
  1. 1年中最冷月的平均温度≤20℃;

    The average temperature in the coldest month below 20 ℃;

  2. 周三,希腊迎来今年最后一轮满月。这轮满月被称为“冷月”。

    The last full moon of the year cast its glow over Greece on Wednesday .

  3. 确定了连栋温室采暖室外设计温度和采暖期。室外设计温度确定为0.85倍最低日平均温度与0.15倍最冷月平均温度之和并向下取整;

    Heating design temperature outside and heating period of multi-span greenhouse have been calculated and confirmed .

  4. 在埃尔-尼诺持续期内,春季渤海气温出现异常冷月的百分率高达73%。

    During period of EI-Nino continuing the percentage of abnormal coed monthes is high with 73 % in spring .

  5. 统计分析了华南冬季异常冷月及其前期大气环流及外部强迫因子的变化特征。

    The work statistically studies the variations of the general circulation and external forcing factors in and before the extremely severe cold months .

  6. 寒区是指冬季最冷月平均温度为零度以下地区;旱区包括干旱区和半干旱区。

    Cold regions cover the areas with the average temperature of the coldest month below 0 ' C.Arid regions cober arid and semiarid areas .

  7. 结果表明,异常冷月当月至其前期3月西太平洋副热带高压持续偏弱或位置偏东偏南。

    The result shows that the subtropical high in the west Pacific keeps weak or on an eastward or southward position in the current and previous 3 months .

  8. 植被增加率受气候因子如年降雨量、最冷月均温、年均温和地形因子如海拔的制约。

    Rate of increase of vegetation is restrained by such climatic factors like annual rainfall , average temperature of the coldest month , annual average temperature , and terrain .

  9. 从图3&4和表3的分析,发现50年来在我国出现的暖月和冷月与太阳活动的周期性变化有一定的关联。

    3-4 , and Table 3 , we find that the secular variations of warm and cold months . in China are definitely correlated with the cyclic variations of solar activity .

  10. 年平均气温16.0~18.0℃,最冷月1月份的平均气温为5.7℃,平均最低气温为2.4℃;

    The average annual temperature is from 16 ℃ to 18 ℃; January is the coldest month in a year , its average temperature is 5.7 ℃, and its average lowest one is 2.4 ℃;

  11. 分析对比了该种植屋面改造前后冬季最冷月四天的室内外实测数据,验证了保温种植屋面改造方案的保温效果。

    Through the comparison between indoor and outdoor data measured in four days in the chilliest month of winter before and after the planted roof reconstruction , the heat insulation ef-fects of the planted roof reconstruction scheme is verified .

  12. 在生态地理区域划分中,先选择人力不能大规模改变的几个主要因素:温度指标,主要指标是日平均气温≥10℃的天数和积温,最冷月平均气温,最暖月平均气温等;

    In delineation of eco geographical regions , several factors that can hardly be controlled by human are selected as main indexes . Days and cumulated temperature of daily temperature ≥ 10 ℃, average temperatures of the coldest and hottest months are used as indexes of temperature state .