
xiě zì lóu
  • office building
  1. LED筒灯适合于商场、写字楼、酒店、家居、会议室和展厅等室内场所照明。

    LED downlight is suitable for shopping malls , office building , hotels , homes , conference rooms and exhibition spaces and so on .

  2. 此外,PrudentialRealEstateInvestors在上海收购了一栋写字楼,荷兰国际房地产(INGRealEstate)则推出了一个规模为3.50亿美元的中国地产基金。

    Prudential Real Estate Investors bought an office building in Shanghai , and ING Real Estate has launched a $ 350m China property fund .

  3. 镇中心被划定为写字楼开发区。

    The town centre was zoned for office development .

  4. 城市商业中心区写字楼的需求旺盛。

    There is high demand for city centre offices .

  5. 数百栋写字楼和住宅楼的墙壁和天花板上都出现了裂缝。

    Hundreds of office buildings and homes developed large cracks in walls and ceilings .

  6. AssociatedPress上海环球金融中心超高写字楼的单层出售交易并不多见,尤其是上海这几桩交易的楼层。

    Transactions for single floors of super-tall office buildings are rare , particularly at the heights listed in the Shanghai deals .

  7. 上周早些时候,阿塞拜疆政府证实,它将购买圣詹姆士街(StJamesStreet)一栋1.8亿英镑的写字楼。

    Earlier this week , the government of Azerbaijan confirmed it was buying a £ 180m office block in St James Street .

  8. MALL将商铺、酒店为写字楼配套,带来商务休闲一体的全新体验。

    MAX-MALL store , hotel for office necessary , brings a commercial leisure body the brand-new experience .

  9. 世源公司根据B项目用地自身的条件、规划要求、项目特点、企业发展战略,按照最高最佳使用原则确定项目用地建设内容为:甲级写字楼。

    By study the condition of land , planning limitation , character of the project , and company 's strategy , Shi-yuan Company decides to build a5A-classed office building in this area .

  10. 世邦魏理仕写字楼服务部执行董事简儒德(RhodriJames)说,近几年写字楼供应不足也助推了租金的上涨。

    Lack of supply has also helped ratchet up prices in recent years , says Rhodri James , CBRE 's executive director of office services .

  11. 而今天,我是中国最大的优质写字楼开发商SOHO中国的CEO。

    Today , I am the chief executive of SOHO China , the country 's largest prime office property developer .

  12. 2001年,杰克韦尔奇(jackwelch)和我在下班时间驱车驶入东京一座写字楼的侧门。

    In 2001 , Jack Welch and I drove through a side entrance of a Tokyo office building after working hours .

  13. 东莞唯一一家6A写字楼与酒店交相辉映的豪华领地。

    The unique luxury hotel , opposites of a6A office building .

  14. 这个不被看好的中心包含写字楼、酒店和零售商铺,但它吸引不到租户、购物者和游客,1996年只好低价卖给了通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)。

    Ill-conceived , the complex of office , hotel and retail space failed to attract tenants , shoppers , or tourists , and was subsequently sold at a bargain price to General Motors in 1996 .

  15. 偶尔也会有显眼的写字楼和酒店,比如中心点写字楼(CentrePoint,现在改为了住宅楼),但以前最引人注目的建筑物也是公共建筑,比如邮电大楼(PostOfficeTower)。

    There were occasional spectacular office blocks like Centre Point , now itself being converted to residential , and hotels but even the most striking structures - take the Post Office Tower - were public buildings .

  16. SBR贴片式系列LED日光灯适用于商场、写字楼、酒店、家居、会议室和展厅等室内场所的各种照明。

    XH-SBR SMD LED fluorescent light suitable for shopping malls , office building , hotels , homes , conference rooms and exhibition hall and other indoor places of all kinds of lighting .

  17. 5A变6E顶级写字楼标准的颠覆

    5A Changes into 6E Subversion of Superb Office Buildings

  18. 统计分析主要是直观全面掌握楼宇经济整体信息,形成写字楼、闲置单元、入驻企业情况的统计报表,并对以excel形式导出。

    Statistical analysis is mainly intuitive grasp the overall information building economy , form the Office statistics floor , idle unit , enterprise situation , and in the form of Excel derived .

