
nèi yì zhì
  • internal inhibition
内抑制[nèi yì zhì]
  1. 显微注射法建立HCV5'NCR和C区转基因细胞模型以及核酶细胞内抑制HCV基因表达作用的研究

    Establishment of Transgenic Cell Lines for HCV 5'NCR , C by Microinjection and Inhibition of HCV Gene Expression by Hammerhead Ribozymes

  2. 仿真结果表明H∞PSS能够在较大的运行范围内抑制振荡,显示了良好的鲁棒性。

    It shows that H ∞ PSS can restrain the oscillation under a wider range of operating conditions and has better robustness .

  3. 对Huang来说,最令人激动的可能是该工具包提供了观察活体大脑内抑制过程具体运作的机会。

    Perhaps most exiting to Huang is the opportunity to view the manner in which inhibition functions in a living brain .

  4. 结论TBI后脑内抑制性神经递质GABA及其受体GABAAR的表达下调也可能是继发性脑损害的重要因素之一。

    Conclusion The decrease of inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA and its receptor GABA AR might also be one of the important factors in secondary brain injury after TBI .

  5. 结论此核酶在胞外具有特异切割活性,在肝星状细胞内抑制TGFβ1的表达,有望为肝纤维化的治疗提供新的手段。

    Conclusion The ribozyme with perfect cleavage activity in the cell-free system used inhibited TGF β 1 expression effectively in activated HSCs . This ribozyme can provide a potential therapeutic approach for liver fibrosis .

  6. 其他人认为,对经济的担忧只是短时间内抑制了寻求上市的公司,今年下半年,IPO市场将收获大丰收,实情确实如此。

    Others argued that economic concerns were temporarily holding back IPO candidates and that a bumper crop of them would emerge in the second half of the year , and this is indeed what has happened .

  7. 目的:为研究脑梗死后脑内抑制性氨基酸(IAAs)递质的变化规律及其意义。

    Objective : To study the dynamic changes of inhibitory amino acids ( IAAS ) transmitters in patients with cerebral infarction and their basic and clinical significance .

  8. 20mg·kg~(-1)尼卡地平显著提高杏仁核点燃大鼠脑内抑制性氨基酸神经递质GABA的含量(P0.05)。

    20 mg · kg-1 of nicardipine significantly increased the content of GABA , a kind of inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitter , in the brain of amygdala kindled rats ( P 0.05 ) .

  9. 杜仲叶酶提取物和乙醇提取物在亚油酸氧化体系试验中的浓度剂蚤范围内抑制率均未达到50%,而TBHQ的效果最好。

    In linoleic acid system , the enzyme extract and the ethanol extract have not reached 50 % , TBHQ demonstrates good in scavenging activity .

  10. 目的通过成功纯视细胞移植,观察RCS鼠视皮质内抑制性神经递质γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)的分布和变化。

    Objective We observe the γ - aminobutyric acid ( GABA )′ s variation in the visual cortex of Royal College of Surgeons Rat ( RCS rat )′ s retina following the photoreceptor cell transplantation .

  11. 目的构建siRNA的DNA表达载体,为研究RNAi在哺乳动物内抑制靶基因表达奠定基础。

    Objective To construct DNA expression vector of siRNA , and to study the target gene expression inhibition by RNAi in mammalian cells . Methods The hairpin structure of siRNA transcript template targeting EGFP gene was first synthesized .

  12. 本研究结果对于揭示MDH内抑制性局部环路的构成具有重要意义,为阐明痛信息传递与调控的机制提供了依据。

    Our results play an important significance in revealing the inhibitory intrinsic circuit in the MDH . It provides basic evidence for elucidating the mechanism of transmitting and modulation of pain .

  13. 目的:探讨脊髓小脑变性(SCD)患者脑脊液中兴奋性和抑制性氨基酸的变化。目的:为研究脑梗死后脑内抑制性氨基酸(IAAs)递质的变化规律及其意义。

    Objectives : To study the contents of excitatory amino acids ( EAAs ) and inhibitory amino acids ( IAAs ) in cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) in patients with spinocerebellar degeneration ( SCD ) and the correlation between SCD and clinical features .

  14. 中药复方合剂在试管内抑制真菌情况的观察报告

    Observation on fungi inhibition by mixture Chinese traditional drugs in test tubes

  15. 移码突变和异义突变都能被基因内抑制基因所抑制。

    Both frameshift and missense mutations can be suppressed by intragenic suppressors .

