
ɡònɡ xiǎnɡ ruǎn jiàn
  • shareware
  1. PC下载世界-因特网收集测试了,评估并且考察自由软件,共享软件,演示,和试用软件。

    PC Download World - the Internet collection of tested , rated and reviewed freeware , shareware , demos , and trial software .

  2. 这个专有共享软件计算机代数系统是为纪念已故最著名数学家之一PierredeFermat而命名的。

    This proprietary , shareware computer algebra system is named for one of the most famous mathematicians who ever lived : Pierre de Fermat .

  3. 用于MIS的实时数据共享软件平台的设计与实现

    Establishment of Real-time Sharing Software Platform for MIS in Power Grid

  4. P2P共享软件的滥用是一个颇具争议的热门话题,非议者不少,而支持者亦众。

    The abuse of P2P share software is a very disputed and hot topic .

  5. 基于P2P的文件共享软件设计

    File Sharing Software Design Based on P2P

  6. 点对点(P2P)文件共享软件的广泛应用对现有的网络安全造成严重的影响。

    The widely used P2P file share software has incurred a significant threat to the modern network security .

  7. (收购图片共享软件Instagram应该会有所帮助。)

    ( buying instagram should help . )

  8. 对等式网络模型已成为现在的技术热点,本论文基于P2P实现了一个文件共享软件,在它基础上可以开发更复杂的P2P应用,为P2P应用的实现提供了基础。

    This paper realize a file sharing software based on p2p . It can build complex P2P application based on our software . Our work will provide base for P2P application .

  9. 该系统可缩短电子控制单元(ECU)的软件开发周期、提高可靠性和共享软件资源。

    The system can shorten the developing time of software for electronic control units ( ECU ), improve reliability and share software resources .

  10. 结合分布式科技信息资源整合共享软件系统实现了一个原型系统,并结合实际应用场景,实现了Web服务QoS信息的获取和简单使用。

    We also developed a prototype system under the background of the distributed Science and Technology information Integration and sharing software System , and combined the practical application scene and got the QoS information successfully which was applied to the relative applications .

  11. Gnutella被认为是纯粹的P2P系统的代表,目前世界上用户最多的文件共享软件都基于Gnutella网络模型。

    Gnutella networks model is the representative of pure P2P systems . At present the most software of the file sharing used are built on the Gnutella .

  12. 他制定了通用公共许可证(GPL),创造了copyleft规则,允许自由软件的用户可以随意拷贝、使用和修改并共享软件成果。

    He drew up General Public License ( GPL ), created a copyleft rules that allow free software users can share the fruit of software . They can copy , use and modify the software by free .

  13. 不过我们电脑里还是装有共享软件。

    But we still have file sharing software on the computer .

  14. 对共享软件当前的状况你有什么想法?

    What are your thoughts on the current state of shareware ?

  15. 我想在浏览器中会有一系列的共享软件链接。

    I think my browser has a list of shareware links .

  16. 共享软件的硬盘序列号保护机制的实现

    The Realization of a Harddisk SN Protection System in a Shared Software

  17. 共享软件-让你在购买之前试用的软件。

    Shareware - Try before you buy software downloaded from the net .

  18. 不同操作系统下共享软件的实现

    The Realization of Shared Software in Different Operating Systems

  19. 共享软件的序列号保护方式研究

    Research on Serial Number Protection Approach of Shareware

  20. 今日共享软件之概念和你老那时候的相同么?

    Q : Is shareware the same concept today as when you first started ?

  21. 软件储存库&这些储存库是所有共享软件的项目必须使用的。

    Software repositories & These storehouses are necessities for all projects that share software .

  22. 所有免费、试用、演示、共享软件下载信息请发布在此版块。

    FREE , TRIAL , DEMO , SHAREWARE softwares download should be posted here .

  23. 软件许可:共享软件狗熊的照片。

    Software description : about bears of the world , changing pictures of bears wildlife .

  24. VB.NET共享软件注册

    Share Software Registration In VB . NET

  25. 开源软件的法律特征使开源软件从根本上区别于私有软件、共享软件等其他软件类别。

    It is the legal features that make the open source software different from proprietary software .

  26. 希望增加一些针对国内共享软件作者销售方面的指导。

    Hope to increase author the instruction on how to sell for the domestic shareware authors .

  27. 软件被非法拷贝或非法使用,是一个比较普遍的现象,因此许多共享软件采用了加密。

    As illegal software copy and usage are widespread , encrypt is adopted by many shared softwares .

  28. 怎样才能赚钱?怎样才能确保我在共享软件上面的投资是值得的。

    How to make money with Shareware ? How can I make sure my investment is worthwhile ?

  29. 由于巨大的利益驱动,针对共享软件的盗版与破解日益为之泛滥,目前人们越来越重视共享软件版权的保护问题。

    Due to the huge profit-driven , the copyright piracy and crack of sharewares increasing day by day .

  30. 因此,我们中的一员加载了应用共享软件并在会议呼叫中拨打其他两位。

    So , one of us loads application sharing software and dials the other two in a conference call .