
dōng lìng
  • winter;winter climate;climate in winter
冬令 [dōng lìng]
  • (1) [winter]∶冬季

  • (2) [climate in winter]∶冬季的气候

  • 春行冬令(春天的气候像冬天)

冬令[dōng lìng]
  1. 蚂蚁储存食物以防冬令。

    Ants store up food against the winter .

  2. 这些冬令上衣已从45英镑降到35英镑。

    These winter coats have been marked down from £ 45 to £ 35 .

  3. 在世界各地,由于夏时制的开始或结束,人们的睡眠模式也发生了改变。例如,在俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京从10月26日开始将国家永久性地改为永久冬令时后,俄罗斯人每天大约晚半个小时醒来。

    Around the world , people changed sleep patterns thanks to the start or end of daylight savings time , Russians , for example , began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to " winter time " starting on October 26 .

  4. 但伏天组治疗前后的免疫指标改善优于冬令组两者有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The improvement of immune index in the group for hot summer was better than that in the group for Winter days in contrast between before and after treatment , and there was a significant difference between them ( P0 . 05 ) .

  5. 店主决定减少剩下的冬令存货。

    The storekeeper decided to knock down his remaining winter stock .

  6. 能进行各种冬令体育活动的地方

    A place where every variety of winter sports holds forth

  7. 人参补膏,冬令佳品。

    Tonic jelly prepared from ginseng is the best speciality for winter .

  8. 而协调世界时恰好与伦敦的冬令时相吻合。

    Coordinated Universal Time coincides with winter time in London .

  9. 冬至后,人们常买些冬令佳品作为送客礼品。

    After the winter solstice , people often Buy winter specialities as presents .

  10. 冬令制比都柏林晚8小时。

    Hours later than Dublin in winter time .

  11. 冬令进补,可使您四季精神十足。

    Taking tonics in winter enaBles you to Be in high spirit all the year round .

  12. 角质层和我们的身体一样,也需要“冬令进补”来提高抵抗力。

    Cuticle , and , like our bodies , but also need to " winter tonic " to increase resistance .

  13. 作用:冬令争随佳品,可治层背冷痛、四肢风很疼痛等。

    Function : winter dispute is tasted , can treat layer with back pain , limb cold wind very ache , etc.

  14. 根据中医治未病理论,可运用中药汤剂,冬令膏方,穴位敷贴等方法进行预防性治疗。

    Under TCM theory of " treat pre-disease ", we can apply TCM decoction , winter cream formulae and acupoint application for preventive treatment .

  15. 冬令佳品,涮羊肉。好的。这里的涮羊肉,涮牛肉,鸡肉火锅,鲜虾火锅及其它海鲜火锅。

    Instant-Boiled mutton slices is a fine food in winter . yes , you can have a choice of lamb , beef , chicken , shrimp or other seafood .

  16. 一项调查表明,昨天是这一年中人们工作效率最低的一天,由于冬令时开始,黑夜变长,人们的工作积极性也受到了打击。

    Yesterday was the most unproductive day of the year , according to a survey , as workers'morale is hit by the darker evenings brought on by the clock change .

  17. 如今,立冬时节南方人爱吃些冬令进补的菜,比如姜母鸭、麻油鸡等。

    At present , Beginning of Winter is the best time for taking winter tonic like dishes of stewed duck with wine and ginger and Sesame Oil Chicken in the south of China .

  18. 夏季,你忙于防晒,而在冬天,你似乎沉迷于润肤霜,因为你的皮肤变得如此干燥而脆薄(这种现象被称为“冬令瘙痒”)。

    In summer , you 're busy with sun protection ( aren 't you ?), while in winter you may seem addicted to moisturizers because your skin gets so dried out and flaky ( this is called " winter itch ") .

  19. 结果发现谚语中的饮食文化与健康较有关联者,可分为饮食价值观、饮食习惯、饮食种类、地方小吃与名产、年节与婚丧喜庆习俗、冬令进补与文化禁忌等六大类。

    The results of this study had the conclusion that the diet culture found in these proverbs could be assorted into six values of eating : eating habits , types of food , special occasions , local special treats , nourishing food in winter , and diet taboos .