  16. 利用上述现象可以在反应器内抑制气体涡旋,控制气体的定向流动。

    Using corona discharge can restrain gas swirl in the reactor , control the gas flow .

  17. 液体粘性可在小范围内抑制扰动增长;表面张力作用的提高使扰动最大增长率呈线性衰减。

    As the surface tension effect is enhanced , the maximum growth rates of the disturbances decrease .

  18. ‘金冠’苹果盛花后14天喷施1200ppm敌百虫可以引发落果,在短期内抑制幼果的生长。

    Sprayed on ' Colden Delicious ' apple 14 days after full bloom , 1200 ppm dipterex induced fruit abscission .

  19. 鱼精蛋白的抗菌效果迅速,是一种即时效应,可以在短时间内抑制大部分微生物。

    Antimicrobial action of protamine is rapid and immediate effect , it can inhibit or kill majority of microorganism during a short time .

  20. 拉托指出,信贷紧缩是一场尚未结束的“严重危机”,将在全球范围内抑制增长。

    Mr Rato said the credit squeeze was a " serious crisis " that was not over yet and would curtail growth worldwide .

  21. 试图人为压低能源价格将令国内生产商付出沉重代价,同时会刺激能源消费,而在长期内抑制能源生产。

    Trying to artificially hold down prices has heavy costs for domestic producers , encourages consumption , and dampens energy production over time .

  22. 但如果我们继续像前人一样走下去,去杠杆化的需要将在未来一段时间内抑制就业和经济增长。

    But if we continue as others have before , the need to deleverage will dampen employment and growth for some time to come .

  23. 探索脑太极治癌仪仿生物理治癌的新途径:激活脑内抑制性神经递质调治肝癌小鼠的重复实验研究

    A new physical approach to treat cancer by Nao Taiji bionic instrument : repeated experiment on nursing and curing hepatoma mice by activating inhibitory transmitter in brain

  24. 这一工艺由生产所用的原料奶开始,随后立刻冷藏在一小段时间内抑制微生物的生长。

    The steps involved begin with raw milk at the point of production , followed immediately by refrigerated storage to inhibit microbial growth for a limited period of time .

  25. 它既能给人提供更为丰富的,数量更多的艺术品,也能使人禁固在一个狭小的风格内抑制创造力的发展,不断生产相似的作品。

    It can give people more numerous works of art , also can make them in a small corral style development within the stifle creativity to produce similar works .

  26. 抗氰呼吸抑制剂水杨径肟酸强烈地抑制组织切片的创伤呼吸,并在相当长时间内抑制陈化的组织的呼吸。

    Salicylhydroxamic acid ( SHAM ) can substantially inhibit wound respiration of excised bark tissues and intensely inhibit the respiration in aging tissue slices for a period of considerable length .

  27. 在烯烃过量的情况下,苯和甲苯对噻吩烷基化反应的影响很小,而二甲苯的存在则可以在反应刚开始的较短时间内抑制噻吩的烷基化反应;

    When concentration of hexene in system was superfluous , the influence of benzene and toluene on thiophene alkylation was not obvious , but xylene could restrain thiophene alkylation at initial stage of reaction .

  28. 美国不同行业的各种担忧表明,即便国会最终达成协议,对于财政悬崖的担忧也可能会在今年余下时间内抑制企业活动。

    The range of concerns in different industries across the country suggests that fear of the fiscal cliff could damp business activity for the rest of the year even if Congress eventually strikes a deal .

  29. 另一个相似之处在于,一旦由信贷拉动的资产价格泡沫破裂,由此引发的债务去杠杆化让货币政策变得不那么有效,并会在很长一段时期内抑制经济增长。

    The US is like Japan in that the debt deleveraging that occurs , once such a credit-fuelled asset price bubble has burst , makes monetary policy less effective and keeps growth muted for a long time .

  30. 应在全国范围内抑制虚报,科学地确定地震预报的震级下限,通过清理地震预报方法提高报准率,从总体上提高地震预报效益;

    False prediction should be restrained throughout China , scientifically determine the lower magnitude limit of earthquake prediction , raise accurate rate of earthquake prediction through checking up on earthquake prediction methods , increase the effect of earthquake prediction as a whole ;