
  1. 民俗旅游地旅游组织内部公共关系研究

    On the Internal Public Relations of Folklore Tourism Organization

  2. 论多校区高校的内部公共关系

    On the Inner Public Relations of the Multi-Campus Universities

  3. 加强南京体院内部公共关系工作的重要性和途径

    Importance and Way of Enhancing the Inside Public Relations in Nanjing Institute of PE

  4. 试论组织内部公共关系的沟通方略

    The Communication Tactics of Organization Inside Public Relation

  5. 风正人和&谈加强图书馆内部公共关系

    On the Inner Public Relationship of Libraries

  6. 试论学校内部公共关系

    On Interior Public Relationship of School

  7. 第二部分,重庆市科协内部公共关系与人力资源现状调查。

    In part two , the article mainly focused on the practical investigation on inner Public Relations and HR in Chongqing Science Association .

  8. 现有文献资料表明,科协内部公共关系与人力资源研究目前几乎还是空白。

    According to data and material presented today , there seems to be an empty in the research field of inner public relations and HR in Chongqing Science Association .

  9. 该部分首先分析了重庆市科协的性质与特点,为阐述关键概念,阐释重庆市科协内部公共关系与人力资源的联系奠定了基础。

    Firstly , it main analyzed the nature of Chongqing Science Association , which was the base of the explanation between inner Public Relations and HR in Chongqing Science Association .

  10. 高校图书馆作为资讯中心,通过树立公众形象、培养公共意识,实行开放服务、跟踪调查,建立良好的内部公共关系等途径,搭建高校图书馆与公众沟通的桥梁,以期提升高校图书馆以人为本的服务理念。

    As the information center , the university library should communicate with the public and promote the service by establishing the public image , training the public consciousness , operating the open service , and establishing the good internal public relationship .

  11. 文章主要探讨了媒介的内部公共关系,媒介客户关系管理、公共关系和新闻传播的双赢策略、媒介与竞争者的关系、公共关系下的新闻策划等问题。

    The article includes the issues of the Public Relations in media , media 's customer relation management , " win-win " strategy of Public Relations and Journalism , the relations of media and competitor , scheme of news under Public Relations , and so on .

  12. 如何坚持以人为本加强内部公共关系管理,协调好高校内部各方面关系,塑造良好组织形象,提升组织核心竞争力是高等学校面临的亟待解决的问题。

    How to insist to " people first " strengthen the management of internal public relations , coordinate each aspect 's relations of college inside , build good organization image , promotion organization core competition ability is the problem that university is faced with solves urgently .

  13. 本文通过大量的当代人力资源管理、公共关系等相关理论的前沿材料,运用理论探讨与实证调查相结合的方法,力图对重庆市科协内部公共关系与人力资源状况进行比较全面深入的研究。

    This article cited a lot of latest material from the theory field of temporal HR and Public Relations . It made use of the integration between theory exploration and demonstration , and tried to make a comparably deep research on inner Public Relations and HR in Chongqing Science Association .

  14. 论企业内部稽核与公共关系的有机结合

    On the Organic Combination of Internal Auditing and Public Relations within a Corporation