
zài bǎo xiǎn
  • reinsurance
再保险[zài bǎo xiǎn]
  1. 再保险市场因美国发生的灾难而遭受重创。

    The reinsurance market has been bloodied by disasters in the U.S.

  2. 中国再保险加入WTO分析

    The analysis of Chinese reinsurance joining the WTO

  3. 再保险商们还同意撤销和收回所有针对朝鲜国家保险公司(koreanationalinsurancecompany)的欺诈和行为失当指控。

    The reinsurers also agreed to retract and withdraw all allegations of fraud and impropriety made against the Korea national insurance company .

  4. VaR下两相依风险的最优停止损失再保险

    Optimal Retention for a Stop-loss Reinsurance in Dependent Risks under the VaR Risk Measure

  5. 带干扰的常利率超额再保险Poisson风险模型的最优自留额

    The Optimal Retention of a Poisson Risk Model on Excess Reinsurance in Constant Interest Rate with Disturbance

  6. 比例再保险在VaR和CTE下的最优自留比例

    Optimal Self-Retention Proportion for a Quota-Share Reinsurance under VaR and CTE Risk Measures

  7. VaR和CTE准则下的最优再保险

    Optimal Reinsurance under VaR and CTE Rules

  8. 针对停止损失再保险(stoplossreinsurance),分别运用均值&方差(mean-variance)保费定价原理及效用理论(UtilityTheory),在再保险人总索赔额的基础之上推导出最优再保险(optimalreinsurance)的保费定价模型。

    Aiming at stop loss reinsurance , this paper derives optimal pricing model of reinsurance on the basis of total claim amount using mean-variance premium principle and utility theory .

  9. 但Aspen首席执行官克里斯欧凯恩(ChrisO'Kane)称,再保险行业面临严峻的市场环境,增长机会很少。

    But Chris O'Kane , chief executive of Aspen , said the industry faced a tough market with few growth opportunities .

  10. 慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)称,今年上半年保损飙升至600亿美元&这一数字是过去10年年均保损的5倍。

    First-half insured losses hit $ 60 billion , Munich Re said – five times the annual average over the past decade .

  11. 180m的生态&环境摩天楼瑞士再保险公司大厦

    Ecological 180m : Environmental Skyscraper of the Swiss Re

  12. Heston随机方差模型下的最优投资和再保险策略

    Optimal investment and reinsurance policies under Heston random variance model

  13. 慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)本周二发表上半年业绩评论时提出,尽管时间刚刚过半,今年已经成为有记录以来自然灾害损失最高的年份。

    Halfway through , this year is already the costliest on record for natural catastrophes , insurer Munich Re said Tuesday in its first-half review .

  14. 但监管机构推迟了对那些本应包含在内的再保险公司的说法,例如瑞士再保险公司(SwissRe)、慕尼黑再保险(MunichRe)以及伯克希尔等为保险公司提供保险的再保险公司,都应包含在内。

    But they have put off saying which reinsurers groups such as Swiss Re , Munich Re and Berkshire , which provide insurance for insurers should be included .

  15. 达信旗下研究机构佳达(GuyCarpenter)周一发布的最新报告称,今年关键的再保险续约期从6月1日开始,而业界的传统再保险能力下降了大约10%。

    Traditional reinsurance capacity fell by about 10 per cent for the critical June 1 renewal season this year , according to a new report from Guy Carpenter , the Marsh-owned research group .

  16. 根据慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)提供的数据,天气事件占2013年自然灾害损失的90%,共造成1200多亿美元的损失。

    Weather events accounted for 90 % of natural catastrophe losses in 2013 , causing over $ 120 billion of losses , according to reinsurance company Munich Re .

  17. 瑞士再保险(swissre)昨日公布,该集团在以波动性著称的再保险行业中取得更可持续和可预测利润的努力取得了进展,并表示自己没有受到次级抵押贷款证券危机的影响。

    Swiss Re yesterday reported progress in moving to more sustainable and predictable profits in its notoriously volatile industry , and said it had been unaffected by the crisis in the subprime mortgage securities .

  18. 百慕大保险和再保险公司ACE的董事长兼首席执行官埃文•格林伯格(EvanGreenberg)表示:各类企业的全球化程度都更高了。

    Evan Greenberg , chairman and chief executive of ACE , the Bermudan insurer and reinsurer , says : There is more globalisation among businesses of all kinds .

