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zài jiā bèi
  • redoubling
再加倍[zài jiā bèi]
  1. 叫牌&任何实质叫牌、加倍、再加倍或不叫。

    Call & Any bid , double , redouble or pass .

  2. 任何加倍或再加倍被接续合法实质叫牌取代。

    Any double or redouble is superseded by a subsequent legal bid .

  3. 如果应叫者否定性加倍,则回答人的行动为:回答人可以再加倍表示力量。

    Among advancer 's actions after responder 's negative double : a redouble shows strength .

  4. (桥牌中)将(对方已加倍的叫牌)再加倍。

    ( in the card-game of bridge ) double again ( a bid already doubled by an opponent )

  5. 抽检中有一个不合格则再加倍抽样检查。

    In case one unqualified valve were found during random inspection , double random inspection will be conducted .

  6. 在很少见的情况下,可能仍然会出现这个错误消息,此时可以考虑将这个配置参数再加倍。

    On the rare occasion where you might still get this error message , consider doubling the configuration parameter again .

  7. 通过未授粉子房离体培养途径和辐射花粉授粉诱导雌核发育途径诱导甜瓜单倍体植株,再经染色体加倍迅速获得纯合的双单倍体植株(DoubleHaploid)。

    Unpollinated ovary in vitro culture ways and pollen irradiation induced gynogenesis pathway can induce melon haploid plants . Homozygous double haploids will be obtained via chromosome doubling rapidly .