
lěnɡ qǐ dònɡ
  • cold start;cold boot
  1. 提高平均响应时间是采用eXtremeScale帮助解决冷启动问题的另一个明显的效益。

    Improvement in average response time is another notable benefit of employing eXtreme Scale to help with the cold start situation .

  2. 航天GPS接收机的无辅助冷启动时间是一项重要指标,研究近地轨道应用的12通道C/A码导航型接收机减小冷启动时间的方法。

    Unaided cold start time is an important performance of spaceborne global position system ( GPS ) receiver . Reduction of cold start time was developed for C / A code navigation receiver on low earth orbit ( LEO ) .

  3. 用于冷启动污染控制的非Ce基全Pd密偶催化剂研究

    Study on Non-Ce-Based Only-Pd-Containing Close Coupled Catalysts Used for the Control of Cold-Start Pollution

  4. 不过,有时候碰到一些Java类库非常大,而操作系统要在其中寻找所需的各种数据,这时候冷启动会慢得难受。

    However cold start-up can be painfully slow as the OS seeks the various bits it needs in the sometimes very large Java libraries .

  5. 改进方案在一定程度上解决了CF推荐算法遇到的矩阵稀疏性问题、冷启动问题和可扩展性差问题。

    This improved program has solved the scalability , sparsity , cold start problems in a certain extent .

  6. 汽车冷启动时催化剂床层温度低,尾气中的CO和烃类不能被传统三效催化剂有效消除。

    The conventional threeway catalysts are not efficient enough to remove the CO and hydrocarbons during vehicle coldstart period due to the low temperature of catalyst bed .

  7. 当然任何事物都有两面性,CF推荐算法也是如此,它面临着一些问题,比如系统可扩展性差、冷启动、矩阵数据稀疏等等。

    On the other side , CF is confronted with some problems , such as scalability , sparsity , cold start and so on .

  8. 近年,随着越来越严格的排放法规的实施,机动车低温冷启动中HC污染物的处理成为了热门的研究课题。

    In recent years , with the increasingly stringent emission regulating , HC pollutant treatment in motor vehicle cold-start becomes a hot research topic .

  9. 为改善柴油机冷启动性能和冷启动排放,提出了一种用PTC材料内置喷油器加热柴油的方法。

    In order to improve the cold-start performance and emissions of diesel engine , this paper presents a way to use PTC material heating diesel fuel in the injector .

  10. 试验表明,加热器对发动机冷却水预热,有效的降低了汽油发动机冷启动过程中的HC、CO、NOx排放;

    The test result indicate that a heater was used to increase the cooling water 's temperature before cold-start of the gasoline , this method can effectively reduce the exhaust emission of CO , HC and NO_x during the cold-start period .

  11. 采用一种新型的、耐高温和具有大比表面积的氧化铝为载体,制备了Pt-Rh密偶催化剂,并用其催化控制汽车冷启动期间的尾气排放。

    A noble Pt-Rh close coupled catalyst supported on a novel high surface area alumina was prepared to control the exhaust gas emission of automobiles .

  12. 关于Quickstarter,ChetHaase主张冷启动时间(Java运行时环境在重启后的第一次调用)是Java启动性能的问题所在

    On the Quickstarter , Chet Haase argued that the cold startup time ( first invocation of the Java runtime environment after a reboot ) is the problem with Java startup performance

  13. 协同过滤是目前电子商务推荐系统中广泛使用的、最成功的推荐算法,但还存在诸如稀疏性(sparsity)、冷启动(cold-start)、可扩展性(scalability)等制约其进一步发展的瓶颈问题。

    Collaborative filtering is the most successful and widely used recommendation algorithm in E-commerce recommender systems currently . However , there exist some bottleneck problems in collaborative filtering , such as sparsity , cold-start and scalability .

  14. 此修改后的冷启动测试被称为新欧洲标准行驶循环(NEDC)或称为MVEG-B的试验。

    This modified cold start test is referred to as the New European Driving Cycle ( NEDC ) or as the MVEG-B test .

  15. 与冷启动相比,可使怠速暖机时间缩短90%,每次启动可降低耗油量约0.4L;

    Compared with cold start , it can reduce the idling warm-up period by 90 % and the fuel consumption in one start by about 0.4L .

  16. 这个系统采用6h周期的间歇资料同化方法,利用全球粗网格分析场资料,形成冷启动的初估场和同化模式的边界条件。

    The RDAS is an intermittent assimilation system in which an assimilation cycle includes four analyses in a daily period . Both the first guess fields for the cold starting of the system and the boundary conditions for the assimilation model are supplied by products of the global model system .

  17. 根据改进的恒模算法(MCMA)具有冷启动能力和判决导引最小均方误差(DD-LMS)算法剩余误差小的特性,对一种双模式盲均衡算法进行了研究。

    According to the modified constant modulus algorithm ( MCMA ) 's cold start ability and decision directed least mean square ( DD-LMS ) algorithm 's small residual error property , a dual-mode blind equalization algorithm was introduced .

  18. 采用冷启动模拟机(CCS)和MRV对小型旋转粘度计(OCP)粘度指数改进剂的低温流变学性能进行了测试,并将分析结果与粘度指数改进剂的分子结构进行了关联。

    The low temperature rheological properties of olefin copolymer ( OCP ) viscosity index improvers were measured by CCS ( cold cracking simulator ) and MRV ( mini rotary viscometer ) . The results were correlated with the molecular structures determined with 13 C NMR and gel permeation chromatography .

  19. 虽然判决导引最小均方误差算法(DD-LMS)剩余误差小,但是,在信道眼图闭合的情况下,该算法无法收敛,即不具备冷启动能力。

    Though the decision directed least mean square error algorithm ( DD-LMS ) has small residual error , when the channel eye close , it can not converge . That is , it has no cold start ability .

  20. 内燃机冷启动性能测试与评价

    Test and Evaluation for Cold Start Performance of Internal Combustion Engines

  21. 柴油机冷启动辅助装置控制系统的研制

    Development of Aided Device Control System for Diesel Engine Cold Starting

  22. 彻底消除汽车的冷启动磨损。

    That can completely eliminate cold start wear to the vehicle .

  23. 用于车辆冷启动的球内凝固参数分析

    Parameters analysis of freezing in spheres for the engine 's cold start

  24. 间歇精馏冷启动过程的流程模拟

    Simulation of Startup Operation for Batch Distillation Starting from a Cold State

  25. 对冷启动而言,使用主通行码或用户密码。

    For a cold start , use the master or user password .

  26. 汽油机冷启动时燃油蒸发多参数影响研究

    Effect of multi-parameters on fuel evaporation in a gasoline engine during cold-start

  27. 系统冷启动延迟装置,防止泵的损坏。

    The system with cooling device can prevent the pump from damage .

  28. 汽车尾气排气系统冷启动热量传递数值模拟

    Mathematical modeling of heat transfer in exhaust system of a cold-start engine

  29. 车用发动机低温冷启动磨损研究

    Research on Abrasion of Automobile Engine in Cold Starting at Low Temperature

  30. 协同过滤系统的稀疏性与冷启动问题研究

    Research of Sparsity and Cold Start Problem in Collaborative Filtering