
  1. 目的探求关中民居从历史传统中走出富有特色的发展道路。

    Aim To research the unique development method of vernacular dwelling of Guanzhong region for the modern society .

  2. 关中民居做为中国西北地区特色建筑有着辉煌的历史,但作为现代地域文化中的城市和建筑面临着逐渐衰落和消亡的危险。

    As an urban and architectural character of the local culture is facing the danger of gradual decline and demise .

  3. 第二部分,对关中民居的总体特征及演进过程进行了分析。

    The second part of the reason for the formation of customs houses and in the context of evolution were analyzed .

  4. 第一部分,提出了为何研究关中民居院落空间形态的本因,以及由此所构建的框架。

    The first part , why the need to study proposed houses off in the form of the courtyard space for , and hence the basic framework of the building .

  5. 最后,文章结合个人观点,对继承与发展关中传统民居特征的现代建筑设计策略加以总结、评价与反思。

    Finally , the article with personal views on the inheritance and development related features of traditional houses to sum up the modern architectural design strategies , evaluation and reflection .

  6. 正是其独特的地理环境,造就了其独具特色的地域乡土文化,从而形成了富有地域文化特色的关中传统民居建筑形式。

    It is its unique geographical environment , creating a local culture of its unique geographical , thus forming a rich local cultural characteristics of the traditional architecture of the relevant forms .

  7. 关中传统民居历经悠久而漫长的发展过程,凝聚了历代关中人民改造自然,利用自然的智慧结晶。

    Off in the traditional house after a long and protracted process of development , the combination of ancient customs of the people to transform nature , the use of natural wisdom .

  8. 其次,论文结合西安实际项目案例,较为全面地分析如何在设计过程中对关中传统民居特征要素进行继承与发展。

    Secondly , the paper cases with the actual project in Xi ' an , a more comprehensive analysis of how the design process features of the relevant elements of traditional houses in the inheritance and development .

  9. 通过对关中不同地区民居聚落的调研走访,从中归纳和总结出关中地区民居院落空间形态的特点。

    By Guanzhong investigation residential settlement in different regions to visit , from which sum up the relevant form in the region features residential courtyard space .

  10. 目的韩城党家村作为陕西省古村落旅游资源的典型代表,凝聚着陕西关中地区的民居特色。

    Aim As the typical representative model of ancient village tourism resources among Shannxi province , Dangjia Village , Hancheng , Shaanxi , China has the Guanzhong region feature of old residence .