
  1. 加息周期难结束,主要股指冲高回落

    Interest Rate Raising Cycle Hardly Stops , Major Stock Indices Drop Back

  2. 全球低利率时代结束,利率上涨趋势依旧,主要股指冲高回落

    Global Low Interest Rate Age Ends , Major Indices Drop from High

  3. 22日香港恒指与国企指数略冲高回落。

    On the22nd Hong Kong Hang Seng Index and the index of state-owned enterprises rose slightly lower .

  4. 这家食品包装集团股价一度上探7.05港元,较发行价上涨31%,随后冲高回落,收盘上涨13%,收于6.11港元。

    Shares in the food packaging group rose as high as HK $ 7.05 , up 31 per cent from its offer price , before easing back to close 13 per cent higher at HK $ 6.11 .

  5. 美股在周三冲高后回落,丢失了部分涨幅,而黄金和石油价格双双上涨。

    The markets gave back some of their gains today , as both gold and oil saw spike in price .