
jūn yònɡ jì suàn jī
  • military computer
  1. 该文在对某军用计算机通信网络系统设计与仿真建模这一项目的实际应用开发基础上,就OO方法以及基于OO的建模的机理作了全面的概括、论述和评价。

    This paper analyzes and values the methodology of OO and OO 's modeling based on developing and de-signing military computer networks system .

  2. 4.5V~36V直流输入的高性能军用计算机电源的研究

    Research of high performance military computer power supply with 4.5V ~ 36V DC input

  3. 腰痛(lowbackpain,LBP)一直以来是坦克部队所面临的一种常见病症。关于军用计算机在坦克部队维修保障问题的探讨

    Low back pain ( LBP ) is a common complaint among tank soldiers in armored division . EXPLORATION ON THE MAINTENANCE OF MILITARY COMPUTERS IN THE ARMORED CORPS

  4. CMMI在国内外IT行业的迅速推广表明,采用该模型对军用计算机软件研制进行质量控制可以取得比较好的效果。

    The fact that CMMI is widely adopted in IT industry reveals that CMMI should be a better approach for quality control of military software system development .

  5. 目前,ISO9000质量管理体系对计算机软件质量控制的针对性相对薄弱,导致常规检验验收和质量监督手段效果的弱化,军用计算机软件质量成为武器装备发展的一个瓶颈。

    The currently used ISO9000 quality assurance system has less control for software system , which would weaken the general inspection and acceptance and quality surveillance . Military software quality control is now becoming a bottleneck of weapon and equipment development .

  6. 这导致弗洛文斯和钱德勒为了军用计算机的相关工作,只好在9月和10月亲自前往美国考察ENIAC项目。

    Flowers and Chandler had been obliged to make a visit of their own in September and October to see the ENIAC in connection with work they were doing on special-purpose calculators for the military , instead of using Womersley 's notes .

  7. 外军军用计算机技术发展对陆军武器装备信息化的启示

    Study on Development of Army Weapon Equipment Informatization and Military Computer Technology

  8. 用于军用计算机平台的底板总线

    Backplane Buses for the Platform of Military Computers

  9. 军用计算机系统的可靠性设计原则

    Some Reliability Design Principles of Military Computer System

  10. 军用计算机的热加固技术

    Thermal Rugg in g Technology for Military Computer

  11. 本文探讨以便携加固军用计算机为平台,采用夹持式传感器,开发研制舰船柴油机燃油系统故障诊断仪。

    This paper discusses fault diagnosing and testing apparatus for fuel system of diesel engine .

  12. 军用计算机语言初论

    Remarks on Military Computer Programming Languages

  13. 军用计算机是一种关键的军用电子设备,它对热管理的要求也更苛刻。

    Good thermal management is very important condition that insure military electronics and military computer work normally and reliably .

  14. 对军用计算机及其外部设备的加固技术做了比较系统的讨论,对目前的发展现状作了介绍。

    Rugged technique on the military computer and its peripheral are discussed systematically , and current development present is introduced .

  15. 武器装备体系演化的费用风险分析方法研究外军军用计算机技术发展对陆军武器装备信息化的启示

    Capital-risk Analysis in the Evolution Simulation Analysis of Armament System of Systems Study on Development of Army Weapon Equipment Informatization and Military Computer Technology

  16. 文章首先论述了计算机网络安全中存在的各种安全隐患,重点指出了军用计算机网络中存在的安全问题。

    In this paper , a discussion is first given to the hidden trouble of computer network security , the security problems in the military computer network is mainly presented .

  17. 随着计算机软件在我军新型号武器装备系统中的大规模应用,如何有效地控制军用计算机软件系统的质量,成为武器装备质量监督面临的全新课题。

    With the wide spread use of computer software in the new models , effective approach on how to control the military software quality becomes a new subject for the quality surveillance .

  18. 本文从计算机系统总体设计、硬件设计和软件设计等三个方面出发,论述了一些提高军用计算机系统可靠性的设计原则。

    On the basis of the system total design , the hardware design and the software design , this paper discusses some reliability design principles to achieve highly reliable military computer system .

  19. 本文综述了国外军用计算机发展的经验教训,对我国计算机系列化与软件标准化以及计算机的应用管理进行了讨论,探讨了加快应用发展的对策。

    The foreign experience in the development of army computer is stated in this paper . The standardization of computer in our country and the seriation of its software are discussed . The application and management problems of computer are involved .

  20. 军用计算机网络可以在军事背景下的数据处理、数据计算、人工智能、自动控制,以及战场模拟、自动指挥、军工开发、作战预警、军事航空等领域得到普遍应用。

    Military computer networks can be in the military context of data processing , data computation , artificial intelligence , automatic control , and battlefield simulation , automatic command , military development , operational early warning , military aviation and other fields are universally applied .

  21. 舰载军用加固计算机的EMC设计

    The EMC Design of Military Computer Used in Naval Vessels

  22. 在原理设计阶段介绍了CPLD、电子盘、CAN通信等技术在军用嵌入式计算机中的具体应用。

    In the principle phase of the design , It introduces the some technology used in military embedded computer , such as the CPLD , electronic disc and CAN communication .

  23. 研究了车载式军用加固计算机电磁兼容性(EMC)设计中的防电磁辐射问题并进行了成功的屏蔽设计。

    This paper studies the anti - electromagnetic radiation problem in the EMC ( Electro Magnetic Compatibility ) design of vehicle-loaded military reinforced computer and successfully completes shield design .

  24. 军用车载计算机环境及可靠性试验方法浅析

    Analysis of Environment and Reliability Test for Military Computer mounted on Vehicle

  25. 军用加固计算机电子模块的可制造性设计

    Strengthening Military Computer Module DFM

  26. 军用嵌入式计算机已经广泛用于兵器、雷达、火控、导弹控制等各种军事控制处理领域。

    Military embedded computer has been widely used in weapons , radar , fire control , missile control and other military control processing .

  27. 要求具有军用嵌入式计算机的通用特性:体积小;功耗低;工作稳定;通信可靠;易于扩展。

    Military embedded computer requires a common characteristics : small size , low power consumption ; work stable and reliable communications ; easy expansion .

  28. 当然,硬件在其中起到了推动作用,每一年它们都变得更廉价、体积更小、运行速度更快,以至于现在人们能够用游戏机组装出军用超级计算机来。

    Hardware helped , of course , becoming cheaper , smaller and faster every year , such that military supercomputers can now be built from games consoles .

  29. 高可靠存储模块是长距离油气管道检测设备、高质量图像采集设备、军用加固计算机等精密仪器设备进行信息获取、信息存储、信息融会和信息处理的关键部件之一。

    High-reliability storage module is one of key components used for acquirement , storage , combination and processing of information in precision instruments and equipments , such as long-distance oil and gas pipeline inspection equipments , high-quality image acquisition equipments and military computers .

  30. 基于FPGA的军用龙芯计算机硬件加密方法

    Hardware Encryption Method Based on FPGA Applied in Military Godson Computer