
lěnɡ jiā ɡōnɡ
  • cold-work
冷加工 [lěng jiā gōng]
  • [cold working] 在常温下进行的金属加工处理

  1. 多数导轨冷加工后,直线度达不到规定要求,需要校直机校直。

    Most rails ' straightness could not meet requirements after cold-work , need straightening machines to enhance their straightness performance .

  2. 聚氯乙烯冷加工效应的动态粘弹谱分析

    Investigating of cold-work effect in α - pvc using dynamic viscoelasticity

  3. 冷加工对氢在纯Ni中渗透和扩散行为的影响

    Effect of cold-working on hydrogen permeation and diffusion in pure nickel

  4. 脱皮挤压对ODSCu-Al2O3合金冷加工性能的影响

    Extrusion forming shell effect on cold working of alloy cu-al_2o_3

  5. 滚动轴承冷加工工艺CAPP系统的设计

    CAPP System for Cold Process Technology of Rolling Bearings

  6. 冷加工对Tl-1223复银超导带性能的影响

    Effect of cold working on properties of ti-1223 / Ag superconducting tapes

  7. Cu-Zn-Al形状记忆合金中显微组织对冷加工性能的影响

    Effect of microstructure on cold-working property in Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy

  8. 冷加工变形织构在400℃/24h退火后不仅不会消失,反而会得到加强,这是由于择优取向的亚晶在退火回复过程中变得更加完整的原因。

    That cold deformation texture become stronger at 400 ℃ annealing is believed to result from the perfection of preferred orientation subgrains during annealing recovery .

  9. 冷加工性能研究结果表明:对水平连铸坯进行均匀化扩散退火能改变铸坯的枝晶偏析,但对Pb相的分布影响不大,能一定程度地改善铸坯的力学性能,对后续加工有利。

    The results of the cold processing and the mechanical performance experiments are as follows : Homogenization annealing can vary the ingot 's crystal segregation except Pb and improve its mechanical performance .

  10. 带材的微观结构和临界电流密度Jc值与冷加工变形量和烧结条件密切相关。

    The microstructure and critical current density Jc value of strip materials are closely related with cold processing deformation and sintering condition .

  11. 冷加工拉伸25%的800M合金管的晶粒变形拉长,屈服强度和抗拉强度增大而延伸率降低,管的残余应力增加,SCC敏感性增加。

    Cold work led to lengthening of grains , decrease in ductility , increase in strength , residential stress and susceptibility to SCC .

  12. 钽丝带膜连续退火与平直度的研究测量了冷加工的高纯Ta丝在电解加氢前后的低频内耗。

    Continuous Annealing of Ta Wire with Oxide Film and Its Flatness The low frequency internal friction of the cold-worked Ta wire with high purity was measured before and after hydrogen charging .

  13. 本文研究了主要合金化元素C、Ti和Mo的含量对合金力学性能和显微组织的影响;合金的主要性能及合适的冷加工变形量和时效制度。

    The effect of C , Ti and Mo as main alloying elements on the mechanical properties and the microstructure of this alloy , main properties and suitable cold working deformation and aging heat treatment were investigated in this paper .

  14. 本文研究了在不同热处理工艺下Cu-Zn-Al记忆合金的冷加工性能变化。

    In this paper the change of cold-working property in Cu-Zu-Al shape memory alloy ( SMA ) has been studied with different heat-treatment procedures .

  15. 结果表明,冷拔态的铋黄铜,由于β相沿着冷加工方向分布,同时位错密度和残余应力的增加,导致了其耐脱Zn腐蚀性能比热轧态的黄铜和铸造态的黄铜差。

    The results show that dezincification corrosion resistance of cold-drawing Bi-brass is worse than that of hot-rolled Bi-brass and as-cast Bi-brass as a results of β phase distributed along cold-working direction and the increase of dislocation density and residual stress .

  16. 随着深紫外准分子激光光刻技术的发展,所用CaF2光学晶体镜头材料的加工对传统的冷加工技术提出了挑战。

    With the development of far UV laser lithography technique , the processing of CaF2 single crystals lens material challenged traditional cool procession technique .

