
  1. 美国农业巨灾保险管理及其启示

    Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance of the United States and Its Enlightenment

  2. 农业巨灾保险供求双方行为博弈及对策

    On the Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance Supply and Demand Sides Game Behavior and Countermeasures

  3. 基于有限理性的农业巨灾保险主体行为分析及优化

    Analysis and optimization of behaviors of agricultural catastrophe entities based on limited rationality

  4. 新疆实施农业巨灾保险证券化探讨

    The Feasibility of Catastrophic Insurance Securitization in Xinjiang

  5. 基于风险分散的农业巨灾保险策略研究

    Risk-based Decentralized Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance Strategy of China

  6. 农业巨灾保险基金浅析

    Brief Analysis of Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance Fund

  7. 在遵循保险市场机制的前提下,尝试对农业巨灾保险产品进行费率厘定。

    Under the insurance market mechanism , the article explore to make the premium rate of agriculture catastrophe insurance products .

  8. 然后,针对缺失的农业巨灾保险经营主体问题,进一步分析了农业巨灾保险经营模式。

    Thirdly , we focused on catastrophe insurance , loss of agricultural operations of the main issues , further analysis of agricultural catastrophe insurance business model .

  9. 农业巨灾保险基金是由各级政府参与制定,需要金融市场、保险人、公众等多方主体共同参与,用于防范因农业巨灾风险引起的政府或者保险公司超额赔偿风险的一种专项基金。

    And agricultural catastrophe insurance fund is a special fund , which can prevent excess compensation risk of government or insurance company caused by agricultural catastrophe .

  10. 并基于经济评估,以农业巨灾保险为例.对气候变化下,极端降水灾害政策应对机制进行了探讨。

    Based on the economic assessment , illustrated with agricultural catastrophe insurance , this paper explores the extreme precipitation disaster response mechanism under the climate change condition .

  11. 最后对前文的主要论点进行总结和提升,并根据我国农业巨灾保险的发展实际提出针对性的政策建议。

    At last , it sums up and promotes the main conclusions and puts forward targeted policy suggestions according to the actual development of our agriculture catastrophe insurance .

  12. 结合我国实情,农业巨灾保险基金是分散农业巨灾风险,促进我国农业保险健康发展的一项有效措施。

    Based on the reality of China , agricultural catastrophe insurance fund is an efficient method to diversify the catastrophic risk and facilitate the healthy development of agricultural insurance .

  13. 部分发达地区也可以考虑把其部分农业巨灾保险业务委托给商业农业保险公司、农业保险合作社和农业相互保险公司代办经营。

    Some developed areas can also be considered part of their agricultural catastrophe insurance business entrusted to the commercial agricultural insurance , agricultural insurance and agricultural mutual insurance cooperatives operating agency .

  14. 政府是否适当介入、如何介入农业巨灾保险,直接关系农业巨灾保险能否顺利开展,影响农村经济发展和社会稳定。

    Whether the government intervenes appropriately , and how to intervene agricultural catastrophe insurance , relate directly if agricultural catastrophe insurance can develop smoothly , influence the rural economic development and social stability .

  15. 介绍农业巨灾保险基金的基本模式,探讨了巨灾保险基金相对其他巨灾风险分散手段的优势所在及中国建立农业巨灾保险基金需要注意的问题。

    In this article , we briefly introduced agricultural catastrophe insurance fund , compared it with other methods to diversify the catastrophic risk and the problems that China should pay special attention to were studied .

  16. 农业巨灾保险作为一种市场化的风险转移和损失分摊机制,在分散农业风险、补偿农业损失、提高农业综合生产能力方面发挥着重要作用。

    Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance as a market-based risk transfer and loss sharing mechanism , in the spread of agricultural risks , compensation for agricultural losses , improve agricultural comprehensive production capacity to play an important role .

  17. 通过自有资本、外来资金、再保险和农业巨灾保险证券化四种手段的研究分析,得出从四个方面建立风险分散管理体系的结论。

    Through its own capital , foreign capital , and agricultural catastrophe reinsurance , insurance , securities research and analysis of four kinds of methods , drawn from the four management systems establish the conclusions of risk diversification .

  18. 之后几年,我国多个省份积极探索农业巨灾保险基金试点的运作模式,取得了一定的成绩,但在试点范围扩大的同时,也暴露出很多问题。

    For a few years , a lot of provinces actively explore the operation modes of the agricultural catastrophe insurance fund pilot and have made some achievements . Meanwhile , there are many problems appear following the expansion of the pilot extant .

  19. 在具体操作层面细化了农业巨灾保险管理机制的组织结构、运作机制和损失分担机制,能够较好地运用于农业巨灾保险的实践中,提高了政策建议的可操作性,具有较强的现实意义。

    It details the organizatioin structure , operation mechanism and loss allocation mechanism of agriculture catastrophe insurance management , would be well applied in the practice of agriculture catastrophe insurance , and improve the maneuverability of policy suggestions to make realistic significance .

  20. 实践证明巧妙利用农业巨灾保险这种社会互助形式,基本建立农业经济安全网,可以起到稳定农业经济、提高国民整体福利水平的作用。

    The practice proves that the skillful use of this kind of social mutual aid form of catastrophe insurance of agriculture to built up the " safe net " of village economy can stabilize the village economy and raise the overall welfare level of citizens .

  21. 中期展望在我国金融市场和保险市场逐步完善和发展的基础上,我国部分保险组织和机构(主要是商业保险公司和外资保险公司)可以逐步开展农业巨灾保险业务。

    Medium-term perspective on the basis of our financial markets and the insurance market to gradually improve and develop the insurance , some organizations and institutions ( mainly commercial insurance companies and foreign insurance companies ) can be catastrophic , a gradual development of the agricultural insurance business .

  22. 服务经济社会大局,推进农业再保险和巨灾保险业务;

    Promoting agricultural reinsurance business and catastrophe insurance business to serve the society and the economy ;

  23. 如何增加有效的农业投资?新疆实施农业巨灾保险证券化探讨

    How to increase effective agricultural investment ? The Feasibility of Catastrophic Insurance Securitization in Xinjiang

  24. 农业巨灾风险分散机制主要有农业巨灾保险再保险、农业巨灾保险证券化与建立农业巨灾风险基金等三种方式。

    Agricultural catastrophe risk spreading mechanism is mainly in three ways : Agriculture catastrophe insurance and reinsurance , agriculture catastrophe insurance securitization and the establishment of agricultural catastrophe risk fund .

  25. 农业保险合作社和农业相互保险公司可以部分代理国家农业巨灾保险公司、商业保险公司和外资保险公司的农业巨灾保险产品。

    Agricultural cooperatives and agricultural mutual insurance insurance agent can be part of national agricultural catastrophe insurance , commercial insurance companies and foreign insurance companies , agricultural catastrophe insurance products .

  26. 试论证券市场虚假陈述民事赔偿的法律问题本文从我国农业巨灾的现状着手,对农业巨灾的经济影响进行了分析,探讨了农业巨灾保险的必要性、可能性和可行性。

    Try to talk about the stock market the deceitful illustrating the law problem of the civil case indemnification Faced to agriculture catastrophe , farmers lack of basic manufacture and living indemnification .