
jūn ɡuī
  • Military regulations;military discipline;army rules
军规 [jūn guī]
  • [military discipline] 治军的法规律令的统称;军纪

  1. 海勒的《第二十二条军规》运用讽刺暴露等手法,无情地揭露和鞭挞了战争的荒谬和不道德以及美国社会的黑暗和罪恶。

    《 The22th Military Discipline 》 by Heller employs sarcastic technique , reveals the war 's absurdity and abnormality and the evil of American society .

  2. 在同名小说和电影中,catch-22指空军部队的一条军规,它规定“只有疯子可以免于执行轰炸的飞行任务”。

    In the book and movie , the phrase refers to an Air Force ruling that only a crazy person would make an extremely dangerous bombing run without trying to get out of it .

  3. 57岁的克鲁尼,最近正在宣传自己的即将在Hulu上面播放的影片《第22条军规》。他批判了媒体是如何对待37岁的梅根,并将她的经历和已故的戴安娜王妃做对比。

    While promoting his upcoming Hulu series Catch-22 , Clooney , 57 , slammed the way Meghan , 37 , has been treated since joining the royal family and compared her experience to that of the late Princess Diana .

  4. 《第二十二条军规》之续集《终了时刻》综论

    A comprehensive study of Closing Time : The sequel to Catch-22

  5. 从存在主义视角解读海勒的《第二十二条军规》

    An Explanation of Heller s Catch-22 from an Existential Viewpoint ;

  6. 论《第二十二条军规》中的存在主义主题与黑色幽默(英文)

    On the Existentialist Theme and Black Humor of Catch 22 ;

  7. 简析约瑟夫.海勒的《第二十二条军规》的主题及写作手法

    Analysis on the theme and writing technique of Joseph heller 's Catch-22

  8. 最后,研究了直接计算法在军规中的应用。

    Studying the applications of direct calculation in naval rules .

  9. 黑色幽默的精彩演绎&论《第22条军规》的艺术特色

    The Wonderful Deduction of Black Humor & On Artistic Features of Catch-22

  10. 表面上看来是一部关于战争的小说,但实际上《第二十二条军规》并没有具体描述战争。

    Ostensibly awar novel , Catch-22 gives no detailed description of the war .

  11. 第四章探索《第二十二条军规》荒诞性的认知特征。

    Chapter Four surveys the cognitive properties of Absurdity in the novel Catch-22 .

  12. 好吧,我肯定那是军规无线电。

    Yeah , and I 'm pretty sure that 's a milspec radio .

  13. 反英雄、反小说、反荒诞&《第二十二条军规》的后现代特色评析

    Anti-hero , Anti-fiction and Anti-absurdity & The Analysis of the Postmodern Features in Catch-22

  14. 严苛的训练和严格的军规把他们变成了一支令人望而生畏的武装力量。

    Rigid training and strict discipline has turned them into a formidable fighting force .

  15. 军规说,你一定得服从命令。圈套就在这里嘛。

    Regulations do say you have to obey every order . That 's the catch .

  16. 美丑易位喜中见悲&从《第二十二条军规》中解读黑色幽默

    A Interpretation of Black Humour in Catch-22

  17. 荒诞的世界,自由的选择&解读《第二十二条军规》中的存在主义思想

    Free Choice in an Absurd World & An interpretation of the Existentialist Ideas in Catch-22

  18. 论《第二十二条军规》写作手法的颠覆性

    On the Subversive Writing Techniques in Catch-22

  19. 荒诞的世界冷隽的幽默&黑色幽默在二十二条军规中的成功运用

    The Black Humor in an Absurd World

  20. 人们在读《第二十二条军规》时,似乎陷进了悖论的无限循环中。

    When People read Catch-22 , they seem to have caught by the infinite loop paradox .

  21. 《第二十二条军规》的结构及表达技巧

    Structure and writing techniques of Catch-22

  22. 第二十二条军规说,他们有权做任何事情,只要我们无法阻止。

    Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can 't stop them from doing .

  23. 《第二十二条军规》的双重解读

    The Double Interpretation of Catch-22

  24. 军官违反军规比起士兵一下犯上来得更为严重。

    The officer 's violation of a regulation is more of jeopardy than the enlisted man 's offense .

  25. 海勒和《第二十二条军规》分别作为黑色幽默作家和黑色幽默代表所而出名。

    Heller and his Catch-22 are both well-known as a famous black humorist and a masterpiece of black humor .

  26. 生存的困惑&解读《第二十二条军规》中海勒对于人类生存困境的反思

    Perplexity of Human Existence & An Interpretation of Heller 's Reflection on the Predicament of Human Existence in Catch-22

  27. 1955年,小说《第22条军规》的第一章发表在一本杂志上,不过当时这本小说名为《第18条军规》;

    In 1955 , the first chapter of what became Catch-22 appeared in a magazine under the title Catch-18 .

  28. 《第二十二条军规》是约瑟夫·海勒的代表作品,也是黑色幽默小说的开山之作。

    Catch-22 , representative book of Joseph Heller , is regarded as the first and greatest canon of black humor .

  29. 黑色幽默派小说的哲学基础是存在主义,同时存在主义也是解读《第二十二条军规》的一把钥匙。

    The philosophical foundation of the novel in black humor is existentialism which is also a key to interpret Catch-22 .

  30. 新兴经济体做出了各种尝试,试图逃脱这种第22条军规似的为难局面,既控制住通胀又不会因为本币升值而对出口企业产生冲击。

    Attempts are being made to try to escape this catch-22 , controlling inflation without hitting exporters with a stronger currency .