  17. 在分析研究了冷加工工艺流程特点并参考工艺过程卡和车加工指导卡,结合CAD/CAPP的特点开发出滚动轴承冷加工工艺CAPP系统。

    Through cold process procedure analysis and taking the technology procedure card and turning process guiding card and CAD / CAPP for reference , the CAPP system for rolling bearing cold process has been developed with module design .

  18. 高标准纯钛(Gr.2)斜轧穿孔管的冷加工技术

    Cold Processing Technology of High-Specification Pure Titanium ( Gr.2 ) Cross-Rolled Boring Tube

  19. 通过力学性能、电学性能测量和金相、电镜观察对Cu-Al2O3弥散强化铜合金的冷加工及退火后性能和组织的变化进行了系统研究。

    Mechanical , electrical properties measurements and microstructures observation on cold drawn and annealed Cu-Al2O3 alloy are conducted .

  20. 但是,可以通过非平衡技术使FeAl无序化,如快速凝固、冷加工、溅射、共蒸发和机械合金化。

    However , the long-range order of ordered FeAl could be destroyed by non-equilibrium techniques , such as rapid quenching , cold-working treatment , sputtering , co-evaporation and mechanical alloying .

  21. 淬火速度及冷加工与Pd-Si-Cu金属玻璃结构弛豫谱之关系

    The relation of quenching velocity and cold working to structural relaxation spectrum of Pd-Si-Cu metal glass

  22. 冷加工率对Ti-35合金组织性能的影响

    Effect of Cold Processing Rate on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-35 Alloy

  23. 用示差扫描热分析仪(DSC)和恒应力拉伸试验研究了时效和冷加工率对Ti-50.5mol%Ni形状记忆合金相变特性和回复应变的影响。

    The effect of aging and cold working rate on the trans formation properties and the recovery strain in Ti-50 . 5mol % Ni shape memory alloy have been investigated with DSC ( Differential Scanning Calorimetry ) and mechanical test under a constant stress .

  24. Fe-Mn-Ti合金在冷加工后于540℃左右高温回火可以得到较高的磁矫顽力。本研究用退磁曲线测量;

    The cold worked Fe-Mn-Ti alloy after tempering at ~ 540 ℃ can get relatively high value of coercive force .

  25. 研究结果显示,该合金冷加工性能优良,冷轧道次采用50%的变形量和800℃,1h的退火制度,轧制产品的质量和各项性能指标均满足技术标准要求。

    The result shows that the alloy has good cold processing performance , employs reduction 50 % and annealing temperature 800 ℃× 1 h for the cold rolling pass , and all quality and characteristic indications of the cold rolled products meet the requirement of technical standard .

  26. 研究造成82B盘条冷加工断裂的主要原因,重点阐述高碳钢连铸小方坯中心碳偏析和夹杂物的控制措施。

    The main causes for bringing about cold drawing fracture of 82B wire rod are investigated . The control measures of center carbon segregation and inclusions of high carbon steel casting billets are introduced mainly .

  27. 在分析时考虑了冷加工与材料的影响,并引用了Shanley的切线模量概念。

    In the theoretical analysis , the effect of cold forming to the material is taken into consideration , and the Shanley 's tangent modulus concept is used .

  28. 本文制备的材料经高温退火后的硬度明显降低温度点为973K,大大超过了纯铜(冷加工态)的423K,而且热稳定性能较好。随着AIZO。

    After high temperature annealing the hardness of the composites did not reduced obviously until 973K , this temperature greatly exceeds that of pure copper ( after cold machining , the temperature is 423K ) .

  29. 测定不同状态的Pd-Si-Cu金属玻璃等速升温时的电阻变化,研究淬火速度和冷加工对其结构弛豫谱的影响。

    The resistance change of Pd-Si-Cu metal glass during temperature elevating in different states has been determined , the effect of quenching velocity and cold working on structural relaxation spectrum has been studied .

  30. 冷加工降低Fe-Ni-Ti-Al合金的膨胀系数,时效热处理则增大合金的膨胀系数。

    Cold forming decreased the expansion coefficient of Fe - Ni - Ti - Al Invar alloy , while ageing heat treatment increased the expansion coefficient of Fe - Ni - Ti - Al Invar alloy .