
nèi hū xī
  • internal respiration;tissue respiration
内呼吸[nèi hū xī]
  1. 熟悉呼吸的概念、意义及呼吸的三个环节(外呼吸、气体运输与内呼吸)。

    To be familiar with the concept , significance of the respiration , respiratory process ( external respiration , gas transport and internal respiration ) .

  2. 血液与人体其他组织之间的气体交换是另一种呼吸,叫做内呼吸,或组织呼吸。

    The exchange of gases between the blood and other tissues in the body is another form of respiration , called internal respiration , or tissue respiration .

  3. 方法对281例正常人及866例COPD患者行肺功能检测,弥散功能测定应用内呼吸法。

    Methods Pulmonary function , diffusion capacity examinations by " intrabreath " method were performed in 281 normal subjects and 866 patients with COPD .

  4. Prion的自由基假说认为:人体内呼吸作用会产生许多活性很强的自由基,这些自由基很可能会进攻蛋白质,引起氧化损伤。

    Free radical theory assumes that some strongly active free radicals produced by respiration can probably attack proteins and cause oxidative damage in vivo .

  5. 目的探讨应用内呼吸法测定弥散功能时呼出气甲烷改变值(△CH4)反映肺内气体分布状况的可能性及对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)肺内气体分布状况的诊断价值。

    Objective To study the diagnostic value of the changes of methane concentration in expired air with " intrabreath " method for evaluating the intra-pulmonary air distribution , and the possible value for diagnosis of the unevenness of intra-pulmonary air distribution in COPD .

  6. 气管内呼吸压力的测量方法

    The Measurement Method for Respiratory Pressure in Trachea

  7. 单次呼吸法和内呼吸法测定老年人肺弥散功能比较

    Comparison Between Single-breath Method and Intra-breath Method of Measuring Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity in the Aged

  8. 内呼吸法甲烷改变值对慢性阻塞性肺疾病肺内气体分布状况的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of the changes of methane concentration in expired air for intra-pulmonary air distri-bution by " intrabreath " method

  9. 本文借鉴人体内呼吸循环系统的分形结构,利用微电子机械光刻加工工艺,设计制造了一套新型分形树状微通道微电子芯片散热器。

    In this paper , a new fractal tree-like microchannel heat sink for cooling of electronic chips was fabricated on silicon wafers by advanced MEMS technology .

  10. 目的:比较内呼吸法和单次呼吸法在测定老年人肺弥散功能的差异和临床应用价值.方法:先后采用两种方法对同一病人测定肺弥散功能,共测定242例老年人。

    Objective : To compare the differences and values of clinical application between single-breath method ( SB ) and intra-breath ( IB ) of measuring the pulmonary diffusing capacity in the aged .

  11. 外呼吸是肺中氧与二氧化碳的交换。内呼吸是人体个别细胞吸人氧.及释放二氧化碳。

    External respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs . Internal respiration is the intake of oxygen by the individual cells of the body and the release of carbon dioxide .

  12. 作者运用无创性同时间监测心肺功能的技术,测定了113名健康人、42名无组织缺氧症和45名伴组织缺氧症的肺心病人的外呼吸、心血管和内呼吸功能。

    The functions of the external and internal respiration , and cardiovascular functions were measured using the technique of noninvasive and synchronous monitoring cardio - pulmonary function in 113 healthy subjects , 42 non-hypoxic and 45 hypoxic patients with cor pulmonale .

  13. 随着成像技术的进一步发展,图像引导放疗成为解决放疗中的分次间摆位和分次内呼吸条件下肿瘤不确定性问题的关键,且后者始终是该领域研究的热点和难点。

    With the further development of the imaging technology , image guided radiotherapy become the key to solve the problem of uncertainty of the tumor in breathing condition between the inter-fractional and intra-fractional setup , and the latter is always the hot and the difficulty spot in field research .

  14. 但是,施肥处理并没有引起两个树种林分内土壤呼吸温度系数(Q(10))的改变。

    But fertilizer did not change the Q_ ( 10 ) of two plantations .

  15. 血红蛋白(Hemoglobin,Hb)是脊椎动物红细胞内的呼吸蛋白,由珠蛋白和血红素组成,是血液中分子氧的载体。

    Hemoglobin ( Hb ) is a respiratory protein in red blood cells of vertebrates , composed by the globin and heme , and it is the carrier of oxygen in the blood .

