
  1. 两种农业经济组织模式的制度经济学分析

    System Economics Analysis of Two Types of Agricultural Economic Organizations

  2. 一种全新的农业经济组织化形式&中粮模式

    A New Kind of Agricultural Economic Organization

  3. 农业经济组织模式的比较与选择&基于组织效率的视角

    The Comparison and Choice of the Agricultural Economic Organizations & Based on the Organizational Efficiency

  4. 宁波农业经济组织结构研究

    On the Agricultural Economic Structure of Ningbo

  5. 初探组织治理结构的选择&兼论我国农业经济组织形式的选择

    Analysis of Optimization of Structure of Organization Governance & also Analyzing Optimization of Structure of Economical Organization of Agriculture in China

  6. 我国农业经济组织创新仍处于初始阶段,它具有从联合到合作的大跨度的不同表现形式,一体化的合作与基于交易的产权结合是规范的农业合作经济组织的内在规定性。

    In China , agricultural organization innovation is still in first stage , it has kinds of development forms from alliance to cooperative .

  7. 文章认为,农业经济组织对农村经济发展、农民收入及提高农业生产管理水平等有着很大的促进作用。

    This paper considers that agricultural economic organizations have great effort on rural economic development , increasing farmers'income and promoting the management level .

  8. 一定的制度条件和外部环境下,一种农业经济组织的存在决定和限制了农民的行为策略空间。

    Certain system conditions and the external environment , an agricultural economic organizations and the existence of restrictions on the peasants decided to conduct space strategy .

  9. 全球经济一体化趋势不断增强的今天,农业经济组织创新、经营模式创新和农业生产经营体系变革是农业发展的关键和核心。

    With the increasing tendency of the integration of the global economy nowadays , the innovation of the economic organization and the operational pattern of the agricultural organization are key factors to its development .

  10. 进一步按市场和资本规律、市场和劳动规律运作,构建新的农业经济组织结构,提升农业经营层次,完善农业经营形式,整合农业经营关系。

    Further constructing a new structure of agricultural economy in accordance with the rules in the operation of market and capital and that of market and labor to upgrade agricultural operation , perfect the forms and adjust the relationships in agricultural operation .

  11. 农业经济组织的演化受多重因素的影响,如外部的经济和社会环境、国家的扶持程度、组织内部的管理绩效,组织成员的行为等。

    The evolution of the agricultural economy by the Organization of multiple factors , such as external economic and social environment , the extent of state support , and performance management within the organization , such as the behavior of members of the Organization .

  12. 农业合作经济组织发展中的政府行为研究

    Study on Governmental Actions in the Development of Chinese Agricultural Cooperatives

  13. 农业合作经济组织向农业公司的演进研究

    Study on the Evolvement from Agricultural Cooperative Economic Organization to Company

  14. 我国农业合作经济组织制度变迁探析

    The research on institutional change of agricultural economy cooperative organizations in China

  15. 市场经济条件下农业经济合作组织的发展

    Development of agricultural economic cooperated organization in the market economy

  16. 第五章,农业合作经济组织模式的选择。

    Chapter Five introduces the choice of agricultural cooperative economic organization model .

  17. 论政府在发展农业合作经济组织中的作用

    The Role of the Government in the Development of Agricultural Cooperative Economic Organization

  18. 关于发展中国农业微观经济组织的思考

    On development of agricultural micro economic organizations in China

  19. 第四章,国内外农业合作经济组织模式比较。

    Chapter Four briefly introduces the domestic and foreign agricultural cooperative economics models .

  20. 本章介绍了如何选择农业合作经济组织形式的方式。

    The thesis introduces how to choose the form of agricultural cooperative organization .

  21. 农业合作经济组织营销渠道力现状与对策

    Power of Marketing Channels of Agriculture Cooperative Economic Organizations

  22. 现行农民和农业生产经济组织缺陷与变革的障碍分析

    Current Defect and Reform Barrier Between Peasants and Organizations of Agricultural Production Economy

  23. 我国农业微观经济组织变迁对农业技术进步的影响

    Influence of Agricultural Micro-economic Organization 's Transformation on Agricultural Technological Progress in China

  24. 系统论述了新型农业经济合作组织发展现状及其存在的问题。

    The paper discusses the present situation and existed issues of the New-style AECO .

  25. 农业合作经济组织模式研究

    The Research of Agricultural Cooperative Economic Organizations Model

  26. 中国与欧洲传统农业社会经济组织之比较

    Comparison of Economic Organizations in the Traditional Agricultural Societies in China and in Europe

  27. 新型农业合作经济组织问题初探

    Problem in the Agricultural Cooperation Economic Organization

  28. 对新型农业经济合作组织形成的进行了博弈分析。

    The formation of the New-style AECO is analyzed by the methodology of game theory .

  29. 农业集体经济组织所有的水塘、水库中的水,属于集体所有。

    The waters in ponds and reservoirs possessed by agricultural collective economic organizations are collectively owned .

  30. 对中国农业微观经济组织的目标模式进行了探讨;

    The article explores the objectives and models the agricultural micro economic organizations may achieve in China .