
  1. 新时代推进农村土地制度改革,要坚持把依法维护农民权益作为出发点和落脚点。坚持农村土地农民集体所有制不动摇,坚持家庭承包经营基础性地位不动摇。

    We need to unwaveringly uphold farmers ' collective ownership of rural land while continuing the fundamental practice of rural families exercising their right to contract and manage land in rural areas .

  2. 农村土地制度改革的困境及一种可供选择的方案

    Puzzlement in Reform of Rural Landing System and an Available Scheme

  3. 我国农村土地产权改革研究

    The Study of Reformation on Village Land Property Right in China

  4. 关于深化农村土地制度改革的思考

    A Schematic Idea at the Reform of Rural Land System

  5. 农地股份制:农村土地制度改革的一个建议

    Share System : A Suggestion for Rural Land System Reform

  6. 公有制框架内农村土地制度改革评析

    Analysis of Rural land Reform under the Public Ownership Frame

  7. 农村土地制度改革对劳动力转移产生重要的影响。

    An important impact on the rural land reform of labor transfer .

  8. 现代产权制度与农村土地制度改革

    The modern property system and the reform of the rural land system

  9. 新时期中国农村土地制度改革探析

    On Land Tenure Reform in the New Period of China

  10. 当前中国农村土地制度改革的现状与问题

    Current Situation and Problems of the Reform of Rural Land System in China

  11. 中国农村土地制度改革理论的评析与反思

    A reflection on reform theories of Chinese Land Tenure

  12. 中国农村土地制度改革模式探索

    Research on Reform Patterns of China Rural Land System

  13. 农村土地制度改革是我国农村和农业现代化的关键所在。

    The rural land system reform is the essential for agricultural modernization in China .

  14. 论市场经济条件下的农村土地制度改革

    Comment on Reform of the Countryside Land System in the Condition of Market Economy

  15. 城镇化与农村土地制度改革探析

    Study on Urbanization and Rural Land System Reform

  16. 土地使用权流转制:中国农村土地制度改革的方向

    Land-Use Rights Transfer System : the Direction of China 's Rural Land System Reform

  17. 不断深化农村土地制度改革;

    To deepen the rural land system constantly ;

  18. 我国农村土地制度改革问题探讨

    A Study of the Reform of the Land System in the Countryside of China

  19. 农村土地制度改革研究

    The Study on the Rural Land System

  20. 我国农村土地制度改革中的公平与效率问题探析

    The Analysis about the Confliction Between Fairness and Efficiency During the Course of Rural Land System Reform

  21. 1978年的农村土地承包改革使我国农业生产力得到了较快的发展。

    The lands contract system of rural reform in 1978 leaded to rapid growth in china 's agriculture productivity .

  22. 农地使用权制度改革是我国农村土地制度改革的重要内容。

    The reform of farmland usage rights system is the major part of the reform on farmland system in our country .

  23. 特别是随着农村土地制度改革、农业技术发展,越来越多的农村劳动力从土地中解放出来。

    With the rural land reform , agricultural technology development , an increasing number of rural laborers from the land of liberation .

  24. 征地补偿问题作为征地制度的核心问题,成为了农村土地制度改革的焦点问题。

    Land compensation issue which was regarded as the core issue of land expropriation system , became the focus of rural land reform .

  25. 农民首创与政府引导:农村土地制度改革30年思考

    The Creation of Farmer and The Lead of Government : An Opinion on the Institutional Reform of Farmland in the Passed 30 Years

  26. 因此,本文提出农村土地制度改革的逻辑主线为:土地产权和土地治权。

    Therefore , this paper proposes a logical framework of rural land institutional reform which integrates the land property rights and land Governmental-Power .

  27. 实践证明农村土地制度改革的过程是土地使用权强度提高的过程,这一过程应进一步持续下去。

    The result shows that the course of rural land reform is that the force of land use Rights increases , and this course must continue .

  28. 从城乡统筹角度来看,农村土地制度改革创新的目标是实现效率与公平的统一。

    From the perspective of coordinating Urban-Rural , the goal of the rural land institutional reform and innovation is to realize the unity of efficiency and justice .

  29. 针对我国当前农地产权存在的问题,提出“虚拟所有权”及其系统构建,旨在对我国农村土地产权改革提供思路。

    The thesis has put forward " fictitious ownership " on this basis , it has offered new thought for construction of the rural land property right system .

  30. 就经济内容考察,农村土地制度改革的实质在于土地之上各种权利主体之间利益结构的变化。

    As for the economic content , the essential of the land reforms is the change of the interest structure among the ownerships of different rights on the land .