- 名concrete concept

Concrete Concept as the Basic Form of Dialectical Thinking
The content implied in the concrete concept is highly condensed judgement and reasoning .
We cognize the abstract idea of time by concrete concepts .
Abstract and concrete concepts have structurally different representational frameworks
The maturity degree of the concrete concept represents the maturity of dialectical thinking .
Feng Qi 's Idea on Concrete Conception
Poverty is a concrete concept .
Finally , thought B / S mode and cloud computing brought some benefit for people .
Then the " game " is what the specific concept , which people are not well defined .
The concrete concept constitutes the basic form of dialectical thinking and the major subject studies of dialectical logic .
This page means to make a comparison between these two technologies from aspect of architecture and concrete concepts .
At last , suggestions and actionable goals of future family-used ink-jet printer trend were provided by the concepts .
The concrete concepts and dialectic judgements so called are the outcomes of the human cognition in the long run .
In the thinking movement of " consistence and different consideration ", logical thinking grasps the truth through specific concrete concept .
In different grades or different evaluation fields , or even for different purposes , the concrete concept of action is different .
The music without exact and specific concept is just the best medium of man 's primary nature to go on aesthetic experience .
He defines the meaning of concrete conception , reveals its essence , clarifies its traits and probes deeply into its course of forming .
In the chain of understanding development , the concrete concept of the first part becomes a abstract concept of next part as a beginning point .
From the Perspective of the physical basis of the neural networks , the conceptual structures , although finite , are capable of producing infinite concrete structures .
The expansion of the concrete concept in dialectical thinking reflects the fundamental principles of dialectical thinking , hence the significance of the concrete concept in dialectical thinking .
First of all , summarized the different understanding of the meaning of " universal value ", thus explain the perspective of this study , define the specific concepts .
The study also indicates that metaphors in economics texts are grounded in our bodily experience and abstract economic concepts are understood by concrete terms from the physical world .
Because of different angles , scholar pose many different conception of ecological compensation , because of according to different standards , ecological compensation is divided into many patterns .
In other words , the distinction between abstract and concrete concepts in the development of understanding is always relative , and it is absolute just in a particular stage .
The second part is to introduce the means , method and process of the research , and briefly explain the chosen sample , and give the concrete concept in the paper .
They can be mapped onto target domains to refer to different concepts including concrete concepts and more abstract concepts like space , time , quantity , action , activity , and attribute .
The concept extension and concept intension of environmental management for source water protection in plain river network are defined . The subject and object , principles and means , directions and emphases are discussed .
This paper divides the general concept of culture into some specific concepts . It emphasizes that the comparison study of customs , history , religion and political development will have a key role in foreign language teaching .
Considerable differences exist in expressive habit and the expression of concrete concept and abstract concept in English and Chinese . It is not avoidable to extend the meaning of words with details and abstraction in mutual translation of English and Chinese .
In view of different discussion on the essence of images , this paper proposes that the essence of images be imagination , images be not imagination plus thinking , " concrete conception followed by imagination " be not the basic unit of images action .