
  • 网络Common Dreams;shared dream
  1. 通过分析其背景,共同话题,共同梦想,我们可以总结出两人物的谈话方式是与心理语言学交谈的本质特性相符。

    By analyzing the background , the common ground and the shared dream , we can conclude that their conversation style is in accord with the attributes of the nature of conversational processes in psychology of language .

  2. 我找到了与我有共同梦想的丈夫,但没料到我们没有生育能力。

    I found the man who shared my dream , but we had not reckoned on the possibility of infertility .

  3. 在道教看来,飞行是得道成仙的最佳证明,同时,飞行也是古往今来人们的共同梦想。

    Flying , the best proof of becoming immortals for Taoism , is also the common dream of people through the ages .

  4. 对白色空床的共同梦想象征着两位当代学者对简单秩序的共同渴望;

    The same dream for the " white empty beds " symbolizes the two contemporary scholars ' common desire for simplicity and order ;

  5. 我热爱我的学校,所以我热爱我的班级。班级就像另一个家一样,这儿有着与我带着共同梦想的伙伴。

    I love my school , so I love my class , which is just like another home with my fellows owning the same dream .

  6. 前者是一个热血沸腾的汽车人,后者则是才华横溢的设计师,他们在共同梦想中携手打造心中的赛车。

    The former is an emotional one car , while the latter is talented designers , they work together to create a common dream of racing hearts .

  7. 通过接受职业教育,获得可持续发展能力,进而成为技术技能领城的专家,是职业院校学生的共同梦想。

    It is the common dream for vocational school students to obtain the ability of sustainable development and become the expert in the field of technology and skill through taking vocational education .

  8. 作为一个在中国动画产业高速成长的公司,37始终寻找着那些对电影制作和动画有共同梦想的有志之士。

    As one of the fastest growing and successful company in the Chinese animation industry , we at37 are always searching for talents who share a passion in movie making and animation .

  9. 中国人民发自内心地拥护实现中国梦,因为中国梦首先是13亿中国人民的共同梦想。

    The Chinese people support the Chinese dream from the bottom of their hearts , because this dream is , first and foremost , a dream shared by the 1.3 billion people of China .

  10. 从本质上来说,我所勾画的并非我一己的梦想,而是埃及“活跃的大多数人”的共同梦想其中的许多青年团体,我一年多来一直在与他们亲密共事。

    What I have outlined is not my vision , per se ; it is a vision shared by a robust majority of Egyptians , including the many youth groups with whom I have been working closely for more than a year .

  11. 国际一流船级社是CCS(中国船级社)几代人共同的梦想,也是中国造船和航运界共同的期盼。

    To build into a well advanced international classification society has been the dream of several generations of CCS people and also the common expectation of the Chinese shipbuilding and shipping industries .

  12. 今天我们聚集在一起为着一个共同的梦想。

    Girl : Today we get together with one common dream .

  13. 和谐是人类共同的梦想,是人类共同的追求。

    Harmony is the common pursuit and dream of mankind .

  14. 新加坡人能够拥有这种共同的梦想吗?

    Would we be able to share such dreams with fellow singaporeans ?

  15. 通过游仙,诗人传达了人类共同的梦想和希冀。

    Through Youxian , poets have expressed mankind 's common dreams and hopes .

  16. 这是我们共同的梦想。

    Shannon Christie : This was our dream together .

  17. 共同的梦想,和一个安宁的地球!

    One Dream , and Peace on Earth .

  18. 3.拥有共同的梦想我的一个同性恋朋友和他的另一半都是健身爱好者。

    Share the Same Dream My gay friend and his partner are fitness buffs .

  19. 这是我们共同的梦想。我不想这梦想中没有你。

    This was our dream together . I don 't want this without you !

  20. 绿色奥运,我们共同的梦想&菲菲森旺的绿色之梦

    Green Olympic games , our common dream

  21. 我们有着共同的梦想。

    We all share the same dream .

  22. 人与自然和谐,一直是人类共同的梦想与追求。

    Harmony between name and nature , has long been a common dream of mankind .

  23. 我将这张支票放入父亲的棺材内因为那是我们共同的梦想。

    I put that check in the casket with my father because it was our dream together .

  24. 因为共同的梦想,我们聚集了一群具有专业素质、创新精神的追梦人。

    Because a common dream , we have gathered a group of professional quality , innovative dream-chaser .

  25. 精神上的和睦你会感到相处的很亲密并体会到共同享受梦想的幸福。

    The spiritual harmony you feel in this intimate relationship will be exhilarating as you share your dreams together .

  26. 我知道大家一定会来的,因为我坚信,在那里,我们定能畅想未来,编织起共同的梦想。

    I knew all of you would come , because I believed that we could establish a dream there .

  27. 我真诚的邀请您加入到我们这个充满生机的团队中来,一起努力实现我们共同的梦想!

    I sincerely invite you to join our fresh and promising team , working together to fulfill our dreams .

  28. 我们有一个共同的梦想,那就是有一天,中华之声将响彻全球!

    We have a common dream that one day the voice of China will be widely heard throughout the world !

  29. 他们对自己的女儿也寄予厚望,两家人虽然身在不同的非洲和美洲大陆,却有着共同的梦想。

    And they , too , had big dreams for their daughter . A common dream , born of two continents .

  30. 3年前,和杜勇有着相同的舞蹈激情的女孩远走他乡,独留杜勇一人为二人共同的梦想奋斗。

    THE girl who shared Du Yong 's passion for dance left three years ago , leaving him fighting alone for their dream .