- Impulse discharge voltage;【电工】impulse sparkover voltage

The air pressure influence characteristic index n of the 50 % impulse discharge voltage correlates with the discharge voltage polarity .
Clean fog will cause a significant increase of the breakdown voltage for AC particularly for lightning impulse voltage .
Salt-water fog also cause an increase of impulse flashover voltage but a slight decrease of AC flashover voltage .
Stuby on the Effects of the Humidity on Lightering Impulse Flashover Voltage in Plateau as well as in Plain Areas
The correction method of switching impulse flashover voltage under high altitude was discussed and the altitude correction coefficient was given .
The weighted mean method and maximum likelihood method are analyzed and compared with each other . The conclusion skows both methods are suited for processing data of impulse discharge voltage .
The best arcing horn must conform with the following principles : 1 . The minimum impulse flash-over voltage of the string with an arcing horn should not be lower than 80 % of that of the string without a horn ;
The man conclusions in the paper are as follows : The rain conductivity , the average rain intensity and the air temperature have influences on 50 % breakdown voltage .
Positive Polarity Switching Impulse Discharge Performance and Voltage Correction of 1m Rod-plane Air Gap
50 % lightning impulse voltage ; and 50 % switching impulse FOV of long air gaps ( 1-5m ) on the simulating tower .