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yuān hún
  • spirit of one who was wrongly put to death or was murdered
冤魂 [yuān hún]
  • [ghost of one who had been wrongly accused] 冤屈而死的鬼魂(迷信)

  1. 我的箭是红色的这样就知道谁是我的箭下冤魂不要!

    I 'm using a red arrow so I know who I kiII .

  2. 他像地狱冤魂似地发出一声惨叫。

    He emitted a wail like a lost soul .

  3. 他们认为他们的失败是因为杰克的冤魂作祟。

    They thought their failure was caused by the dead hand of Jack .

  4. 对所有在197航班上丧命的冤魂负责

    all those people died on flight 197 .

  5. 死在他手下的冤魂。

    He killed more souls than .

  6. 有人说这条鱼是60年前…淹死在河中的小偷冤魂化身

    Some said that fish was the ghost of a thief ... who 'd drowned in that river 60 years before .

  7. 生为迂执人死做冤魂鬼&冯渊和石呆子的悲剧人生

    Being Pedantic and Stubborn in Their Lifetime , Becoming a Wrongly-treated Ghost after Death On Feng Yuan Shi Dai-zi 's Tragic Life

  8. 被杀的娇女的阴魂,既是贩奴过程中屈死的六千万黑奴冤魂的化身,也是整个黑人苦难历史的缩影。

    The ghost Beloved is the reincarnation of the dead negros in the slavery and the epitome of the miserable history of the black people .

  9. 该政策虽然在特定历史时期在打击犯罪方面起到了一定的作用,但同时又凝聚了许多中华儿女的屈辱、鲜血和冤魂!

    Although this policy had an effect on striking crime during the special history , it also resulted in the humiliation , the blood and the grievances of many people at the same time .

  10. 城里遍布闹鬼的宅子、酒馆、墓地,不出几步你就可以听到许多有关被诅咒的海盗船,内战期间的冤魂和巫毒妖婆的故事。

    The city is full of haunted mansions , taverns , and graveyards , and you can 't go far without hearing stories of cursed pirate ships , Civil War-era spirits , and voodoo hexes .

  11. 同时文中被一种阴森的气氛所笼罩着,主人公被冤魂附身、因果报应的诅咒所迷惑着,整个故事在现实与虚幻中摇摆,有一种诡谲感。

    At the same time the text was a gloomy atmosphere enveloped the hero possessed by ghosts , karma , confused by the curse , the whole story in reality and fantasy in the swing , there is a strange feeling .

  12. 我是冤魂,我死在你们寝室楼的地下室,去年我被肢解了,每天晚上我都向上爬,你能过来拉我一把么,我在你床边。

    I 'm innocent , I die in your bedroom floor in the basement last year , I was dismembered , and every night I have to climb , you can pull me over a what , I am in your bedside .