  19. 本文第二章总结和评估VaR技术在测度包含期权等凸性资产组合市场风险所需经济资本方面的优势,并通过分析财险公司的信用风险类型,提出再保险业务信用风险测度模型。

    Chapter 2 discusses the advantages of using VaR to measure risks inherited in convex portfolios with options , then introduces reinsurance business credit risk model though analyzing the different types of risks in P & C insurance companies .

  20. 尽管瑞士再保险仍拥有高于监管要求的资本金,但没有达到维持保险客户信心必须的AA级信贷评级所要求的资本金水平。

    Though Swiss Re still has surplus regulatory capital , it remains shy of the level required for it to hold on to the double A credit rating it needs to maintain the confidence of its insurance clients .

  21. 第五章以二维复合Poisson风险模型为例,利用动态控制理论讨论了使其取得最大累积折现分红值的最优分红策略和动态比例再保险策略。

    In the fifth chapter , by dynamic control theory , the optimal dividend strategy and the optimal dynamic proportional reinsurance strategy are find out to maximize the cumulative expected discounted dividends in the bivariate compound Poisson model .

  22. 据瑞士再保险公司《SIGMA》杂志统计,1995年世界寿险保费收入达12366亿美元,占世界保费收入的57.7%。

    According to statistical figures of SIGMA issued by Swiss Reinsurance Co. ltd. , the life insurance premium income amounted to 1,236.6 billion US dollars in 1995 , 57.7 % of the world 's insurance premium income .

  23. 巨灾债券的发行,首先是债券发起人(巨灾补偿基金)为了分散其面临的巨灾风险,设立一个特殊目的机构(SPV)并与其签订再保险合约。

    At the beginning , in order to disperse catastrophe risk , the promoter ( catastrophe compensation fund ) sets a special purpose vehicle ( SPV ), and then signs a reinsurance contract with it .

  24. 在索赔数目服从Poisson分布、二项分布或负二项分布,以及索赔额分布的密度函数连续且有界的条件下,研究了溢额损失再保险条款的总体损失分布的条件递推方程。

    The marginal recursive equations on excess-of-loss reinsurance treaty were investigated , under the assumption that the number of claims belongs to the family consisting of Poisson , binomial and negative binomial , and that the severity distribution had bounded continuous density function .

  25. 在国外,随着HIH公司破产、AIG财务丑闻等事件的发生,监管机构加强了对有限风险再保险的监管。

    With the occurrence of bankruptcy of HIH , financial scandals of AIG and so on , some foreign coun - tries took many measures to enhance the supervision of finite risk reinsurance .

  26. 免赔额和NCD赔付条件下保险索赔次数的分布超额赔款再保险又分为险位超赔再保险、事故超赔再保险和累积超赔再保险三种方式。

    The Distribution about Numbers of Claims on Homogeneous Policyholders under NCD System and Stop Loss Insurance Excess of loss reinsurance composed of per risk excess of loss , per occurrence excess of loss and stop loss reinsurance .

  27. 最后进一步结合现实,依据Borch定理,提出再保险市场上的两种最优自留额确定模型(网式再保险模型和链式再保险模型)。

    Furthermore , we proposed two optimal retention models on the reinsurance by Borch theory ( nets of reinsurance and chains of reinsurance ) .

  28. 瑞士再保险公司首席风险官拉吉辛格(rajsingh)说:“保险业真正的联通程度将被降低,因为需要一种双重的触发才能产生重大的系统性影响。”

    Raj Singh , chief risk officer of Swiss Re , said : " the real interconnectivity for the insurance industry is more muffled in that there needs to be a dual trigger for there to be any big systemic effects . "

  29. 考虑具有均值-方差保费原理的超额损失再保险的最优策略问题,沿用Hipp的理论框架,以最小化破产概率为目标,得到一个Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman方程,并证明了其解的存在性及最优性。

    The optimal dynamic unlimited excess of loss reinsurance using the mean-variance premium principle is studied . Following Hipp 's theory , a corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation is obtained to minimize the ruin probability , and existence and optimality of the solution is proved .

  30. 保险经纪包括直接保险经纪和再保险经纪。

    Insurance brokerage includes direct insurance brokerage and re insurance brokerage .