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lěnɡ tiān
  • cold weather;winter
冷天 [lěng tiān]
  • [cold weather;cold day; cold season] 寒冷的天气

  1. 我喜欢冷天。

    I like cold weather

  2. 我的皮肤在冷天里很快就皲裂了。

    My skin soon chapped in cold weather .

  3. 冷天出来快步走走,简直太舒服了。

    There 's nothing like a brisk walk on a cold day !

  4. 没有比在大冷天头发湿着外出更糟糕的了。

    There 's nothing worse than going out in the cold with wet hair .

  5. 我非常讨厌在大冷天里排队等着看电影。

    I hate lining up in the cold to go to a cinema .

  6. lineup排队等候我非常讨厌在大冷天里排队等着看电影。

    I hate lining up in the cold to go to the cinema .

  7. 我不喜欢雪/雨/冷天。

    I don 't like the snow / rain / cold .

  8. 冷天能看到人们呼出的空气。

    You can see people 's breath on a cold day .

  9. 在这样的冷天里,你应把脖子围起来。

    You should wrap up your neck in this cold weather .

  10. 那是一个很冷的冷天,玛丽只好留在家里。

    It is such a cold day that Mary stays home .

  11. 乔注意到我在冷天经常发出求救信号。

    Joe notes that on cold days I give frequent signals .

  12. 人的嘴唇和皮肤在冷天常会裂开。

    A person 's lips or skin often chap in cold weather .

  13. 我习惯于冷天(长距离步行)。

    I am accustomed to cold weather ( walking long distances ) .

  14. 冷天过去了,我现在觉得好受多了。

    I 'm feeling much better now that the cold weather is past .

  15. 冷天汽车预热的时间要稍长一些。

    In cold weather it takes longer for the car to warm up .

  16. 在这种冷天,这部车子的引擎老是发不动。

    The car keeps stalling in this cold weather .

  17. 我母亲的双手在冷天皲裂。

    My mother 's hands chapped in cold weather .

  18. 它们甚至不习惯这冷天!

    They 're not even used to the cold !

  19. 我的汽车在冷天里经常出毛病。

    My car always acts up in cold weather .

  20. A热天比冷天好!

    AThe hot weather is better than the cold !

  21. 冷天在路面上撒了沙子。

    The roads were sanded during the cold weather .

  22. 阿隆索:在这冷天还不糟吗?!

    Alonso : In the middle of winter ? !

  23. 甲:我比较喜欢冷天,因为冬天我可以去滑冰。

    A : I prefer cold weather because I can go skating in winter .

  24. 我真傻,大冷天没穿我那紫貂皮大衣就出门了。

    I was silly to get out in the cold without my sable coat .

  25. 你的脑岛告诉你外面的冷天会是什么感觉。

    I am buying back this insula so I 'll not have spare cash .

  26. 这倒是打发阴雨冷天的好办法。

    That 'll be a nice way of spending a rainy and cold day .

  27. 这种发动机在冷天性能很好。

    The engine performs well in cold weather .

  28. 他们携带厚重的外套,以预防冷天来袭。

    They took heavy coats as a precaution against the possibility of cold weather .

  29. 没什么比大冷天吃美美的炖菜更让人充满食欲了。

    There 's nothing more appetizing on a cold day than a good stew .

  30. 我还是比较喜欢冷天。

    I still prefer the cold weather .