  19. 这家知名公司开发的公寓和写字楼看起来像是宜家(IKEA)和《星际旅行》(StarTrek)的综合体。

    Zhang is half of the glamour couple that leads Soho , a Beijing-based developer known for apartments and office buildings that look equal parts IKEA and Star Trek .

  20. 今年2月份,只在北京和上海两地发展房地产项目的SOHO中国有限公司(SohoChinaLtd.)以人民币52.3亿元(约合8.37亿美元)的价格出售了上海的两个写字楼项目。

    Soho China Ltd. , which develops property only in Beijing and Shanghai , sold two office projects in Shanghai in February for 5.23 billion yuan ( US $ 837 million ) in total .

  21. 东莞一家毛衣厂的厂主WillyLin表示,有的工厂连所需新员工的一半都很难招到。东莞包括一系列卫星城市,这里工厂林立,住房或写字楼则不多。

    Some are struggling to recruit as many as half of the new workers they need , says Willy Lin , who owns a sweater factory in Dongguan .

  22. 公司产品主要用于办公写字楼、高级会所、豪华KTV、休闲度假村、星级酒店和别墅豪宅等高档室内外场所;

    Our products are mainly used at Office Building ; High Club ; KTV ; Villa Village ; Luxurious Hotel and other luxurious building .

  23. 在香港,太古地产(SwireProperties)是一个深受好评的品牌,拥有1040万平方英尺的写字楼空间,280万平方英尺的零售商场,此外还有一家酒店,以及一批住宅物业。

    In Hong Kong , Swire Properties is the well-regarded brand behind 10.4m sq ft of office space and more than 2.8m sq ft of retail malls , with a hotel and residential portfolio tacked on for good measure .

  24. 我之前在伦敦大学学院(UCL)读经济学,我那些同学不久就在我周围的写字楼里干起了真正意义上的金融城工作。

    I had studied economics at University College , London , so my former classmates soon began working in the real City offices around me .

  25. 该公司将设在曼哈顿第三大道885号的Lipstick大楼。马多夫的庞式骗局就是在该写字楼如今臭名昭著的第17层进行的。

    The company will be based at 885 Third Avenue in Manhattan , known as the Lipstick Building , from where Mr Madoff 's Ponzi scheme was run from the now infamous 17th floor .

  26. 公园、广场、宾馆、酒店、机场、写字楼、商场、咖啡馆、KTV、超市等户外景观照明;

    Outdoor Landscape Lighting applications , such as park , square , hotel , airport , office building , shopping mall , coffee bar , KTV , supermarket , etc.

  27. 在附近写字楼中经营一家基金管理公司的斯蒂芬•滕利(StephenTunley)表示,人们在试图撤离时全都挤在了安全梯那里。

    Stephen Tunley , who runs a funds management business in a nearby building , said people clogged the fire escape as they tried to evacuate .

  28. 概括介绍了这座甲级写字楼BAS楼宇自控系统的中央空调自控系统的设计调试实施过程,阐述控制系统的设计、参数设定、调试系统效果等。

    This article generally introduces the design and adjustment process of this plaza 's BAS building self-control system , also interprets control system 's design , parameter 's set and effect of adjustment as well .

  29. 仲量联行(joneslanglasalle)驻上海的董事总经理顾东尼(anthonycouse)预计,从现在起至2012年,上海高档写字楼市场将会扩大一倍,至600万平方米。

    Anthony couse , managing director of Jones Lang LaSalle in Shanghai , expects the market for premium office space in Shanghai to double between now and 2012 , to 6m square metres .

  30. 而当前我国商业房地产已经得到了迅速的发展,具有持续收益能力的商用物业在未来将得到重视,如写字楼、工业房产、购物中心等,这将构成发展权益型REITs的产业基础。

    At present , commercial real estate that can bring continued income has been developed rapidly , such as Office buildings , industrial properties , shopping centers , etc , which is the industrial base of equity REITs .