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  • implosion;implode
内爆[nèi bào]
  1. 激光内爆靶的四分幅X射线阴影成像诊断实验和理论模拟

    Study of laser implosion dynamics by four-frame X-ray shadowgraphy and theoretical simulation

  2. Z箍缩内爆等离子体双层丝阵负载设计的物理分析

    Physical analysis for designing nested-wire arrays on Z-pinch implosion

  3. 发动机内爆了。

    The engine imploded

  4. 快Z箍缩钨丝阵内爆物理研究

    Physical research of fast Z-pinch implosion for the W multi-wire arrays

  5. Z箍缩内爆过程中的能量转换机制研究

    Studies on the mechanism of energy transformation in implosion processes of the Z-pinches

  6. 本文报道X射线阴影成像诊断技术的新发展,以及应用新发展的四分幅X射线阴影成像诊断于激光内爆微球靶动力过程的研究结果。

    We present here studies of laser imploded glass microballoons by the newly developed time-resolved four-frame X-ray shadowgraphy .

  7. Z箍缩内爆等离子体研究新进展

    New progress of Z-pinch imploding plasma research

  8. 喷气Z箍缩内爆等离子体的雪铲模型

    Snowplow model of gas-puff Z-pinch imploding plasma

  9. 通过测量源区和内爆区X射线辐射空间能谱结构,结果表明源区X射线辐射能谱是非平衡的,而内爆区X射线辐射能谱近似为Planck谱。

    The spectrum of the radiation from the implosion region was similar to a Planck spectrum .

  10. SCR脱硝装置对锅炉内爆影响的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Influence of SCR Denitration Reactor on Furnace Implosion

  11. 淤浆法HDPE反应器内爆聚的原因分析及预防

    Cause and Prevention of Explosive Polymerization in Slurry Process HDPE

  12. 新的挑战在纽交所西北七个街区处出现了,这里是美林总部所在地世界金融中心大厦(WorldFinancialCentre)。这家投资银行正处于内爆过程。

    It arrived seven blocks north-west of the NYSE , at the World Financial Centre headquarters of Merrill Lynch , where the investment bank was in the process of imploding .

  13. 金属丝阵Z箍缩(Zpinch)内爆是产生强x射线辐射的重要方法之一。

    The Z-pinch implosion from a wire array load is one of the ways to generate strong x-ray radiation .

  14. FGD系统对锅炉内爆的影响研究

    Study on influence of FGD system upon Furnace Implosion

  15. 讨论了离子束直接驱动压力型ICF靶球内爆的可能性。

    An implosion model with ion beam direct drive is presented .

  16. 叙述一维辐射磁流体力学方程组(三温)的数值模拟,用于电磁内爆X射线计算。

    The paper describes one dimensional simulations of radiation magneto hydrodynamics ( RMHD ) ( 3T ) for X ray calculation of electro magnetic implosion .

  17. 核乳胶在激光直接驱动内爆DT燃料离子温度诊断中应用

    Application of nuclear emulsion in DT fuel ions temperature diagnostic in direct-driven implosions

  18. 激光直接驱动内爆DT燃料面密度诊断

    DT fuel areal density diagnostic in direct-driven implosions

  19. 实验证实双层金属丝阵负载Z箍缩内爆等离子体产生的X光辐射源,与单层丝阵负载相比可以提高40%的功率。

    Z-pinch experiments have demonstrated that x-ray power was increased more 40 % with a nested-wire array than with a wire array .

  20. 衬套内爆ALE方法二维MHD数值模拟

    ALE simulation of 2D MHD for liner

  21. 在神光(10~(12)W)激光器上,用充Ne靶丸开展了内爆压缩实验研究。

    The compression experiments with neon-filled microballoons were performed using Shen-guang ( 10 ~ ( 12 ) W ) neodymium glass laser facility .

  22. 在此基础上,结合FLOWVR集成环境中的体网格生成及流场解算器对建筑群内爆、多管道流动等问题进行了数值模拟及分析。

    Together with the existing FLOW_VR environment , the software developed in the thesis is used to simulate flow fields associated with internal explosions within a group of buildings .

  23. 结果表明,在LF-12装置上,对不同的靶,激光辐射驱动内爆的中子产额为103&105。

    The results show that the neutron yields for implosion are between 103 and 105 under different target conditions at the LF-12 facility .

  24. 当相邻各丝的等离子体膨胀到相互接触和汇合的程度,Z箍缩的主电流才开始加载,驱动各丝汇合形成的等离子体套筒内爆。

    Main current of Z pinch is loaded and then it driven the plasma liner to implode when singe wire plasma column touches and couples with each other .

  25. 介绍了首次利用三台亚千X光能谱仪和一台针孔相机研究腔靶内爆区X光发射机制,实验结果表明内爆区X光发射主要是壁X光面发射。

    The mechanism of x - ray emission in hohlraum targets was experimentally studied with three soft x-ray energy spectrometers and a pinhole camera . The principal mechanism of x-ray emission was given .

  26. 计算结果表明:FCT方法有较高计算精度,给出了不稳定性发展的好的图象,适合于ICF烧蚀和内爆流体不稳定性问题的计算。

    It shows that the FCT method is fit to simulations of instabilities of ICF problems .

  27. 研究了在ICF内爆区的条件下,热电子对氩等离子体粒子布居和K壳层发射谱的影响。

    The effect of hot electrons under the conditions of ICF on the population kinetics and K shell emission spectra of argon plasmas are investigated in detail .

  28. Z-pinch内爆等离子体时空分辨诊断技术

    Time-space-resolved diagnostic technique for Z-pinch plasma investigation

  29. 本文介绍了在LF-12装置上,用塑料闪烁探测器诊断辐射驱动内爆低产额中子的过程,并讨论了中子产额与靶型及靶参数的关系。

    Low DT neutron yields for indirect drive implosion were measured on the LF-12 facility , and the relation between neutron yield and the target type was discussed .

  30. 为避免RTT精确测量时产生的反馈内爆问题,采用了基于随机定时器机制的反馈抑制策略。

    A feedback suppression based on a random timer mechanism is given to avoid feedback implosions during the accurate measurement .