
rǒng yuán
  • Redundant staff;dead wood;redundant personnel
冗员 [rǒng yuán]
  • [redundant personnel] 指机关中超过工作需要的人员

  • 古设官分职,人有常守,转移执事,不可无人,故有冗员备使令。--《正字通》

  • 捐不急,罢冗员。--《白孔六帖》

冗员[rǒng yuán]
  1. 结果表明,邮政企业投入综合效率低下,主要表现为资产过度闲置,机制不灵敏,难以适应市场变化,冗员过度。

    The result show that plunging synthesizing efficiency is low because of over idle assets , mechanism is not sensitive to the changing of market and redundant personnel are over .

  2. 他之前作为冗员被裁,现在他正试图再一次奋发图强。

    He was made redundant and now he 's trying to pull himself up again .

  3. 那位领导人精简了政府一部门中的冗员。

    The leader combed out a government department .

  4. 资方决定节省开支,裁减劳动力中的冗员,这样可以减少工资支出。

    The management decided to economize by cutting the dead wood from the workforce , thus reducing the wages bill .

  5. 公司人工效率低,冗员多等。

    The manual work efficiency is lower than outfield companies , etc.

  6. 他被告知他已成为了冗员。

    He was told that he had become surplus to requirements .

  7. 新经理清除了部门中的冗员。

    The new manager made a clean sweep of the department .

  8. 几乎所有冗员,都已调往其他部门任职。

    Nearly all the redundant worker have been absorbed into other departments .

  9. 政府正计划裁剪该部门的冗员。

    The government is planning to disemploy the dead men in the department .

  10. 该厂有七十人作为冗员被裁。

    Seventy men at the factory were made redundant .

  11. 但官僚机构的多数是无用的冗员。

    But much of it is dead wood .

  12. 盈利低微给了公司裁减冗员的借口。

    Low profits gave the company an excuse to clean out the dead wood .

  13. 只要裁汰掉冗员鲍尔森,利物浦的中场配置基本就能定型了。

    Once they had sold Christian Poulsen , Liverpool should basically have been set .

  14. 对在本月底前自愿作冗员离职者所给予的一笔额外的报酬。

    An extra payment to those who volunteer for redundancy before the end of the month .

  15. 冗员、作风过时以及恶劣的劳资关系,或许注定了这个行业行将没落。

    Overmanned , with outdated practices and abysmal industrial relations , the business was probably doomed .

  16. 它打破了裙带关系,在过去两年里清退了数以千计的冗员。

    It cracked down on nepotism , resulting in thousands of dismissals over the past two years .

  17. 四是企业中具有烟草身份的职工数量多,冗员包袱较重。

    Fourth , as tobacco companies have a large number of workers and it is a heavy burden .

  18. 其中国有企业存在冗员是一个严重的问题。

    The existence of too many redundant staff is one of the most serious problems in state-owned enterprises .

  19. 我们公司的冗员太多,我们正设法解决这一问题。

    There are too many dead men in our company ; and we are trying to solve the problem .

  20. 如果你能裁减一些冗员,公司可能就会赢得。

    If you cut out some of the dead wood , the firm might begin to show a profit .

  21. 采取有效措施,努力解决企业冗员过多、企业办社会等问题。

    Effective measures were taken to resolve other problems , such as redundant workers and enterprises running social services .

  22. 因此,解决冗员问题已成为我国机场行业刻不容缓的管理课题。

    Therefore , how to solve the redundancy is a management project of China 's airport industry that demands immediate attention .

  23. 必须提高生产效率.应采取措施裁汰冗员,以提高生产效率

    Production must become more efficient . Some measures need to be taken to cut out the dead wood and streamline production

  24. 而通过科学有效的岗位定编方法设定合理的岗位编制是解决冗员问题的前提和基础。

    The premise for the solution to redundancy is to make a reasonable post allocation with a scientific and efficient method .

  25. 坚持以提高质量效益为目标,积极探索规模适度、结构优化、冗员精简、成本转移的新模式;

    With the target of improving quality and profitability , some new ways were claimed to optimize the structure and decrease cost .

  26. 外卖餐销量急剧骤升,正是因为越来越多的办公室白领加班工作,力求不会受到冗员裁员的威胁。

    Sales of takeaway food have rocketed as more office workers stay late in a bid to avoid the threat of redundancy .

  27. 而随着国企改革的日益深入,社会诸层次中的各种相关矛盾也渐渐突显出来,其中之一就是企业冗员与大量人员失业的矛盾。

    However , with the development of state-owned enterprises reformation , all kinds of contradictories in various social estates are also emerging .

  28. 也就是说,政府干预使国有上市公司承担了更多的诸如非效率投资、冗员等边际社会性支出。

    That is to say , government control makes the SOEs to undertake marginal social expenditure , such as non-efficiency investment and redundancy .

  29. 有的医疗机构医护人员素质不高,管理工作跟不上,冗员多,效率低。

    Some medical institutions are overstaffed with low efficiency . Their medical and nursing staff are not sufficiently qualified and their management lags behind .

  30. 劳动力计划配置必然导致用人单位冗员,引致劳动者的低效劳动,并通过限制制劳动力的流动,进一步降低了劳动力配置的效益;

    The system leads to discrimination of farm labor and limits the flow of workforce , which in turn reduce the efficiency of labor force allocation .