the topic of Lu Yin 's aesthetic approach .

  14. 大堰河的“生”,是饱尝凌侮的奴隶生活和奴隶的凄苦,浸透着爱的人生苦难和虚幻梦想;

    Her " life " is a life of slavery and humiliation , full of dreams and love born of sufferings .

  15. 这时候,他微笑了一下,不是凄苦的,悲哀的微笑,而是非常高兴,极其满意的微笑。

    He now smiled , and not a bitter or a sad smile , but one well pleased and deeply gratified .

  16. 他们身世凄苦,仕途坎坷,他们学习贾岛,苦吟为诗。

    Their miserable life experience , rough careers , learning poetry from Jia Dao , assiduously writing poetry are known to us .

  17. 我的梦怎么会让他如此疯狂?我不忍再看他凄苦的样子,下楼去了。

    How could my dream have produced such madness ? I could not watch his suffering any more , and went downstairs .

  18. 不要折磨一个可怜的孤老头子吧,”他凄苦地叫着乞求他们,“把活儿给我!

    Don 't torture a poor forlorn wretch ," he implored them , with a dreadful cry ;" but give me my work !

  19. 茨威格以深刻的人文关怀描写了女性畸零人凄苦而温馨的内心世界,对她们异于常人的种种表现给予了充分的同情。

    Zweig depicted inner desolate but warm psychological world of " female Marginal " with his profoundly humanitarian consideration , and showed full sympathy for their unusual behavior .

  20. 我和一禾谈过这一点,我们认为,因为没有仇恨,海子的内心注定了要忍受常人难以体味的凄苦。

    I had talked about this with Yihe , we thought , because of without hate , Haizi 's heart was destined to bear the grievous bitter that ordinary person hardly perceived .

  21. 特别是表达哀伤、凄苦情感时,清角和闰两音的运用与西北地区丧葬礼俗的哭腔有着密切的关系。

    Particularly , when expressing the miserable emotions , 4 and 7 tunes application in the music have closed ties with the tunes similar to those of funeral rites in northwestern regions of China .

  22. 整整一天,我怀着谦卑和感激的心情,追念上帝给我的种种恩惠。如果没有这些恩惠,我孤寂的生活就会更凄苦了。

    I spent the whole day in humble and thankful acknowledgments of the many wonderful mercies which my solitary condition was attended with , and without which it might have been infinitely more miserable .

  23. 庐隐小说有着强烈的现代意识,具体从三个方面表现出来:一是表现了现代人性意识的觉醒;二是融入了作家极为强烈的自我主体意识;三是洋溢着哀伤凄苦的悲剧意味。

    Lu Yins novels reveal a strong modern sense in three aspects : the awakening of the modern human consciousness , an obvious egoism of the writer , and the overwhelming sentimental and tragic feelings .