  16. 细胞内线粒体呼吸链过程中的电子漏和神经细胞代谢的酶类如单胺氧化酶(MAO)等可产生活性氧物质(ROS)如H2O2等。

    Reactive oxygen species ( ROS ), such as H2O2 , can be produced by enzymes involved in electron leakage of respiration chain in mitochondria , and by neurochemical enzymes such as monoamine oxidase in neural cells .

  17. 探讨了在一定的贮藏时间内果蔬呼吸强度与袋内氧气浓度、二氧化碳浓度和温度的关系以及利用计算机技术进行MAP的最佳设计等方面的问题,从而为MAP技术更好地应用于果蔬保鲜提供参考。

    The theory background of MAP mathematical model , respiration rate of fruits and vegetables in MAP depending on atmosphere and temperature as well as optimum design of MAP were discussed . It would provide a reference for application of MAP in fruits and vegetables storage .

  18. 方法:测定通过口服途径亚慢性暴露于百草枯、MPTP或等量生理盐水的小鼠脑内线粒体呼吸链中复合酶Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ及柠檬酸合成酶的活性。

    Methods : Activities of complex ⅰ, complex ⅱ, complex ⅳ and citrate synthase were measured after mice exposed to paraquat or MPTP or the same amount normal saline administered orally every day for 2 months .

  19. 辅酶Q10(CoQ10)作为一种细胞内代谢呼吸激活剂,具有很高的临床应用价值,其生物合成法颇受国内外学者的关注。

    As an activator of metabolism and respiration in the cell , coenzyme Q 10 ( CoQ - { 10 } ) possesses a high significance in clinical application , and its biosynthesis has been studied intensively all over the world .

  20. 线粒体是细胞内进行呼吸化学的一部机器。

    The mitochondrion is a machine within the cell that does the chemistry of breathing .

  21. 工作高效过滤器过滤的空气由风机送入头盔内的呼吸区。

    The helmet breathing zone which is confined with pressurized and fanned air after HEPA filtrated .

  22. 被南棘蛇咬一口会引起麻痹并会在6小时内由于呼吸衰竭而死亡。

    A bite causes paralysis and can cause death within 6 hours , due to respiratory failure .

  23. 最近,有些研究者们一直在恐龙鼻腔内寻找呼吸鼻甲骨。

    More recently , some researchers have looked for respiratory turbinates in the nasal passages of dinosaurs .

  24. 通过计算,兴安落叶松人工林土壤一年内的呼吸总量为588gCm-2a-1。

    As a result , the annual soil respiration amount was estimated as 588 gCm ~ ( - 2 ) a ~ ( - 1 ) for Larch forest .

  25. 目的:应用脉冲振荡法(IOS)探讨大气道内肿物的呼吸阻抗特征和临床意义。

    Objective : To study the characteristics and clinical significance of respiratory impedance in patients with intratracheal tumor with impulse oscillometry ( IOS ) .

  26. 目的探讨长春地区内儿童睡眠呼吸障碍的流行病学特点;儿童OSAHS的诊断及对儿童生长发育的影响。

    Objective : To explore epidemiological characteristics of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome ( OSAHS ) and its diagnosis and impact on children 's growth .

  27. 为防低氧血症,所有患者均应用HFJV,观察通气前和通气后11d内血气、呼吸率和脉搏等指标的变化。

    All the patients underwent HFJV to correct hypoxia . The changes in blood gas analysis , respiratory rate and pulse were recorded before and 11 days after the ventilation .

  28. 结论降低HIE所致的智残,除力争在5min内建立有效呼吸和完善的循环功能外,还要重视复苏后心、肾、脑的保护。

    Conclusions : To reduce the incidence of mental deficiency caused by HIE , spontaneous breath should be founded in less than 5 minutes , protection of heart , kidneys and brain after resuscitation should be emphasized and children with HIE should be treated as early ss possible .

  29. 记录双侧膈神经放电和气管内压作为呼吸的指标。

    Thephrenic nerve discharges of both sides and the intratracheal pressure were monitored .

  30. 当压力在1个大气压以上时,2到6个小时内会出现呼吸系统病症。

    Respiratory symptoms can occur in two to six hours at pressures above 1 atmosphere .