
  1. WTO农业补贴协议下中国农民发展权的实现

    Accomplishment of the Farmers ' Development Rights Under the Subsidy Provisions of WTO

  2. 农民发展权既是一种抽象的政治理念,也是一项具体的法律权利。

    Peasants'right of development is an abstract political idea and also a concrete legal right .

  3. 不仅仅能够在现阶段建设好建设社会主义新农村,而且也一定会从农民发展权的角度出发科学规划,从根本上解农民发展问题。

    The Chinese communist party can not at present build new socialist countryside , from the Angle of farmers ' development , scientific planning , and the Chinese communist party can fundamentally super solution of farmers development problems .

  4. 这些问题都是因为农民文化发展权的保障不可避免地受到许多现实因素的制约或者阻碍而产生的。

    These problems are inevitable produced by many practical factors or obstacles .

  5. 在农民教育发展权方面,农村教育资源短缺,分别体现在农村教育人力和财力两方面的缺失。

    In the education development of farmer ' rights , the rural education is short of two aspects & the human and financial resources .

  6. 在农民科技发展权方面,主要呈现的问题是农民的科技文化素质偏低。

    In the Science and technology development of farmer ' rights , the main problem is that the ideological and cultural quality is appreciably low .

  7. 总结起来可以说这些限制性因素的存在是制约农民文化发展权充分实现的最大瓶颈。

    We can say these restrictive factors are the biggest bottleneck of the farmers ' right to cultural development which restricted it to be fully realized .

  8. 文章在这一部分的论述中还就农民文化发展权与发展权、文化权的关系进行了专门的阐释。

    The article in this part also gives the special interpretation about the relation of the farmers ' right to cultural development , the right to cultural development and the right to development .

  9. 保障农民文化发展权同时也具有一定的可行性。因而,文章据此提出了保障农民文化发展权实现的具体措施。

    Protecting farmers ' right of cultural development also has a definite feasibility . Therefore , the article expounds the specific measures of how to achieve the protection of farmers ' right of cultural development .

  10. 剩余法较能体现农民的土地发展权权益。

    Residual Method can show farmers ' rights and interests most .

  11. 在农民文化生活发展权方面,农民的精神文化生活匮乏。

    In the cultural life development of farmer ' rights , farmers ' spiritual and cultural life are deficient .

  12. 农民集体所有土地发展权浅论&以土地征用制度改革为视角

    On Peasants ' Collective Developing Rights for Lands & Exemplified by the Land Collection Reform

  13. 最后作者对农民集体所有土地发展权的压抑与农民的抗争作了结论性的评价,并就制定有关政策提出了建议。

    Lastly , the authors make some conclusive comments on the depression of the farmers ' right to land development and also on their struggle for the above-discussed right of farmers as a social group and offer some suggestions for making relevant policy .

  14. 第三部分介绍了韩国、日本、德国、美国和我国台湾地区的土地征收对农民生存权和发展权的法律保障,并进行总结,提出了可借鉴之处。

    Part three introduced how Korean , Japan , German , American and the province of Taiwan in China protect the farmers ' subsistent rights and developing rights when they expropriate the land . The author makes a summarization and point out how to learn from their experience .

  15. 认为只有形式平等是不能解决农民发展问题的,特别是在现有法律还不足以保护农民发展权的条件下,必须从实质平等上加以解决,因此,还需制定新的法律来保护。

    Therefore , it is necessary to establish new laws to protect them with essential rather than formal equality of opportunity for development .

  16. 为了给予农民集体的土地发展收益更加稳固确定的保护,在土地管理法的修改过程中,立法者有必要将土地发展收益上升为农民集体的土地发展权。

    In order to give farmers a more stable income protection , legislators need to increase land development gains to the rights of farmers in the process of amending the land management law .